Achieving health and wellness is a highly individualized, dynamic process that is characterized by six interrelated dimensions: physical, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and environmental health. The focus of this paper is my physical health as it relates to wellness.
Furthermore, the objective of focusing on my physical health is to identify current health behaviors and factors that may be impacting and prohibiting me from achieving optimal physical health. Using the Transtheoretical Model for Stages of Change1 as a guide, I will identify a specific health behavior I am seeking to improve, and outline an action plan to achieve and maintain good physical health.
In assessing my health behaviors, I have identified three specific behaviors that have negatively impacted my physical health: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition and inadequate sleep. The factors that I attribute to these current heath behaviors are: a lack of social support and guidance, the nutritional value of foods consumed (as related to the culture in which I was raised), and time management.
I attribute my lack of physical activity to an absence of social support and guidance in my life. For example, my mother suffers with cardiovascular disease (CVD), yet rarely engages in physical activity. Five years ago, my mother had a heart attack, and underwent an angioplasty2 in order to receive a stent3. In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) (2015), the American
Demonstrate a variety of behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.
Discuss the historical perspectives and belief systems of these cultures that influence the high-risk nutritional behaviors.
The multidimensional model of wellness and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs illustrate this concept by examining multiple facets of an individual’s life to determine one’s overall well-being. In order to facilitate a healthy lifestyle, health care administrators should focus on both an individual’s physical well-being such as nutrition, activity level, and presence of disease, and on the intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental conditions that affect the individual.
do not get much physical activity at all. The conveniences and technology of today contribute to
The purpose of this paper is to explain my definition of Intellectual, emotional, social and physical wellness. Also the purpose is to set certain goals for myself so I have a standard that I can attain to.
This course examines the application of the components that contribute to the concepts of total body wellness, physical fitness, cardiovascular disease, cancer, disease prevention, addictive behaviors, and sexually transmitted infections. The course provides a comprehensive review of variables that affect our health and explores topics
inactivity, obesity, excessive alcohol use, drug use and poor diet are also considered as the
1. What wellness indicators do you balance very well? Why do you balance these areas of your life well.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2018), good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight are essential parts of a person’s overall health and well-being. Together, these can help decrease a person’s risk of developing serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer (para.
The study is a continuation of research that has been conducted in 2002 by researchers, where social ecological theories were used to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in adolescents (Simon, et al., 2014). Intervention Centered on Adolescents ' Physical activity and Sedentary behavior (ICAPS) was
Physical wellbeing is basic for general prosperity and is the most noticeable of the different measurements of wellbeing, which additionally incorporate social, scholarly, passionate, otherworldly and ecological wellbeing. Probably the most clear and genuine signs that we are undesirable show up physically. Tending to this measurement is essential for anybody endeavoring to maintain general wellbeing and
I understand better about awareness and why it is important to have high level of awareness as well. I think this is a very useful topic as we are living in such a fast paced society and most of the time we are so focused on the task at hand that we ignore our surrounding environment, friends and family. The exercises recommended are also very useful to me and I will try to become more aware of myself as well as my
My Lifestyle Changes Paper will include the six components of wellness, that being Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Interpersonal and Environmental wellness. It will include my goals, my weaknesses as well as my strengths to the components of wellness as well as a plan for myself to manage all of these components. The paper will also include anticipated changes in my lifestyle that may challenge the individual components of wellness and how I plan to deal with these changes. The first component of wellness that I’ll discuss in that of Physical wellness, which requires eating well, exercising, avoiding harmful habits, responsible decision making, learning about and recognizing sicknesses and diseases, keeping regular medical
I raise my self-awareness of how important physical activity really is. “As a risk factor for heart disease, physical inactivity ranks as high as smoking, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol,” and doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, anxiety and depression (Corey). “The body knows things the thinking mind can only imagine. Its