Health promoter is supporting people to increase control over the factors that influence their health and wellbeing. Most health promoter talk about nutrition, smoking and violence prevention. They may work in schools and other places. Most health promoter need a bachelor’s degree. Health promoter assess the health and wellness needs of the population and they develop educational programs and events. For this career you will be spending time in classrooms and meeting rooms delivering educational materials to the
Health promotion utilises theories and models to guide practice. A theory is the general principles of a framework of ideas in regards to a particular topic. (, 2016) A model is a set plan of action based on theoretical ideas to achieve a set goal. (, 2016)
Health promotion summary. Holbrook, Arizona is a rural community of 5,000 in Arizona that borders the Navajo Nation. Although the population is 38% Navajo, the local school district is Title I (indicating high poverty levels), with a student demographic of roughly 64% Navajo (HUSD3, 2014). Significant disadvantage and unique cultural environments generate a sample population unlike previous public health initiatives concerning tobacco; thus, a multi-leveled approach is appropriate to address tobacco use in the community setting (Hawkins et al., 2008). The aim of this promotion, Cutting the Slack, is to use the community as a facilitator to forge a sustainable program that fosters a protracted tobacco-free community youth environment. Use of local health professionals to train identified leaders among teens and adolescents as change agents promotes community buy-in (Latkin & Knowlton, 2015). Peer advocates have the ability to increase self-agency by promoting personal achievements
Health Promotion is a fundamental practise in ensuring optimum population health. In this essay I will be discussing the ‘settings’ based approach (SBA) of Health Promotion (HP) as a process for achieving sustainable improvements in health outcomes. I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the approach in relation to key movements which demonstrate the method in action.
Equality in everything, including health issues, has to be the main feature of the modern world. National health programs of the US operate to ensure adequate and timely treatment of all citizens. Nevertheless, health indicators of some racial and ethnic groups are significantly worse than of the white Americans. It applies to the Hispanic Americans and significantly affects their lives. The current health status of this minority is far from satisfactory and needs improvements through existing programs and the development of new approaches to address
The World Health Organisation (WHO) identified that health promotion was a way of equipping people to have more power enabling them to make choices in regard to improving their well-being (WHO 1986). Ewles and Simnett (2003) determine from this, that the fundamental elements of health promotion
One health promotion idea that the nurse practitioner would discuss with a middle adolescent patient would be the need to avoid using tobacco products and the negative effects of using tobacco. An important fact to remember is that adolescent smokers are more likely than nonsmoking peers to use marijuana and hard drugs, sell drugs, have multiple drug problems, drop out of school, and experience early pregnancy and parenthood, so the importance of avoiding tobacco will be of high significance when performing education with an adolescent patient ( Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr, & Blosser, 2013). At every visit, the nurse practitioner should asses the patient's smoking patterns with direct questions and ask if they or any of their friends smoke
Disease prevention should be the center thoughts to everyone and more specifically the healthcare providers. The nurses and the nurse practitioners should promote a preventive measure to all patients that they have seen on a daily basis. We as NPs should be proactive in promoting health care promotions in the community that we are living. “Increasing the focus on prevention in our communities will help improve America's health, quality of life and prosperity” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014, 2). Promoting health care promotion requires some sort of good strategic to attend many people possible. One of the best ways the healthcare professionals can promote their patients how to prevent themselves from certain types of disease
Health Intervention for the resident of the Community Living facility. Address the following in your intervention:
The next interview was of an Asian American family. This is a military family, the father meet, married and brought back to the United States a 23 year old Vietnamese woman. Family is vital to this Asian American family and respect is expected. Over the years, the mother has adapted to some western ways but maintains certain culture values and passed them on to her children. Diet plays a huge part in their health maintenance and protection. The diet manly consists of rice, vegetables and fish. Along with diet, exercise and staying fit is a big part of their ethnic background. The mother stated to me “Don’t you see all the Asian ladies at the gym? We take pride in staying fit.” To them their body is a temple and needs to be cared for. Spirituality of mind body and soul is another significant part of their health. Partaking in meditation, massage therapy and acupuncture are ways to rid the body of imbalance and place it back in balance to fight illness and diseases. Illness may be attributed to organic or physical problems an imbalance of yin and yang, an obstruction of chi (life energy), a failure to be in harmony with nature, punishment for immoral behavior (in this or past lives), or a curse placed by an offended spirit ("Vietnamese Cultural Profile — EthnoMed," n.d.). While this family is westernized in some ways, by going to the doctor and
I’m still not 100% what I want to do after obtaining my degree, but a Health Coach is something I have strong interest in. A Health Coach helps clients to cultivate a healthier lifestyle. Many of their duties include, assessing a client’s current health conditions, developing goals, providing counseling services, treatment meals, health screening and tracking client’s progress. Health Coaches play a huge role in a person’s life by being a positive and educational influence in their daily lives, and could save and prolong lives.
Outcomes Tools. Health promotion has countless significance when it relates to the healthcare profession, especially in patients diagnosed with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. A measurement tool to evaluate the health promotion behaviors is DMHP. The DMHP scale was created by Chia-Pei, Yun-Shing, Hsu-Huei, Hsiao-Yun, and Mei-Yen (2013) to measure health promoting behaviors in patients diagnosed with diabetes. The DMHP scale has been shown to be reliable and valid with a context validity index of 0.97 and an internal consistency cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.90.
The purpose of this group task was to implement a health-promoting strategy in adolescents to improve or maintain their well-being, this health-promoting strategy had to be based off a contemporary health issue adolescents faced in their daily lives. The issue my group decided to investigate was fitness in adolescents and we did this because in a previous health assignment we found out that obesity is a major problem for Australians in this day and age, statistics show that a quarter of all Australians are obese or overweight. These statistics prompted us to target the issue of fitness because we realised that being physically inactive and unfit at a young age usually leads to being obese when you are older. The age group we targeted was 13-15-year-olds
Health promotion model is available and possible to apply in education. Definitely, the community and students need more program about health education. For example, alcohol substance abuse prevention program, nutrition program, smoking program, sexual abuse program, and communicable disease program (Ickes, 2011). I will provide the first program in this paper, alcohol substance abuse program. It is essential each student has information about alcohol substance abuse based on alcohol substance abuse prevention program (Ickes, 2011). This program will teach students to know and understand what are the risk factors and disadvantages about substance abuse generally. When students acquire
The purpose of this paper is to promote a proposal for the development of a teaching tool targeted at smokers that are having orthopedic surgery. The goal of the teaching tool is to open up the conversation with the patient as to why it is important for them to stop smoking prior to surgery. Additional goals are to see a decrease in infections, lack of wound healing, nonunion of bone healing and any other post-operative complications related to smoking. Also to see an increase in the number of people that do stop smoking prior to surgery as evidenced by stating that they quit before surgery when asked in the pre-operative phase during admission. We have heard for a long time how bad smoking is for your heart and lungs. Taking this to the next step and teaching patients how bad smoking is for them when surgery is involved is an added opportunity that we have as health professionals to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle. If we want our patients to have less complications with wound healing, bone healing, pneumonia, blood clots, infections and better recovery rates, the talk of smoking cessation prior to surgery needs to take place, this pamphlet will help to start that conversation.
“The major goals of health promotion are to help people of all ages stay healthy, optimize health in cases of chronic disease or disability, and create healthy environments” (Pender et al., 2015). This health promotion project is designed to identify and reduce the risk factors associated with several illnesses and disease processes. This project will focus on changing lifestyle behaviors and providing up to date education for the patient to make the best informed decision regarding her environment, health behaviors, and developing a support system with her primary care physician.