Health PSA Student : Hello student body, I am (Enter Name), and I have brief message about your health. As many of you know, the health of the student is extremely important to school and its clubs. We would like to inform you of a very likely health risk many of the school body have been exposed to and that’s cigarettes. Cigarettes and likewise tobacco products can cause a variety of diseases and deficient in the body, especially one with a weak immune system. We urge you to reconsider the offer your friends give you when they want you to try drugs. No matter what they call you, what they offer you, it is never worth it. If you accept the cigarette, you should know the risks that come with the
Many smokers, like Sload, take their first puffs in college. Other students experiment with cigarettes in high school but start smoking heavily in college. Everyone I surveyed and interviewed is aware that smoking was responsible for the deaths of many people every year. They know it increased the risk of heart attack and stroke and adversely affects breathing and the lungs. And like smokers of any age, many college students are actively trying to quit. Mandie Sload knows that for or five cigarettes a day were four or five too many. She plans to quit someday. She understands that if she quits her breath will smell better;
A Physician assistant is also known as a PA, which means practice medicine on a team, under the supervision of physicians and or surgeons. They are formally educated to examine patients, diagnose injuries and illnesses, and provide treatment, as well as write prescriptions for their patients.
Most people who attend Cerritos College may be unfamiliar with the services that are offered to help students reach success. Among all the student assistance that is offered at Cerritos College, I would say one of the most important and beneficial advantages of being a student is the health center. The health center is a place where s student can receive all types of care including mental health counseling, nutrition guidance, and checkups for physical well-being. With a place that’s not too far away and completely free of charge, the Cerritos College health center is certainly a place that can reassure students and help them reach success.
Every year the step team does a performance during the Health Fair. This year we wanted to try something different, so we decided to teach steps to children from the area. Most of our steps are elite and very tedious to learn so we had to figure out what steps would be appropriate to teach without the children losing interest. Originally, we started with three kids who are siblings of one of my teammates. Later on in the day, after the drill team performed, some of drill team members came over to learn a couple of step moves, along with a couple of girls from the dancing school.
The 3 Paragraphes part 1: Tobacco. Tobacco includes smoking and that’s it, smoking includes cigarettes and cigars. The same stranger and friend or friends who offered drugs thinks it’s a good idea to offer you cigarettes. If you think cigarettes are good for you, then you don’t know what smoking is. For the young ones reading this and don’t know what tobacco or smoking is, then i should probably tell them before it’s too late. The young ones who don’t want to read this then they should ask their parents, but i’m gonna tell them otherwise. Smoking or tobacco is when you have a cigarette or a cigar and you light it with a lighter, it’s really bad to smoke. Why is it so dangerous or bad to smoke? Because your lungs are getting more and more damaged the more you smoke, and that puts you in a high risk of lung cancer. And the
The handbook stated participants will come to health fair if they precieve a need. Plan the health fair about perceived need. The Mt. Carmel Health Ministry health fair handbook gave detailed instructions on how to implement a successful health fair. Mt. Carmel offers to assist with health fair with a table of services and who to contact. The hand book offers additional ideas to include in a health fair. The handbook provided registration forms and timetable for planning the event. Mt. Carmel Health has been around since 1886. Mt. Carmel has many expansions since 1886, has a nursing school and received serval awards to
One thing I did not like about the Student Health 101 website was the titles of the articles and the overall layout of the website. I felt the website did not look like a school related website, but a website that looks like it is going to be filled with pop-up ads. I also felt the titles of the articles were very click-bait like one of the articles was titled “5 things you didn’t know about vaping” and looked like something you would see at the bottom of webpages as advertisements. I did not feel the website had a very professional feel to it. However, when I actually clicked on some of the articles I found the content to be very easy to read and useful.
The relatable health problem is tobacco use. Tobacco can be used in many ways, but most commonly it is smoked or chewed. I chose this health topic because it is a concerned of mine on how many young adults use tobacco. According to healthy people 2020, “10.9 percent of young adults aged 18 to 25 years who had not previously used tobacco products in their lifetime first used tobacco products in the past 12 months in 2008” This shows that young adults are trying and experimenting at a young age. I will be doing
The competency, “Analyze determinants of health and disease using an ecological framework” was met through the exercise, “Health Problem Analysis Worksheet” and through reading Chapter 2 in the book Public Health: What it is and How it Works.
This year in PE/Health we have learned a lot of useful things such as, how to take care of your body, how to get stronger, how to stay healthy, how to take care of someone who appears to be suicidal, what our muscles and bone do and what they are called, and what our intestines do. These things that I learned will me help in the real world. I have learned a lot of useful stuff this year in PE/Health.
Nowadays students are not only being pressured to smoke by their peers and by their surrounding, but they are also watching their parents smoke. Many teens have been influenced by
The National Health Services of UK defines health checks as an examination of one’s current state of health. Our current state of health is checked because as we mature we get more vulnerable to illnesses that range from low risks to high risks and the best way to combat these illnesses is early detection and/or prevention.
Smoking, as one knows it, has become a stress-reliever worldwide. One will find a smoker pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up around every corner. Smoking has especially become a growing problem in college campuses. When a college student enters the college campus, they do not only enter a new campus, a new life is also entered. In this new experience, one will find themselves exploring new things. The power of the eye is remarkable in today’s society. When someone has a friend that is doing something, the one looking will eventually want to try as well. This can raise many red flags that can be avoided, simply by banning smoking on all college campuses. Smoking on college campuses should be banned because of nicotine’s negative effect on student’s personalities, academics, and overall health.
Tobacco; one of the most profitable products in history, an addictive substance, and a deadly killer. Smoking tobacco used to be a thing that was endorsed in American society. Now, with the new medical advances and knowledge, society has seen the side effects of smoking and how fatal it actually is. Teenagers have been one of the largest age groups that have been affected by smoking. After analyzing all possible reasons as to why teenagers would smoke while knowing it can affect their health, three possible reasons stuck out the most. Teenagers smoke despite knowing the health problems that originate from smoking because of peer pressure, an “invincibility” mentality, and seeing a role model or family member smoke.
Ever since the evolution of smoking tobacco, numerous and severe damages in the human body and the society at large have been evidenced. Smoking was for so long regarded an adult thing. But that was a few decades ago. Today, smoking is commonly considered a teen or youth thing. It is no longer strange to find teenagers as young as thirteen experimenting with cigarettes and calling it the day’s hot thing to do. As the side effects are continually becoming detrimental not only to their health but also their social and academic lives, the issue of smoking among teens is no longer considered a light matter. The aim of this essay is to explore the issue of smoking beyond the