Safety & Health at Work SN1794
Joy Mc Inerney
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Explore the role of communications and training in promotion and provision of health and safety in the workplace.
3. Outline the principles and procedures of good housekeeping in the work place
4. Noise, dust and fumes are hazards whish commonly found in the work place for one of these hazards outline the risk associated with the exposure to this hazard and control measures which might be used in the workplace. Identify at least three hazards which are commonly encountered in your workplace and briefly describe how these are controlled.
5. Explain the typical contents of a first aid
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Identify at least three hazards which are commonly encountered in your workplace and briefly describe how these are controlled.
Dust in the workplace can be very hazardous and harmful to the health of the staff and patients. Dust can appear under bed, on cabinets, shelves and on fixtures and fittings. Exposure to excessive dust can lead to respiratory problems and skin irritation depending on the degree of exposure to dust. Dust can be prevented from accumulating by good housekeeping practices and prevent skin irritation and respiratory problems. (
Control Measures
Slips and falls
Spillage should be cleaned up immediately
Blocking of Emergency Exits
In case of an emergency no one will be able to use the emergency exits.
Store items in the correct place and keep exits and entrances clear
Loose electric cables
Trips and falls.
Loose electric cables should be covered and out of the way.
(Class notes)
Question 4
Explain the typical contents of a first aid kit and their uses.
Adhesive Plasters
Triangular Bandages
Sprains, fractures’ and elevation
Sterile Eye Pads
Eye injuries
Safety Pins
To keep bandages in place
1.2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting
State how changing circumstances within the workplace could cause hazards & the methods used for reporting changed circumstances, hazards and incidents.
State why and when health and safety control equipment, identified by the principles of protection, should be used relating to types, purpose and limitations of each type, the work situation, occupational use and the general work environment, in relation to:
Task 4Ensuring health and safety is an important responsibility not only for the Managers but all associated with the premises. Evaluate your organisation’s health and safety policy and procedures in line with legislative requirements and propose recommendations on how health and safety should be managed
2. Identify one of the three ways to keep your work area safe. (1 pt)
| Explain why and when health and safety control equipment, identified by the principles of protection, should be used, relating to moving, handling and/or storing resources, and the types, purpose and limitations of each type, the work situation, occupational use and the general work environment, in relation to:
Training should be given in such a way that hazardous situations can be avoided. For example: Lengthening of working day, removal of taking screening breaks etc for meeting deadlines should be avoided. You must ensure that the significant hazards are identified, and that the actual working practices are addressed and if need be, changed so as to reduce any risk. This is both the responsibility of the employer and employee, for example it is the employees responsibility to familiarise themselves with the hazards and risks in their workplace.
Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting.
1. Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting.
health and safety procedures and practises should be under continual scrutiny and areas for improvement should be monitored and dealt with. A good method of monitoring & improving are health, safety and security procedures are visually. Check visitors have signed in the visitor’s book, look for items blocking fire exits or hallways, wet signs are in place during cleaning, COSHH cupboards are kept locked, medication trolleys are secure, hoists are clean and stored in a correct storage place. Policies and procedures need to be reviewed regularly to ensure they are still relevant, circumstances in workplace can change and new risk assessments will need to be put in place or old ones reviewed. Policies and procedures may need evaluating and developing
Specific health problems associated with the workplace have contributed to the development of Particular health issues connected with the work environment have added to the advancement of the cutting edge safety and health development. These issues incorporate lung infections in diggers, mercury harming, and lung tumor attached to asbestos. Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals have an above normal extent of all day employments. For Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals working all day, normal week by week hours are 42.3 and profit are high - in the ninth decile. Unemployment for Health Professionals is underneath normal. H&S Professionals have an expansive extent of specialists amongst individuals in the 25-34 age section, making it an energetic and dynamic workplace. The unavoidable consequence of the expanded consideration given to safety and health is that bigger organizations are utilizing safety and health professionals and all organizations big or small are relegating these obligations to existing representatives.
Produce a H&S Policy Manual which demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of how health and safety legislation is implemented in a health and social care workplace. Your Policy Manual should provide a review of systems, policies and procedures for communication of health and safety in a workplace.
making sure employees are aware of the health and safety aspects of their work (e.g. posting information on notice boards, keeping an information file such as COSHH, training, and providing
Flood: to make sure there’s no contact with any electrical equipment. This could also cause the floor to be slippery.
Just recently, All Weather Windows Commercial Ltd., has purchased a smaller company with a large glass manufacturing facility. This smaller company has approximately 150 employees that now work under our organization. Throughout this assignment, I will focus on basic safety initiatives to implement into the new facility. The reason I chose to focus on implementing basic safety initiatives, is based on the fact, this new facility is populated with many plant workers and has to now adopt my organization safety program.