
Health Literacy Poster Analysis

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The health literacy need chosen was cultural competency, a poster was made as the resource as many culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) individuals face a barrier in health literacy in which there thought process and reactions are different to those that are more use to the western healthcare system. The way CALD individuals view certain health problems such as death, recovery and certain diseases may not align with the western biomedical model as their culture may not be synonymous with Australian culture or they may have faced negative experiences in their previous health experiences (Holmes and Grech, 2015). The resource made attempts to responds to this health literacy need by trying to eliminate the fear of a cultural barrier between …show more content…

The readability tool used was a suitability assessment of material (SAM) score sheet. When making the poster the SAM score sheet was utilized by designing certain parts in via what scored the highest on the SAM scoresheet, the content of the poster had a clear purpose as it explicitly and clearly states that cultural diversity is not an issue, it doesn’t use facts and attempts to provoke a readers response so that it also covers learning stimulation, motivation and only the most relevant information was mentioned. As aforementioned from simple language being used the literacy demand of the poster was minimal. The graphics used in the poster is friendly and contains a large amount of whitespace and is very relevant to cultural competency and lists, graphs and tables were chosen to be completely omitted. The layout and the typography of the poster uses colour in a non-distracting way but in a way that is used to direct the reader’s attention to the next line of brief font and the font used is serif where uppercases are used appropriately and the text is reasonably sized (Doak, Doak and Root,

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