
Health Field Application Essay

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I have wanted to be a part of the health field and work in medicine since I was a little girl in elementary school. That is when I grasped my awareness of the many health issues my dad deals with on a daily basis such as his type 1 brittle diabetes, asthma, Parkinson’s Disease, and cerebral palsy on his right side of his body. With all these conditions came a lot of close calls, doctor visits, and medications. This involvement in watching after my dad ever since I was young has led to a passion in working in health. As I grew older, my strong points have been in the math and sciences, as well as illustrations, which further encouraged me to use my talents in this particular field. I want to be someone who impacts a person’s life for the better and become a role model …show more content…

They all still consist within the health field, but I am still pinpointing my calling. My parents assure me since I still have a few years left in JMU, I have time to decide since I am in the right major. It has transitioned from a radiologist, physician assistant, administrative assistant, phlebotomist and currently physical therapist. They have certainly varied in terms of direct people interaction versus lab or paperwork. Due to my shy personality, I tended to prefer the lab work since my fascination of the human body but it didn’t quell my passion in actively helping patients out aside from running tests and concluding a diagnosis. At the moment, I am interested in becoming a physical therapist. I will learn how the body undergoes injuries through unintentional actions or chronic conditions and what therapeutic exercises can be performed to promote healing. This career path will give me the position of hands-on work with people through the exercises and recommendations while still accomplishing more knowledge about the human body through studying methods and what has happened to the

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