The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act stipulates that all states must have a health insurance exchange in place by 2014 or the residents of that state will have the option to enroll through a federal health insurance exchange. A health insurance exchange aims to provide competitive prices and transparency to those who are currently unable to afford health care coverage and for some businesses. It is seen as a step towards universal health coverage. [1] A predecessor of the health insurance exchange as outlined but the PPACA is the exchange in Massachusetts, which is entitled the Connector. Connector provides information on name brand health insurance options as well as information on Commonwealth Care, the no or low cost health …show more content…
However this was adjusted to have individual state health insurance exchanges and if one is not put into place by 2014 the residents would still have the option to use the federal health insurance exchange. There was concern that with the smaller health insurance exchanges that there would be smaller risk pools of eligible people for the exchanges and the targeted effect of lower costs would not be obtained. With the individual states owning control of the exchanges there is better connection to the Medicaid options that would be connected to the exchange and the negotiations with the insurance companies could be more effective as well. [1]
When thinking about how one currently attempts to shop for a personal health care plan it is frustrating to jump from website to website, or if one can find a site that compares more than one plan the plans are limited and the companies are few. The FAQ on the health insurance exchange from the White House explains the exchanges as “It is one-stop shopping that will enable you and your family to find a plan that is right for you.” [5] The transparency that each health insurance plan will have
Within the PPACA legislation, there are provisions that create health insurance exchanges to be accessed by uninsured individuals. PPACA envisioned this access to health exchanges providing early detection and treatment, thus bending the healthcare cost curve (Dixon, 2014). Since national health reform had failed in the past, PPACA intentionally chose a national health care model that included health care exchanges that would be primarily managed by the states (Sirpal, 2014). After the forceful United States Supreme Court decision in 2010, states were given a choice whether to establish health care exchanges (Sirpal, 2014). Since 2014, the White House (2015) believes that a total of approximately nineteen million people have enrolled in the
With the creation of the Affordable Care Act under Obama, it was said to be like a Expedia for health insurance however that has not been the case. Marketplaces currently do not have much competition so the original thought of people being able to shop around and compare plans
Insurance purchased through federal marketplace exchanges contain high deductibles and high co-pays, causing high out-of-pocket costs. The introduction of insurance exchanges, coupled with the financial penalties of the individual mandate, added approximately 11 million individuals and families to the healthcare market-place (Sun, 2016). The exchanges allow individuals to shop for insurance plans that contain varying levels of coverage. Although these plans cover preventive services, they do not protect against out-of-pocket costs. Research suggests that copay amounts under exchange plans are 20% higher than those of employer-sponsored plans. Furthermore, studies show that deductible amounts for some exchange plans are five times greater than for employer-sponsored plans
Howard, E. (2010). Health insurance exchanges: house or senate style. The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved from
Even with employer coverage and the expansion of Medicaid, many Americans would still not be covered if the ACA had not offered a new way to buy insurance individually. This new way is called a health insurance marketplace where private insurers compete for individuals business. This allows people to decide how much coverage they want as well as how much they want to pay for it. For example, choices range from cheaper, high deductible coverage, to more expensive coverage. Still, all plans cover a set of services, such as hospital visits, maternity care, prescription drugs, and mental healthcare.
Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, some may argue that access to quality health care and services are easier to obtain. The law mandates that all citizens of the United States as well as those individuals who are non-citizens, but are legal residents, acquire health insurance coverage. In order for there to be minimal barriers to accessibility of health coverage, an online health insurance marketplace provides individuals with the option to shop for health insurance plans. The plans are categorized by the state in which the individual resides. The exchange allows individuals to review plan specifications. Additionally, the exchange provides coverage options through participating insurers through a tier system. The consumer is able to make a comparison of services covered in each tier, prescription costs, as well as premium costs associated with each health plan. From that, consumers have information about an array of detailed plan options and covered services in which to make an informed decision and purchase coverage that best suits their individual needs as well as the needs of their family.
Again, the mission of American Well is to improve access to high quality health care services while also reducing barriers to care to include distance, mobility, and time. Recent changes in health care laws require that consumers possess health care coverage. The passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009 improved access to health coverage for millions of Americans which also increased the demand for health care appointments in an already strained health care delivery system. As a result, there are limited in-person medical appointments available to meet the health care needs of the newly insured. With the Exchange, consumers have access to health services, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Consumers are able to navigate the virtual health care delivery system to acquire the high quality health services at a competitive price. The virtual platform connects all stakeholders in health care for the first time, which facilitates the sharing of patient information and integration of health care services by use of a secure online platform. Other stakeholders include health care organizations, insurers, government, and physicians. The Exchange has made it possible for providers to easily collaborate and integrate health care services to promote a patient-centered approach to high quality health care
New Health Insurance Marketplaces: It allows individuals to compare Health insurance plans that count as minimum essential coverage and include all new benefits, rights and protections. is a restorative scope exchange site worked under the United States focal government under the game plans of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, much of the time known as 'Obamacare'), planned to serve the occupants of the thirty-six U.S. states that picked not to make their own particular state exchanges.[1][better source needed] The exchange supports the offer of private medicinal scope game plans to inhabitants of the United States[2] and offers assignments to the people who win under four times the administration destitution line. The site moreover helps those individuals who are fit the bill to consent to Medicaid, and has an alternate business community for private
The affordable care act was passed by congress and then signed into law by the President on March 23, 2010. On June 28th 2012 the Supreme Court rendered a final decision on the law. The affordable care act also known as the health care law offers clear choices for consumers and provides new ways to hold insurance companies accountable.
The Health Insurance Exchange is a marketplace for consumers to purchase health coverage that is affordable. This marketplace gives consumers the option to compare various health insurance companies to find the best option for them. The marketplace is regulated under Federal standards. Prior to the full implementation of the ACA, in 2013 the United States spent about $90,085 per person on healthcare. This was more than eighteen percent of the GDP, gross domestic product in the United States. (Mangan, Dan) Another goal of the Affordable Care Act and the Insurance Exchange was to provide health coverage to the forty three million Americans that were uninsured in 2013.
With the Health Insurance Marketplace opening October 1st, insurance companies will compete as providers for individuals’ business via the Affordable Health Insurance Exchange, an online marketplace. Many health care provisions are
Under the Affordable Healthcare Act implemented in 2014, an insurance plan that is certified by the Health Insurance Marketplace, provides essential health benefits, follows established limits on cost-sharing (like deductibles, copayments, and out-of-pocket maximum amounts), and meets other requirements. A qualified health plan will have a certification by each Marketplace in which it is sold. (
A health insurance exchange is the online marketplace individuals use to purchase health insurance. The official term used when referring to the exchange in “health insurance marketplace.” It is estimated that the online exchanges will provide almost 29 million American citizens with reasonably priced health insurance.
Analyze the current health care delivery structure in your state. Compare and contrast the major determinants of healthcare market power.