Health reform strives to provide health insurance to those who are uninsured, have a pre-existing condition and are denied by healthcare plans, and/or people who cannot afford health care insurance due to the high premiums. Furthermore, health reform provides tax breaks to small businesses so that they can afford insurance to their employees, free coverage for prevention services such as vaccines and screenings, assistance with drug coverage for Medicare patients, and providing insurance options for individuals so that a healthcare plan will fit their needs. The major benefits for health reform is closing the loop and providing coverage for the population without insurance and/or in the greatest need for care. By providing healthcare that sets
There are nine primary components for this reform. These include: affordable health care for Americans, role of public programs, improved quality and efficiency of healthcare, improving public health and chronic disease prevention, healthcare workforce, program transparency and integrity, increased access to medical therapies, community living assistance, and revenue provisions. The problem this piece of legislation hopes to address is the estimated 45 to 75 million of Americans who are uninsured and the additional 50 million who are under-insured (“The United States”, 2010)
The majority of Americans receive health care through private insurers which is mostly provided through their employers. For the most part, employees are required to contribute part of insurance cost through payroll deductions. There is no government health insurance company that covers all citizens. The government does offer few programs such as Medicare and Medicaid but the eligibility is restricted and limited. President Obama wants to reform the health care system so that every American in United States has health insurance coverage. The plan proposes to offer affordable, comprehensive and portable coverage. It pledges to control the rising health care cost and improving the quality of care. The key goals of the reform plan are:
It was to be necessitated by the expansion of the community investments and the clinical preventive care. Alternatively, the accessibility of the preventive and primary health care was sought to be expanded and strengthened. The act has led to positive results in the aspect of the health care system. Low-income individuals were previously not able to afford their insurance coverage. It made it difficult for people to get access to good health care. However, the health reform act created a platform for programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. The programs were able to provide minimum coverage to all citizens and individuals who had no form of affordable employer coverage. Insurance companies were also given standards of selling their products. It is essential to note that the act created a bridge between the citizens and the health care system and all the financial disparities that
In 2014, the US entered into the force sensational health care reform of the protection of patients in the United States, which is called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Under this reform, all the citizens and residents of the country are required to have health insurance. It has also caused many discussions and opinions among people. Supporters of it say that this is a significant step forward, since there is no company that can refuse a person in the insurance policy. However, opponents believe that this reform will only worsen the condition of the Americans. The current health care reform has its drawbacks, such as increased fees for insurance, and the impossibility of choice, therefore, it is necessary for change.
There are Currently 32 million people without health insurance in the United States. This means that roughly 83 per cent of citizens have to live day by day hoping they won’t get sick. For this reason, President Obama signed the U.S health reform bill into law. The health reform will make health care more affordable for citizens. Employers with more than 50 employees will be forced to provide coverage for all, or they will have to pay a fine. It will also make health insures more responsible. For example, health insurance carriers are forbidden from placing lifetime dollar limits on policies, from denying coverage to children because of pre-existing conditions, and from canceling policies because someone gets sick. It will also expand
This new healthcare reform law aims to increase the number of Americans that are covered by health insurance and also to decrease the cost of health care. Under this new law everyone in America will have to get health insurance of some form.
In 1993 First lady Hillary Clinton was assigned to a proposal to reform healthcare with the goal to become universal by US president Bill Clinton, this reform was titled Task Force on National Health Care Reform (Boundless, n.d.). At that time, 37 million Americans did not have health insurance and the cost to obtain health insurance was very unaffordable to the middle class (Boundless, n.d.). The main purpose of this reform was to mandate employers to provide health coverage to all employees HMOs’. However, this reform was aggressively opposed by the health insurance industry, libertarians, and conservative republicans stating that it was restrictive to the employees choice (Boundless, n.d.). Additionally, they argued that the proposal a
The Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare increases the quality, accessibility, and affordability of health insurance for all types of people with various financial status. In exchange, people who do not have an insurance would have to pay an additional fee for not having han insurance. This policy would make more people get an insurance and receive benefits as they grow old. This would ensure that it is not cheap for the people who are actually able to pay for their service. This law, stops insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick, protects against gender discrimination, expands free preventative services and health benefits, expands Medicaid, improves Medicare, requires larger employers to insure their employees. This would ensure equality for all patients are patients would not be abandoned when they are severely sick or not able to pay for their treatment. This also creates a marketplace for subsidized insurance providing tens of millions individuals, families, and small businesses with free or low-cost health insurance, and
Most Americans will benefit from the new rights and protections like guaranteed coverage of pre-existing conditions and the elimination of gender discrimination. Your health insurance costs may go up in the short run, but the quality of your insurance just got a lot better”( Rehm). The reason why insurance is getting better is because majority of Americans bought insurance and in a way it’s helping out medicaid.
My name is John Brentwood. I am a 56-year-old retired individual who is currently not receiving health insurance as I fall into what, post ACA, is labeled the “coverage gap.” By detailing my life story and discussing the Supreme Court’s decision to make Medicaid expansion voluntary, I hope to convince you to consider finding a way to reinstate Medicaid expansion for all states.
Giving people who buy their own health coverage tax credits and expanded health savings accounts to help pay for their coverage, as well as flexibility about the design of their plans.
This new healthcare reform law aims to increase the number of Americans that are covered by health insurance and also to decrease the cost of health care. Under this new law everyone in America will have to get health insurance of some form. Insurance companies can no longer deny people coverage because of a preexisting condition nor
For many Americans that could not afford health insurance before due to having to pay high rates out of the pocket for doctor visits or any kind of medical treatment, Obamacare has certainly brought many benefits including the help from government programs such as Medicaid to provide insurance to those that are still unable to pay for the costs and need assistance by increasing the eligibility for government programs as the statement “In addition, the law increases Medicaid eligibility to non- Medicare eligible individuals with incomes up to 133% of the federal poverty line.”, by authors Filson, C. P., Hollingsworth, J. M., Skolarus, T. A., Quentin Clemens, J., and Hollenbeck, B. K. on the article at the World Journal of Urology on February
The Health Care Reform Act was designed to benefit the citizens of the United States. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, 3.1 million more young adults have health insurance on their parent’s plan, three million seniors have received a 50 percent discount on their prescription drugs, and millions of Americans now have access to no-cost preventive services to help them stay healthy. Abusive insurance practices are becoming a thing of the past. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act helps small businesses with the cost of providing health insurance for their employees and helps doctors and other health providers care for their patients more effectively. (
The main aim of Obama care health insurance plan was to provide affordable, quality and high standard medical insurance cover to all Americans. Though facing a lot of pressure from the newly elected president Donald trump and other republicans the health care act an initiative of the former American president Barack Hussein Obama is still active up to date. The act is still being discussed and other means of replacing it are still being sort despite enrolment still going on.On January 31 2017 the repeal process begun those who missed the enrolment missed the last opportunity to enroll in the coverage with cost help until a replacement for Obama care is sort out. Last minute shoppers missed the opportunity since no extension for enrolment took