
Health Issues In Brazil Essay

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It has become common to hear about the lack of physical activity that an individual is getting. This lack of physical activity is causing health problems and obesity all around the world. In Brazil, only 3.3% of 11, 033 individuals reported doing the recommended minimum thirty minutes of exercise on five or more days of the week (11). In comparison, a study conducted from 2009 to 2011 showed that 67% of Canadian men and 54% of Canadian women were overweight or obese (1). Aside from health problems, women in both Brazil and Canada are still facing problems entering the sports field. Health-related diseases, physical activity and women and sports will be further discussed in this report. The lack of attention from the Brazilian Federal 1ernment …show more content…

Canada, on the other hand, is making Canadians aware of the benefits of physical activity and has seen a decrease in health-related diseases. Furthermore, Canada may not have complete equality amongst male and female athletes, but are doing a far better job than Brazil. Health in Brazil and Canada Brazil is the largest country in Latin America with a population of 150 million and 27 states (2). Despite such a large population, Brazil still fails to provide their country with the appropriate health care. In 1989, there were 4.3 hospital beds available per 1000 inhabitants, but has dropped to 3.7 hospital beds available (2). Surprisingly, over one-third of Brazil’s municipal districts lack a hospital or even a clinic (2). The lack of hospitalization in Brazil also depicts how patients are treated. Diseases related to overweight and obesity majorly impacted hospitalization and economic costs (13). The most prevalent diseases in Brazil caused by obesity are stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (13). In 2001, individuals from the State University of Rio de Janeiro and State Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology conducted a study to …show more content…

A shared vision amongst the Ministers of Health, Health Promotion and Healthy Living say that they will work together to prevent disease, disability, and will make promoting health a priority (14). Furthermore, this declaration agrees to improve the health that lies outside of the health sector (14). ii. Prevention of childhood

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