Healthcare is a crucial topic and is often brought up during election time. It is one of the most important aspects of life that should be heavily taken into consideration during presidential debates to determine the future of our health and well-being. With that said, Health Insurance is a persistent topic in this year’s presidential election and the topic has been steaming as Election Day closes in. Having health insurance is extremely important to our health and wellbeing. I believe in having adequate health insurance for a variety of reasons as it is crucial to not only our health and well-being, but for our future generations as well as it has a major impact on our offspring, even though some people may not realize it. Being healthy is …show more content…
Clinton is totally for the Affordable Care Act even though she knows it has not been completely successful. What Clinton wishes to do is keep the successful components of the Affordable Care Act, and tweak it around to improve it, rather than starting from scratch (CNN News Television). Clinton’s proposal is cut taxes on the middle-class people and small businesses, which will offset the costs of increasing coverage and minimize the economical impact that the act has on these businesses and the economy as a whole (Republican Views, 2016). Another way she plans on tweaking health insurance through her proposal of affordable healthcare and prescription drug platform. Under Clinton’s plan, a patient could visit a doctor up to three times for free before it would be counted towards their annual deductible. While watching the debate tonight, Clinton said we need to put more money into social security trust funds and to raise taxes on the wealth in order to increase funds for Medicare (Fox News Television). Families that are ineligible for Medicare could receive up to a five thousand dollar tax credit for patients who would have to pay out of pocket. Also, she give up to a two hundred and fifty dollar monthly cap on prescription drugs for patients with serious or chronic health issues. Recently, Clinton also proposed a plan to improve Medicare, which is in serious funding troubles. She proposed allowing Americans to buy into Medicare before the age of 65, so that people who are around 50 to 55 years old can voluntarily pay to join the program (Ballotpedia, 2016). This in turn will help cover the debt of Medicare and improve its
The article illustrates that how republican candidate, Donald Trump, wants to change the aspects of health care. As mentioned in the article, Trump wants to make vast decisions on health care and wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Wilensky, 2016). The Affordable Care Act was created in order to help individuals obtain insurance. The Affordable Care Act was created during Obama’s presidency and is a part of Obamacare. If Trump is elected, he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which can cause a variety of issues for those individuals who depend on it. There has also been a discussion about raising the Medicare eligibility age of 67, which would make it difficult for individuals who need the help before the age of 67. Individuals rely on the Affordable Care Act and Medicare because it allows them to have access to the
For many years, the health care system has been a matter of questioning and controversy. It has been a subject on the list of presidential campaigns. They have all promise a change and reform of the health care industry but so far, we have seen not big of change until a few years ago with the Affordable Care Act. At least this one put health care on the table as a priority and it became an important matter for people across the country that did even care about having insurance or not because it forces people to obtain health care coverage otherwise fines were going to be impose for the ones that did not follow the command of the law. This paper will discuss similar proposals like the Clinton health reform, it will also discuss the pros and cons of the ACA and to conclude it will recommend three changes to improve the legislation.
By the 1990’s, the cost of private health care had begun to rise tremendously as well as the government spending to cover Medicare and Medicaid. In 1993, President Bill Clinton unsuccessfully pushed to reform the existing health care system. During the 2008 presidential election, health care reform became a key issue, especially among Democrats. It became aware that “nearly 46 million Americans were uninsured, while 25 million others did not have adequate coverage.” Many individuals relied on the government health care programs due to the high cost of private health care. Once elected, President Obama made health care reform the focus of his political agenda. He called on Congress to form an all-inclusive bill that would “provide coverage to all Americans, lower health care costs, and improve the
Universal health care coverage is a dream that the majority of Americans have had for many decades. It seemed that the dream could become a reality with a major effort under the Clinton administration in the mid 1990’s. This effort was spearheaded by the First Lady, Hillary Clinton, and would have established a universal health care system for the entire nation. Unfortunately, after years of work, the effort ended in failure due to trying to modernize and finance universal health care at the same time (Rodwin, 2003). When the current President, Barack Obama, campaigned in 2008, one of his cornerstone promises was to develop a healthcare system that would assure affordable healthcare for all Americans through the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama Care. With only a slight majority of democrats in the Senate and a large majority of Republicans in the House, this would prove to be an uphill battle (Moore, 2014).
In 2010, congress enacted President Obama’s National Health Care Act; as a result, it allows Americans to receive affordable health care. President Obama’s National Healthcare plan, otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act, is anything but affordable. The Affordable Care Act is not affordable for citizens that are in the nation’s lower income brackets. The Affordable Care Act is a great government conscious decision for their citizens; however, the Affordable Care Act at the time of its inception was very fiscally irresponsible by our government. The Affordable Care Act must be affordable for Americans across multiple social and economic backgrounds and should take into account the ability to pay.
Our new elect- President Donald Trump has many goals he desires to accomplish within his four-year term, and one of which is improving health care. Former President, Barack Obama created Obamacare for people to use as a more effective and affordable health insurance. Many Democrats are protesting for their right to keep this Affordable Care Act; however, President Donald Trump is in the process of replacing this health insurance. One huge supporter of the Affordable Care Act is Hillary Clinton; former opponent of President Trump. Hillary Clinton’s plans for health care included to defend and expand the Affordable Care Act, bring down out-of-pocket costs like copays and deductibles, reduce the cost of prescription drugs, protect consumers from unjustified prescription drug price increases from companies, and fight for health insurance for the lowest-income Americans (“Hillary on Health Care” 1). Most of Clinton’s goals were already in involved with Obamacare, and she aspired to push Obamacare to its’ fullest advantage by helping it become enhanced and
On February 16th, Speaker Paul Ryan, several House committee members, and Secretary Tom Price presented their outline for the plan set to replace the Affordable Care Act that would rely heavily on tax credits, yet according to The New York Times, would also drastically change the future of state Medicaid programs. According to Five Thirty Eight, Obamacare strived to expand Medicaid to all adults with incomes below 138 percent of the poverty level. This meant adding more than seventy million people to a program that already accounts for more than a quarter of all state budgets combined and half of all federal money that is routed to states. Republicans hope to cap and lower these costs by entirely changing the purpose of Medicaid, a Great Society
For the past seven years the American people have had something called Affordable Care Act or else known as Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act was signed into act by President Obama on March 23, 2010 . But, with the election of President Donald Trump we can see that the Obamacare Act can come to an end and be changed with the American Health Care Act, or as most Americans have labeled it as Trumpcare.
US health care is one of the most talked about or controversial topics in last few years. We often come across debates, articles or columns relating to this topic. This is a hot topic of this generation. Why everyone should have insurance? Why people should have for something that might not use? These are some of the questions we found ourselves surrounding by. In my opinion US citizens should be required to have insurance. Both men and women have separate needs when it comes to health. More women are facing health issues because of teen pregnancies and child birth, it is important to for everyone to have a health care plan according to their needs. So when the time comes right treatment and medical attention can be provided. In this piece I will be presenting some ideas and arguments supporting my side and also looking at the flip side of the discussion.
The issue of healthcare coverage under the federal health reform has been politically debated by many Americans, including the current Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The healthcare reform enacted in 2010 under President Obama’s regime intended to support the ongoing healthcare system as a building block to enhance more access to health insurance coverage for millions of uninsured Americans; yet the government’s tireless effort to ensure all individuals are covered remains a major issue across the country.
U.S. health care reform is currently one of the most heavily discussed topics in health discourse and politics. After former President Clinton’s failed attempt at health care reform in the mid-1990s, the Bush administration showed no serious efforts at achieving universal health coverage for the millions of uninsured Americans. With Barack Obama as the current U.S. President, health care reform is once again a top priority. President Obama has made a promise to “provide affordable, comprehensive, and portable health coverage for all Americans…” by the end of his first term ( The heated debate between the two major political parties over health care reform revolves around how to pay for it and more importantly, whether it
The Affordable Care Act is one of America’s many insurance plans to attempt to lower costs and provide a wider coverage for citizens all over the country. It is a widely controversial topic in America; especially within the past year. Although there are some people out there who support it, there are also those who base their campaigns on getting it repealed; Donald Trump is a prime example of this. When instituting this policy, Obama had very good intentions, but he was far from fulfilling his intended purpose. Today, the ACA has many flaws that affect Americans both as a whole and individually. Obamacare has raised costs for individuals, contributed even more money to America’s debt, is the complete opposite of what President Obama said it would be, it takes away civil liberties, and puts new standards on patients.
How many college students have extremely thought about health insurance? Attending college is a stressful time for any student. While many students are in college many should not have to worry about paying for their healthcare bills. The Affordable Care Act gives college students more options to find an inexpensive insurance. Many should consider these possible options if they are planning to attend college or seeking for an inexpensive coverage.
When it comes to our health, a good healthcare plan is a very important subject for all individuals. Some even argue that it is a basic right to have one. Bernie Sanders stated, “Healthcare must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman, and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income…” (“Issues: Medicare for All”). However, reality tells us a whole different story. America is one of the most developed countries in the world with some of the best medical care. Yet, how can the people enjoy the benefits when it is almost unaffordable to most. People are afraid to fall sick just because they are afraid of how much it would cost. However, sometimes a doctor or hospital visit is unavoidable. In most cases, it comes at a great price, especially to the middle class and the elderly. Wealthy individuals are likely to reap the benefits of having an expensive healthcare plan, while the rest may suffer from the unimaginable cost of treatments, or even worse, live a risky life without insurance. An effective solution to this problem would be a Universal Healthcare System. This would ensure that all people have equal and affordable health coverage, centralized healthcare records for all individuals which will help easy diagnosis by doctors and reduce the intensive labor costs of medical billing. Moreover, it may boost the economy by freeing business from providing expensive healthcare benefits to workers.
Increased premiums, almost no choice, doughnut hole gaps, trillions of dollars being wasted; is this our new reality? This is what Obamacare has turned into, and it will only grow into more of a monumental monstrosity. Obamacare was set into motion in 2008 by President Barack Obama. This new health care system was supposed to provide cheap, affordable health care coverage to those who wanted it, but now, prices are rising, money the government does not have is being spent, and options are being limited. Obamacare should be repealed pronto.