Running Head: HEALTH TRENDS AMONG NURSING STUDENTS 12 HEALTH TRENDS AMONG NURSING STUDENTS Current Health Trends among Nursing Students and Implementation of Practices in the Clinical Setting Carly A. Vitale Remington College School of Nursing Introduction The nursing profession is one that requires compassion, skill, and extensive knowledge of healthcare. Physicians, nurses, and other clinical professionals implement interventions from comprehensive plans of care that are unique to their clients based on their presenting problems. Nurses are healthcare professionals who spend one-on-one time with their patients and provide bedside care. Nurses are present with their clients from the admission process through discharge and …show more content…
Literature Review Promoting Self Awareness in Undergraduate Nursing Students in Relation to their Health Status and Personal Behaviours by Healy and Patsy (2010) regards a study conducted by the Department of Nursing and Health Studies at St. Angela?s College in Sligo, Ireland. In this study they created a workshop for 65 undergraduate first year nursing students in a four-year baccalaureate program. The purpose of this workshop was to train students to utilize self-assessment regarding their own health practices (Healy and Patsy, 2010). This study cited the World Health Organization (1986) when explaining the shift in focus of healthcare. In recent times there has been more of a focus on promoting optimal health for the client as opposed focusing on the disease process. This is what helps define the nursing process as a holistic approach to the individuals in care (Healy and Patsy, 2010). Before explaining the purpose and modules of the workshop, this article reviewed other studies that explored similar areas. A Turkish study conducted on 70 students promoted health-related curricular activities among participants. This study found that students became more involved in practicing autonomous health behaviors by the end of their fourth year of nursing. This study concluded that nurse educators are responsible for shaping their students in a way that will make them
Peter Crosta M.A (2014) says that nursing is a healthcare profession focused on caring for the service user and their families giving the best possible quality of care to a service user no matter their condition until death. It will allow the service user to recover from illness, control their illness or reach an optimal status of health that they can control. Hunt et al (1994) suggests that the profession of a nurse would place great importance on nurse training and states that a nurse cannot be competent at something unless they have specific training on an area.
A nurse is a healthcare professional, who in collaboration with other members of a health care team is responsible for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill individuals. Nurses are also accountable for the health promotion and maintenance of families, communities, populations, and the treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses perform a range of clinical and non-clinical functions
Nurse practitioners work with other doctors to ensure that patients stay healthy or become healthier once again. Due to their training in clinical medicine, nurse practitioners are able to make diagnoses and treat patients for many different health problems (Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), n.d.). Although nurse practitioners are not doctors, they are advanced registered nurses. The description of duties that are expected of a nurse practitioner are as followed: developing treatment plans for different conditions, educating patients on proper healthy habits, conduct exams, preform different tests and exams, caring for patients and helping prevent further sickness,
Nurse practitioners are advanced registered nurses who have been obligated with providing professional care to patients within their jurisdiction. They are expected to perform comprehensive healthcare services from caring for acute illnesses, injuries, and immunization to the treatment of chronic conditions (Cusack, et al., 2015).
The American Nursing Association describes nursing as the profession or practice of providing care for the sick and infirm. They say it is the duty of nurses to protect, promote and optimize the health and abilities of a patient. It is also the duty of those in the profession of nursing to prevent illness and injury, facilitate healing, and alleviate suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response. Nurses also advocate for the care of patients families. Nurses play a very important role in healthcare and they are the primary caregiver for patients.
According to the American Nurses Association, “Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA, 2010b). Nursing has come a long ways. From primitive times when caring for the sick was predominantly the rule of medicine-men who acquired the skills from their ancestors, to the era when it was viewed as a mean profession for prostitutes and nowadays when it is considered a noble profession with trained and skilled personnel.
I already knew that Nursing is a health care profession that involves taking care of another person in which a person needs the formal education and training in the art of science of nursing. Nurses help individuals, families, and groups to achieve health and prevent diseases, and they care for the sick and injured using procedures based on
Nurses are an essential part of the healthcare system and the society. Nurses require special knowledge, preparation and skill, in their profession. They must have adequate training on issues that pertain to handling patients, medicine and medical records among other issues. Nursing profession requires an advanced knowledge and skills that it outgrows the needs of any society for special services. Nursing profession is a calling because it involves a lot of sacrifice of personal time, patient, discipline, values, ethics and other essential qualities.
Jack, Kristen, & Smith, & Anne, (2007, April). Promoting self-awareness in nurses to improve nursing practice. Nursing Standard, 21(32), 47-52. University Library.
Nursing is basically a scientific profession with a widespread vision, where nurses care for the physical needs of the people at the same time satisfies their emotional, psychological, and intellectual as well as social and spiritual demands. These Nurses though get professional training but apart from professional training and experiences, a good nurse possess high humanistic quality and has in depth understanding of not only the psychology of her/his patients but also proves to be very soft and patience when her/his patients behave in some rude, unethical and humiliating manner.
Nurses develop a plan of care, sometimes working collaboratively with physicians, therapists, the patient, the patient's family and other team members. Nurses are always finding a better way to take care of their patients.
In today’s society, the medical field is constantly thriving with technological improvements and the growth of educated individuals that contribute to the well-being of others. Nurses make up the largest majority of the industry, and with that, nursing is the fastest growing occupation. Nursing is a job that allows people to not only take care of the sick but also to experience, learn, and further their interests of the human body.
Nurses are known as the heart of health care. Being a nurse is a demanding job that requires commitment, but does not lack rewards. A fact stated by the American Association of Colleges of Nurses claims that “Nurses comprise the largest single component of hospital staff, are the primary providers of hospital patient care, and deliver most of the nation 's long-term care” (“Nursing Fact Sheet”). With many roles throughout the healthcare system as a whole, nurses are a large, very important role that interacts with every other part of the health care system. They have great qualities that not everyone has. They are highly compassionate, caring, professional, diligent and understanding individuals. A nurse experiences people at their worst and still care for patients in a way that no one else would. All these honest points prove that nurses are the most important members of the health care system because, nurses spend the most time with patients, nurses are the managers of patient care; they are teachers and are great with conflict resolution.
Becoming a nurse requires extensive schooling and training that for most students causes considerable amounts of stress to be placed on their success for the future. Nursing school places students in an environment that is rigorous and competitive which in turn results in high-stress levels experienced by these students. The stress inflicted on these students causes them to experience health problems along with deterring them from completing their studies. Additionally, the pressure and struggles these students are facing are being ignored by those placing them under these conditions, ignoring the fact that the educators of these students are responsible for ensuring the well-being of these students. Proven that nursing students experience more stress than the average college undergraduate, the stress inflicted on nursing students by their educational process results in students that are less likely to succeed and that are overall less healthy both physically and mentally.
Nursing refers to the profession within the healthcare sector that focuses on the provision of care to individuals, families and communities so that such groups may maintain or recover