Some of the health concerns that clients may face as they reach middle adulthood includes physical development. One of the physical developments includes muscle loss. Maximum muscular strength is attained between the ages of 25 and 30 and gradually declines at 30(Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016). Sight, hearing, and other senses began to decline. Health issues are a huge concern during middle adulthood. There are some concerns due to lifestyle as a young adult such as breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension, poor cholesterol. Also kidney function is reduced, gastrointestinal tract secretes fewer enzymes, and the ability for the heart to pump blood (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016). In men they have problems with their prostate and women with breast cancer. Other physical changes are appearances such as gray hair, crow’s feet, and wrinkle lose skin.
A characteristic that might impact breast cancer is that white women are stands are at greater risk of developing breast cancer than women of the African American race. However, African American women are at greater risk to die from it. Asian, American Indian, and Hispanic women have a lower risk of developing and dying from breast cancer (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016). Another characteristic is diabetes. I can recall a time I went to a doctor to discuss a diet plan for weight loss. It was a Caucasian lady and myself in his office. He educated us on obesity and health risks associated with it. He informed us that diabetes is more of a health issue for
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The reason being is because of lack of healthcare is an issue for African Americans. For example, an African American woman that works a very low income job is not able to afford health insurance, therefore, she is not able to take yearly screenings to detect any illness. By the time they discover they have some form of cancer, it is too late to be
The current recommendation is that women over the age of 40 should receive a mammogram every 1-2 years (Kidd, Colbert & Jatoi, 2015). Breast cancer mortality is higher in ethnic minorities including, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans (O’Keefe, Meltzer, & Bethea, 2015). With Black, Hispanic, Asian, and White women with breast cancer in a low socioeconomic status, there is also an association with higher mortality rates (O’Keefe et al., 2015). The causes for these disparities is multifactorial and include knowledge deficit, incorrect perceptions about cancer, embarrassment, and prioritization of competing personal obligations, such as working or taking care of family members (Nonzee, et al., 2015). To add to the problem, minority women are much more likely to have high deductible insurance plans, or no insurance coverage at all (Tangka, et al., 2017). These issues lead to later stages of diagnosis of breast cancer, going longer between mammograms, lack of follow-up after suspicious findings on mammograms, and once diagnosed, incomplete treatment of breast cancer (O’Keefe et al.,
According to genetics and social science research there are striking differences between White and minority populations affected with breast cancer in the U.S. These disparities are likely due to a combination of cultural, environmental and genetic factors that differ between the groups. Historically, scientists have separately explored either the genetic or the social/behavioral contributions to cancer. The research team profiled in this case study takes the position that we cannot effectively grasp the complexity of cancer etiology, nor design appropriate
More people are living much longer lives than in years past. People are very surprised to be living much longer lives than they thought they would. Health care has played a large part in patient longevity. There are many normal changes that come along with aging, however, because people are living longer these normal changes can become chronic problems. Common aging problems that can make the older adult a vulnerable population are reviewed in Gerontological Nursing (Tabloski, 2014) and can include nutritional needs, medication management, sleep changes, oral or mouth care, renal problems and musculoskeletal concerns. According to A Profile of Older Americans: 2013 (, there are a large amount
Late Adulthood is a time in people’s lives when they come to terms with their lives and reevaluate what they have done or accomplished in the lieu of what they still would like to accomplish for the remainder of their lives. During this stage of life adults around the ages of 65 begin to experience a variety of changes in their physical appearance and a decline in their health. The process of aging in an individual occurs at different speeds and during this stage older adults are being treated as second-class citizens especially by younger adults. The skin begins to wrinkle at an
At the point when contrasted with whites, these minority bunches have higher rate of endless ailment, higher mortality and poor wellbeing results. Among the ailment particular cases of racial and ethnic variations in the united state is the tumor frequency rate among African Americans, which is 10% higher than among whites. Furthermore, grown up African Americans and Latinos have roughly double the danger as whites of creating diabetes. Minority likewise have higher rate of cardiovascular sickness, HIV/AIDS, newborn child mortality than whites.
During middle adulthood biological and physical changes become apparent. During this time visual perception, hearing and the reproductive system
As people grow older, they develop dental problems which lead to nutritional intake issues. Cognitive function declines affecting memory, decision making, conversing, and problem solving. In addition, falls can occur with mental status disturbances. Lack of social interaction, depression, and anxiety also crop up in the elderly. Sleep patterns are altered by restless legs, snoring, and disrupted breathing sequences. At times, pain can be constant from arthritis, osteoarthritis, or other medical issues (Tabloski, 2014).
Late adulthood is known as the period of life after middle adulthood, usually from around 65 years old to death (Santrock, 2013, p. 485). There are many varying stages of development and health in late adulthood, along with steady changing of life expectancy. Aging is a part of life, and with it comes changes in every area of living. Many diseases find late adulthood as an opportune time to affect people. Eventually, whether caused by disease or another reason, every individual dies. Death is unique to every person, and healthcare in America is changing to reflect that. This stage of life is a time when bodily processes and functions may be decreasing, but depending on lifestyle choices, death can come at different times.
Particularly women, begin to interpret these changes in a negative way. Some view themselves as sexually unattractive. Men, on the other hand, don’t seem to be as concerned about their physical appearance, since society has placed much of the physical importance on the women. This is a time where we need to accept these failings and move towards more important issues. This is also a time when men and women become more health conscious. We all know of the major diseases that cause premature deaths during middle adulthood, such as cancer and heart disease. When you’re a young adult, you don’t think about these health issues as you would during middle adulthood. There is more of a concern to take better care of our health, such as heathy diets, cardiovascular activity, resistance training, and not smoking. We might be better prepared for later adulthood, if we lead a healthy lifestyle. We start to realize our mortality. As most people live to be about 85, we realize that at 40, we’re almost half-way there.
There are many physical changes that happen during the late adult years. These include vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, height and hair. In late adulthood your vision is more likely to get worse. There are many different things that can happen with your vision. Along with vision, hearing is also affected. Hearing is affected by many different components. You can lose the ability
As age increases, we can expect some loss of heart, lung, joint, and sexual functioning. Some loss of brain cells and mental efficiency is a normal part of
As an older individual there are many physical changes that occurs during this stage of life. Older individuals live independently and maintain close relationships with family and friends. Most individual’s personalities remain relatively stable throughout their lives. Depression is less prevalent than depression in younger adults. Becoming older can cause hearing impairment. 37 percent of women and 48 percent of men over the age of 75 have impaired hearing. Also there is a decline in vision. It will start to become difficult to read small print, seeing in sim light, or even finding objects. Some aging adults may even need
As individuals age changes occur physiologically that are part of normal aging. These changes occur in all organ systems and can impact an individual’s quality of life. The changes related to aging can be attributed to an individual’s genetic make up, lifestyle, physical activity, and dietary lifestyle. Being able to differentiate between normal changes in aging against disease process is important because it can help clinicians develop a plan of care (Boltz, Capezuti, Fulmer, & Zwicker, 2012). Creating an accurate plan of care for older adults will greatly impact their quality of life.
The stage that follows early adulthood is known as middle adulthood where people are generally caught between being productive and being stagnant. This stage reflects the need to create a living legacy: they would either need to feel they have become an important figure for the next generation to follow or they would develop a sense of purposelessness which is generally known as a “mid-life crisis”. This crisis can be solved by having the adults care and nurture children or help the fore-coming generation in other ways or means, however if the crisis remains the person would persist in random non-age-appropriate behavior as well as a continued feeling in stagnation. During this stage adults lose some of their physical aspects as their muscular strength, ability and agility weakens. Women will go through a menopausal
Finally, adulthood consists of early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. Early adulthood is a stage where individuals are physically in their best condition. Memory and thinking abilities are sharp, life decisions are made, and they take on roles of independence. Middle adulthood is when individuals start to reflect on their lives as a whole. Retirement planning and sadness over unaccomplished goals began to surface, during this particular stage. Some physical changes such as hearing and vision start to take place. Focusing more on health, relationships and becoming tolerable with death are all signs of late adulthood development. The immune system, vision, hearing, and muscle strength start to decline. Loss of memory is a cognitive trait that is related