
Healthcare Personal Statement

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The medical field has always been an intriguing area of study to me. Even as a young child, when I had to go to the doctor’s office, I would ask the doctor tons of questions about how the medicine he or she gave me worked. As I grew older and started to enroll in upper-level science classes, my interest in healthcare became immensely stronger. Apart from classes at school, a variety of other factors contributed to my decision of pursuing a healthcare career.
While I have taken every advanced science class my school has to offer, my favorites have been Biology and Anatomy/Physiology. I am amazed at how the human body works and am always curious to know more; my learning does not end once I leave class. Outside of the classroom, I continually research new medicines, diseases, and how they affect the human body.
While an interest in science and medicine is essential, I believe my compassion for others is what truly prompted my interest in healthcare. I have always had a strong desire to help others in any way possible. One charity specifically has deepened my aspiration to enter the medical profession—The Ben Kruse 18 Fore Life Foundation. The purpose of this group is to provide love and financial support to local …show more content…

I participate in, help organize, and raise money for our Hits for Hope volleyball game each year where I play in honor of a local cancer patient. I have also had the privilege to present several cancer patients with generous amounts of money to aid in the payment of their medical bills. The hugs and smiles I received in return reassured every feeling I had about my interest in healthcare. I truly came to understand the burden this disease put on so many and had a newly found admiration for cancer patients and the fight they put up. Although I always knew I wanted to go into healthcare, my interactions with so many cancer patients directed my interest specifically to

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