
Health Insurance Persuasive Essay

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Healthcare is a crucial topic and is often brought up during election time. It is one of the most important aspects of life that should be heavily taken into consideration during presidential debates to determine the future of our health and well-being. With that said, Health Insurance is a persistent topic in this year’s presidential election and the topic has been steaming as Election Day closes in. Having health insurance is extremely important to our health and wellbeing. I believe in having adequate health insurance for a variety of reasons as it is crucial to not only our health and well-being, but for our future generations as well as it has a major impact on our offspring, even though some people may not realize it. Being healthy is …show more content…

Clinton is totally for the Affordable Care Act even though she knows it has not been completely successful. What Clinton wishes to do is keep the successful components of the Affordable Care Act, and tweak it around to improve it, rather than starting from scratch (CNN News Television). Clinton’s proposal is cut taxes on the middle-class people and small businesses, which will offset the costs of increasing coverage and minimize the economical impact that the act has on these businesses and the economy as a whole (Republican Views, 2016). Another way she plans on tweaking health insurance through her proposal of affordable healthcare and prescription drug platform. Under Clinton’s plan, a patient could visit a doctor up to three times for free before it would be counted towards their annual deductible. While watching the debate tonight, Clinton said we need to put more money into social security trust funds and to raise taxes on the wealth in order to increase funds for Medicare (Fox News Television). Families that are ineligible for Medicare could receive up to a five thousand dollar tax credit for patients who would have to pay out of pocket. Also, she give up to a two hundred and fifty dollar monthly cap on prescription drugs for patients with serious or chronic health issues. Recently, Clinton also proposed a plan to improve Medicare, which is in serious funding troubles. She proposed allowing Americans to buy into Medicare before the age of 65, so that people who are around 50 to 55 years old can voluntarily pay to join the program (Ballotpedia, 2016). This in turn will help cover the debt of Medicare and improve its

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