
Health Personal Statement

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As an Arab-American and former Iraqi refugee, I believe I have a unique view on health care. Witnessing my physician father at work in Iraq and working closely with physicians as a scribe in the U.S. have allowed me to integrate two different approaches to medicine into one unified view. In times of war, few resources are available to patients other than the comforting presence of a physician, while health care in the U.S. is equipped with readily available resources and research. Having experienced both settings enables me to understand the two sides of medicine: to utilize the gifts of modern science, but never forget the power of compassion.

Due to my displacements as a refugee I have had to change schools every academic year starting from seventh grade until college. These circumstances have strengthened my ability to be adaptable under difficult situations while staying focused on my main goal of education. It is this adaptability that I believe will contribute the most to my success as a medical student, in addition to my unique global …show more content…

Also, as a student with a strong interest in research, Saint Louis University School of Medicine’s dedication to advancements in medical research appeals to me. Furthermore, another reason why I wish to attend the Saint Louis University School of Medicine is the organization of the curriculum into organ system-based courses, this curriculum aligns with my way of learning and studying habits better than traditional methods of teaching medicine. Through the combination of these factors, I believe in such an environment I can flourish and succeed as a medical student, as well as add to the community at Saint Louis University School of

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