
Health Of India Essay

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The country of India is second in terms of population size and the major cities are becoming overcrowded. Poverty rates in India have increased over the last few years and despite the economic boom the country is experiencing, the people are still living in overcrowded ghettos or slums. Overcrowding and population has brought healthcare challenges. In India, maternal and child mortality are still high, malnutrition among children and pregnant women increase yearly, and the country leads the numbers of Tuberculosis (TB) infection. Furthermore, India’s HIV problem has increased and now is third among 195 countries. The lack of basic healthcare, support and supplies from Indian official has only fueled the healthcare challenges it faces. …show more content…

The current death rate is 29 per 1,000 live births and of the 2.8 million newborns dying at birth worldwide, India accounts for 700,000 children dying at birth or shortly after. The National Health Policy to improve care children and women. Poor neonatal health conditions, widespread illiteracy, poverty, poor sanitation and nutrition have also been identified and India’s hopes to tackle these issues by passing this policy. Another major health policy that India just passed and adopted from the World Health Organization (WHO) is the "Test and Treat Policy for HIV". India has the third largest HIV epidemic in the world and with WHO, India wants to reduce the number people infected with HIV. Currently, 2.1 million are living in HIV in India and 86000 new cases are reported yearly. “The epidemic is concentrated among key affected populations such as sex workers. The vulnerabilities that drive the epidemic are different in different parts of the country.4 the five states with the highest HIV prevalence (Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka) are in the south or east of the country.” ("HIV and AIDS in India", 2017) The new policy allows people to get tested and get the necessary treatment. This policy applies to everyone from all men, women, adolescents and children. This policy will greatly increase the longevity and provide a better quality of life for those ill and hopefully prevent other diseases like Tuberculosis, which

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