Public Health Problem Diabetes is a deficiency in the body’s ability to metabolize sugar. Insulin is the hormone which typically regulates this process. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type 1. This is caused due to a failure in the insulin producing cells of the pancreas and is diagnosed when a person is young. Type 2 diabetes is the more common diabetes. It can be diagnosed at any time and occurs when blood glucose levels begin to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemia. When your body first starts to experience this rise in blood glucose levels, your pancreas makes extra insulin in hopes to make up for it. However, this is a difficult process and it becomes too much for the body to keep up. Diabetes …show more content…
If people aren’t willing to make lifestyle changes, the future of diabetes does not look bright. The etiological factors of type 1 diabetes are that the immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. Possible causes of this could be genes and environmental factors such as viruses. The etiological factors of type 2 diabetes are lifestyle behaviors and rarely genes. How to Solve the Problem There is still no evidence of any way to prevent or cure type 1 diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes are prescribed insulin because their bodies don’t produce it naturally and there are over 20 types of insulin sold in the United States. However, there is still no surgery that can cure this type of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes goes hand in hand with obesity. Because of this, public health’s approach is mostly preventative. However, there are procedures and medication that can be taken once a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. If a person who is overweight loses a significant amount of their body weight, they lower their risk for being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes greatly. In order to prevent type 2 diabetes, a person should eat a proper, well rounded diet and exercise regularly. Bariatric surgery can be considered for adults with a BMI above 35, but it is not considered a cure. There are two bariatric surgery options. The first option is gastric bypass surgery which shrinks the stomach. In doing this, the path food takes through
2) Type 2 Diabetes- a disorder in which either the body does not produce enough insulin, or the cells ignore the insulin. Similar to type 1 diabetes, type 2 causes a build-up of glucose in the blood which damages the body’s organ systems. Type 2 diabetes occur mostly in adults.
Type 2 diabetes is a self-caused disease that prevents your body from using and producing insulin correctly which leads to high levels of sugar in the blood. When people consume too much or too little sugar, it affects their insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to not maintain the right amount of insulin to keep the body's
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects how the body uses glucose, a sugar that is the body’s main source of fuel. Your body needs glucose to keep running. Here’s how the system is suppose to work: You get glucose from the food you eat and then the glucose travels into your bloodstream. Then your pancreas makes a hormone called insulin which helps the glucose get into the body’s cells. There for your body gets the energy it needs to function properly. The pancreas is a long, flat gland behind your stomach that helps you digests food, but also makes insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is like a key that opens the doors to the cell of the body. It's like a key because it lets the glucose in, which is only when then the glucose can move out of
Diabetes is a disease that causes the human body to not create or not use insulin effectively. The body needs insulin to take the energy or sugars and turn it into energy. The human body needs energy to survive. Diabetes can be broken into three main categories. Type 1 diabetes is where the body makes no insulin at all. Type 2 diabetes is where the body does not produce enough insulin or it does not use it correctly. Gestational diabetes is more of a type 2 diabetes for pregnant women, which usually returns to normal after birth (Ruder 7-8).
It is evident that diabetes has become a real problem something must be done about it. People must start taking care of themselves by eating right and being physically active and healthy if they don’t have diabetes or seeking professional assistance as soon as possible if they already have diabetes. I also believe that government and big organizations need to increase awareness about this dangerous disease and what must be done to avoid
Type 2 diabetes can be controlled through healthy diet and regular exercise. However some people with type 2 diabetes are prescribed tablets to control their blood glucose levels. These tablets are intended to be used in conjunction with healthy eating and regular exercise. Eventually it may be necessary for diabetic patients to start taking insulin to control blood glucose levels, when your body is no longer producing enough insulin of its own.
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by increased blood sugar levels which result in problems with insulin production and action. Insulin is the hormone in the body that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Diabetes is a chronic disorder with three types. Type 1 diabetes or insulin dependent occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin, thereby requiring insulin injections regularly. Type 2 diabetes or non-insulin dependent occurs when the body
Diabetes is a condition that affected nearly one hundred and fifteen millions Americans in 2012 ("Statistics About Diabetes"). A big number of the individuals is being affected, but it is frightening that diabetes awareness is not emphasized as greatly as other conditions. Diabetes is the increase in blood sugar, which can lead to heart disease. Heart disease is still as of today, the leading cause of death in the United States of America, so diabetes should be taken seriously. Although there is no cure as of today, there are a lot of steps that can be taken in order to maintain the condition.
Diabetes is a disease that causes their sugar levels to rise higher than average. Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes. It can affect the way our body handles glucose, a kind of sugar, in the patients bloodstream. Over time the pancreas isn't able to keep up and can't make enough insulin to keep their blood glucose at average levels.
Diabetes mellitus, is the fancy way to say diabetes but many people referred it as diabetes. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases which can cause you to have high blood sugar levels over a long period. The two main types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. Type 1 results from the pancreas's failure to produce enough insulin. This form was previously referred to as "insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" or "juvenile diabetes". The cause is unknown. Type 2 begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells fail to respond to insulin properly. There is no known preventive for type 1 diabetes, Or Type 2 diabetes which accounts for 85-90% of all cases can often be prevented or delayed by maintaining a normal body weight, engaging
Type 2: In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin, however the body doesn’t respond to it as it should, this is because the quantities of the insulin being produced are insufficient, or the body’s cells just don’t react to it and so the glucose levels in the system remain high. Type 2 diabetes is a ‘progressive disease’ and can get worse if it is not managed properly. Long term effects of high blood sugar can result in heart disease or kidney
According to the American Diabetes Association (2016), more Americans die each year from diabetes than from AIDS and breast cancer combined. As a result, researchers have extensively studied the causes, treatments, and interventions for diabetes. Despite efforts to ameliorate its effects, diabetes remains a prevalent danger in society. In 2014, 7% of U.S. adults were living with diagnosed diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). In Louisiana that number was even higher - 10.4% of adults have been diagnosed with diabetes. Breaking it down by age group, however, in Louisiana 3% of people aged 18 and 44 have been diagnosed, and 15.2% of people 45-64. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015a). Several studies have predicted future rates of diabetes, both in the United States and worldwide - nearly all of these studies reached a similar conclusion: rates of diabetes will continue to rise (Boyle et al., 2001).
Diabetes is a condition, which causes the blood sugar of a person to become too high (Nhs, 2012). Type II diabetes is a long-term metabolic disorder that results from characterized high blood sugar, insulin resistance, or insulin deficiency (Elly, 2008). This type of diabetes differs from type I diabetes, which cause is quite unclear, but believed to result from genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. In type II diabetes, sugar accumulates in the bloodstream instead of being ferried by relevant body parts where it can be converted into energy
the biology side of type 2 diabetes: type 2 diabetes Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, the bodies of people with type 2 diabetes make insulin. But either their pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body cannot use the insulin well enough. This is called insulin resistance . When there isn 't enough insulin or the insulin is not used as it should be, glucose (sugar) can 't get into the body 's cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells, the body 's cells are not able to function properly. Other problems associated with the buildup of glucose in the blood.
Diabetes is a serious and complex condition that effects the whole body and the life of the person who is diagnosed. A person suffering from diabetes is unable to maintain healthy blood glucose levels. This is because the body does not produce enough insulin, a hormone that is needed to allow glucose to be converted to energy. Being diagnosed with diabetes means having to manage your life style and eating plan. If the body is not treated with the right care, the life of the effected person may be severely reduced. There are two main types of diabetes, type one and type two. Type one diabetes is a condition that usually onsets at an early age and cannot be prevented. Type two diabetes is usually discovered in adulthood, but there is an increasing