
Health Needs Assessment Tools Currently in Use

Decent Essays

PREview Literature Review
- Health Needs Assessment Tools currently in use Josephine M Green (Professor of Psychosocial reproductive health)

Mother and Infant Research Unit (MIRU) University of York

June 2008

PREview planning resources © 2011 ChiMat

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3 Common Assessment Framework (CAF) ............................................................ 4 Derby City Public Health Needs Assessment Tool .............................................. 6 Tynedale Health Needs Assessment Tool (THNAT) …show more content…

Unfortunately no assessment tools or guidelines were received in response to these approaches. We were referred to four different assessment tools/processes which are currently in use in England: Derby City Health Needs Assessment Tool, Tynedale Health Needs Assessment Tool, Kirklees Universal Needs Assessment and the Common Assessment Framework. The Derby, Tyndale and Kirklees assessments are locally developed and used by Health Visitors and school nurses. The Common Assessment Framework is a central government initiative, with the Every Child Matters framework, which is designed to be used by practitioners working in any children’s services, not only health.


Common Assessment Framework (CAF)

The CAF is a shared assessment tool for use across all children’s services and all local areas in England. Its aim is ‘to identify at the earliest opportunity a child’s or young person’s additional needs which are not being met by the universal services they are receiving, and provide timely and co-ordinated support to meet

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