Paul , I like your post about health data breach. This is a violation of Hippa rights when data from a health institution is breached. Government officials always enforce strict regulations to prevent data from health institution to be vulgarized and breached. As always when there is a data breach there is also a Trust "breach ". Many PI's are at risks, reporting agencies are contacted and a good incident response plan must be
In the health care business, there are certain standards and laws that have been put in place to protect our patients and their personal health information. When a health care facility fails to protect their patient’s confidential information, the US Government may get involved and facilities may be forced to pay huge sums of money in fines, and risk damaging their reputation.
This case presents a prime example of privacy violation. The Federal privacy rule 42 CFR, part 2 mandated addition privacy protection for any health record that is generated in the treatment of patients in the federal alcohol and drug program (Hughes, 2002). The HIPAA privacy rule dictates that healthcare organizations must not disclose any identifying patient information, or alert any entity that a particular patient is participating in alcohol/drug treatment program. This type of privacy breach must be reported promptly to the internal review board (IRB), compliance officer, risk management office and the privacy officer at the healthcare organization. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) act also mandated that any healthcare organization or any covered entity under the HIPAA act should promptly notify individual patients about the accidental disclosure of their medical information; the time from discovery of breach of PHI to patient’s notification must not be more than 60 days. In addition, to patient notification, the covered entity must also report such incidents to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and to the media if the breach affects more than 500 patients, and if the breach affects less than 500 patients, notifying the patients and the
. HIPAA privacy rules are complicated and extensive, and set forth guidelines to be followed by health care providers and other covered entities such as insurance carriers and by consumers. HIPAA is very specific in its requirements regarding the release of information, but is not as specific when it comes to the manner in which training and policies are developed and delivered within the health care industry. This paper will discuss how HIPAA affects a patient's access to their medical records, how and under what circumstances personal health information can be released to other entities for purposes
I think that HIPAA is very important for the protection of patients’ private health information. I feel that if I would find out that my private health records had been breached in a local health care facility, I would be very concerned and upset. It’s expected by patients that the utmost care and discretion will be given to secure and protect their private information. I actually have been alerted of a cyberattack on the IT system of my health plan that was maintained through Anthem. They thought that the information that may have been accessed were names, birth dates, social security numbers, addresses, emails, and income data. It was not believed that the infiltrators had gained access to personal credit card or banking information or medical
report that ?? percent of healthcare organizations experienced at least one data breach. In addition, this research introduced two major causes of data breaches that most of healthcare organizations suffered. First is . Second is . Further, when the organization is full compliance with HIPAA privacy and security requirement, it would lead to reduce data breaches and improve the privacy and security of patient's
HIPPA and Data Breaches has been one of the most common today. Breach is defined as unauthorized persons that gain access/use or disclosure of protected health information which have been compromised thru security or privacy of such information. HIPPA Breaches of electronic data have become a major problem for information being traded between networks such as interoperability of systems. Laptop and Desktop theft has been the ultimate way patient’s information been expose to people who shouldn’t have access to records or/ do not have any relevance for their job. However there always seem to be a common perpetrator (worker) who just loves to stick their nose into folk’s business then spread rumors that may or may not be true.The legal risk will
Through this whole intel recement there are charts flowing, personal information is given out, diagnoses designated, medications dosed out, the most personal information of your life is on the web…however there are HIPPA laws that require that anyone working in the medical field to take classes regarding the handling of personal information. Do you think that stops them from sharing your information? Oh! It does not!
When confidential patient information is disclosed without consent it is a violation of the HIPAA Title II Security Rule. This rule was enacted in response to private information being leaked to the news and emails containing privileged information were read by unauthorized people. Identity theft is a real concern so patient privacy should be taken seriously. This is a rule can easily be broken without the
Separation of duties one breach I found was the Anthem Healthcare breach, this IT Company was hacked, which exposed over 80 million worth of current and former member’s personal data. This according to New York Times this was the largest data breach within the healthcare profession. Just a few items the hackers have access to be: social security numbers, email address, employment information and income data just to name a few. Once the attack was known by Anthem the company immediately made every effort to close the security down and notify the FBI of this situation.
The first HIPPA case was in October 2003, defendant Richard Gibson a phlebotomist/lab technician at the cancer center obtained the demographic information of a cancer patient from his employer, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Gibson used data to obtain credit cards in the patient’s name, acquiring over $9,000 in debt (First Ever HIPAA Privacy Criminal Conviction. (n.d.). There have been more serious cases of HIPPA violations over the past fourteen years. One case involves a twenty-year-old college student who made an appointment to be seen by her family physician. The student wanted to get a prescription for birth control pills her doctor looked at her history, discussed other contraceptive options, and decided that the pill would be the best option. When the student checked out with the front office she stated she did not want the visit submitted to her mother’s insurance. The student requested
Security breaches of EMRs vary from someone without consent viewing the patient’s information, to a hacker using the information to steal one’s identity. According to Privacy Rights Clearing House, more than 260 million data breaches have occurred in the United States, including those of health related records. Approximately 12 percent of data breaches involve medical organizations (Gellman, 2012). According to Redspin, a provider of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act risk analysis and IT security assessment services, more than 6 million individual’s health records were compromised during a period from August 2009 and December 2010 (Author Unknown, 2010). A provision of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act requires all breaches affecting 500 or more people to be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services. This reporting is to be accomplished within 60 days of discovery. The Redspin report covering the period above involved 225 breaches of protected health information. The amount of people with access to an individual’s health record creates concern with confidentiality. According to the Los Angeles
The department of Health and Human Services protects and guides the health and well being of individuals here in America (Thacker, 2014). They fulfill these duties providing Americans with adequate and efficient health and human services and monitoring services designed to increase the efficiency of care in the health system (Thacker, 2014). One of the services being monitored by the department of Health and Human Services is the electronic health record system, which carries private and vital information of patient’s health record enabling all eligible participating health workers access to these records (Thacker, 2014). A breach of the protective health information of patients in a health organization creates chaos as these are against the health insurance portability and accountability (HIPAA) law (Thacker, 2014). Hence, measure will have to be put in place to determine what caused the breach and how to rectify it to ensure the breach never happens again (Thacker, 2014).
Having outlined the current state of Nairobi’s transportation system, this essay will now explain why public transportation is important and the theoretical debates that surround urban transportation. One characteristic that most cities have in common is that they have a system of transportation which allows residents to be mobile. These transportation services expand the lives of its residents by providing them a way to get opportunities for getting them from place to place which is especially important for those who do not have access to vehicles (EU EXTRA Project 2001:1) These services are used for a variety of different reasons, including but not limited to: shopping, commuting to work/school and for leisure (ibid). As a result, it is critical for the urban community to have a well managed transportation system because it allows people to move about their daily life in an efficient way.
The old saying, “it’s not personal, it’s business” comes to mind when thinking about how to effectively run your business in this, and any, economy. What we should be thinking, and how we should be approaching our customers is, “it’s personal, it’s business”. People want to feel that extra touch of personalized service, and indeed, expect to be “wooed” in order to remain a customer. Regular customers want to be remembered when they walk into your store, they want to feel they belong. Consequently, calling them by name and making them feel welcome will set their shopping experience apart from all other stores they frequent. Essentially what we are trying to achieve is to get back to the way things were done before the obsession with big box
The use of the death penalty in the United States has been a great debate for many years. One of the major aspects of this debate is whether or not we should continue to use this form of punishment for criminals. In my opinion, the death penalty should be abolished because it costs taxpayers much more than sending an inmate to prison and there is no factual evidence that it has any greater deterrent effect than life imprisonment.