The medical field has always been an intriguing area of study to me. Even as a young child, when I had to go to the doctor’s office, I would ask the doctor tons of questions about how the medicine he or she gave me worked. As I grew older and started to enroll in upper-level science classes, my interest in healthcare became immensely stronger. Apart from classes at school, a variety of other factors contributed to my decision of pursuing a healthcare career.
While I have taken every advanced science class my school has to offer, my favorites have been Biology and Anatomy/Physiology. I am amazed at how the human body works and am always curious to know more; my learning does not end once I leave class. Outside of the classroom, I continually research new medicines, diseases, and how they affect the human body.
While an interest in science and medicine is essential, I believe my compassion for others is what truly prompted my interest in healthcare. I have always had a strong desire to help others in any way possible. One charity specifically has deepened my aspiration to enter the medical profession—The Ben Kruse 18 Fore Life Foundation. The purpose of this group is to provide love and financial support to local
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I participate in, help organize, and raise money for our Hits for Hope volleyball game each year where I play in honor of a local cancer patient. I have also had the privilege to present several cancer patients with generous amounts of money to aid in the payment of their medical bills. The hugs and smiles I received in return reassured every feeling I had about my interest in healthcare. I truly came to understand the burden this disease put on so many and had a newly found admiration for cancer patients and the fight they put up. Although I always knew I wanted to go into healthcare, my interactions with so many cancer patients directed my interest specifically to
I came to America from Vietnam when I was just three years old. I spent a majority of my life with my grandma, who has always taught me the importance of helping others. She always told me to have; you must give, and if you have nothing to give, you can always give your time. This phase has been a huge guide in my life, and it has truly shaped me into who I am. At a young age, I always felt that my purpose in life was to help people. After attending many doctor visits with my grandma for her health check-ups, I was confident my future occupation would be in the medical field. During these frequent doctor visits, I had the chance to watch the interactions and cooperation among different healthcare professionals in different settings. Being in this inspiring environment, I hoped one day I could mirror them and make a difference in people’s lives and the community. Although I have always wanted to help those in need, I was uncertain of what specific career role would allow me to fulfill my passion for helping others.
The advent of the Electronic Health Record is ushering in a new era in advanced healthcare. The next 20 years will be an exciting time to be involved in health care as a Health Information Manager. Analyzing the myriad of health information which could reveal astonishing medical breakthroughs excites my imagination. I see the perfect pathway for my future. I am on track to graduate with Honors from Portland Community College’s Health Information Management Program in June 2016.
My decision to volunteer at Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic was primarily motivated by curiosity. There are seven medical professionals in my family, and I wanted to explore the possibility of pursuing a similar career path. The experience provided an opportunity to learn that I do not want to go into medicine, but more importantly, it made me reevaluate the way I think of healthcare.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. These interests were most likely brought to life from my desire to want to help people and learn more about the human body. The experiences I’ve had throughout my life have brought me closer to the belief that I can one day make a difference in the world through medicine. All though I am not completely decided on what I would like my future career to be, I have been able to narrow my options down to a few of the many choices available.
I have always had a strong passion for the sciences. They were always my favorite classes and I enjoyed putting in the hard work to master them. I did well in math and business courses too, however I never felt excited about the material I was studying. My favorite areas in science have been biology, anatomy, and physiology of the human body. Each time I learn something new, I continue to be amazed by the complexity and precision of the human body.
My ambition in seeking acceptance to your program is to do my part to improve the quality of the health care system through increasing my own abilities in health care management. While there are many medically qualified individuals working in medical management, there is unfortunately often a serious deficit in quality management experience. In order to achieve my ambition, I plan to utilize my strong medical qualifications and improve upon my strong management experience.
Other reasons for my interest in this specific field include the flexibility between various medical specialties, sole focus on patient care, and the balance that can be achieved between the career and one’s life. I am unsure about which specialty I want to pursue, however, I have been exploring the fields of oncology, pathology, internal medicine, and emergency medicine through various work, volunteer, and shadowing experiences. I have been active in various volunteer activities since my early years in high school. During high school, I devoted the majority of my time to our marching and concert bands as well as our Interact club. Interact is a high school level community service organization branching off of the parent organization, Rotary International.
I'm a motivated professional with experience within the Health information Management field in both a clinic and hospital setting; as well as working in the accounting department for an insurance broker. When dealing with professional and non-professional, I'm tactful in maintaining diplomacy. I'm reliable, innovative and hardworking with a willingness to learn.
Throughout my life I have always strived to support and care for individuals in the best possible way and my aim now is to pursue a career in a profession in which this quality is fundamental. I believe that studying a degree in Health and Social Care will allow me to gain a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills needed in this area and of the mental and physical needs of different individuals. Studying this subject at A-level has hugely increased my enthusiasm towards caring and safeguarding individuals through a profession and has also encouraged me to continue my studies into higher education. The A-level courses I study have enabled me to attain vast amounts of information that would be useful on this course.
I’ve always known I wanted to help people, but I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it. My sister has influenced me to pursue a career in the healthcare. At the young age of 20, my sister was told that she was in stage 3 renal failure. At the time I was only 16 years old and still trying to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, getting news like that was difficult to absorb. The constant doctor visits made me realize a health profession is what I was going to do. The incredible doctors and nurses who have been a part of my family’s journey have left a huge impact on me. The compassion, drive, and dedication to not only their work but to their patients have woken
My passion for medicine is something deeper than a mere interest in learning the extraordinary functions of the human body. I am completely fascinated to learn gross anatomy, histology, pathology, and the complete medical school curriculum. However, I am more captivated by how the knowledge I will gain in medical school will allow me to perform the lifesaving procedures that physicians are able execute. Although, medicine is not always ideally as I have written, I believe that as a physician I would use my knowledge and my experiences to provide the best holistic care to my patients. My culture, my experiences, and my education will bring a different perspective to the medical field. I aspire to have the ability and knowledge to save a child that might not live, to save a woman that suffers a heart stroke, and to even provide the necessary treatment for a child with a mere cold. Additionally, participating in the Loma Linda Gateway to the Health
After my observations, I have learned a lot about how the the medical aspect of the health care system worked. I always had the mindset that the doctors were the ones who ran everything in a hospital or a clinic. Upon observing, I realized that this was false and that it took teamwork, cooperation, and communication to help create an environment to best serve its patients. When I came into the University of Michigan as well as the Health Sciences Scholar Program, I had set my target to go into family medicine in order to pursue a career as a family physician. I also saw that there were many health disparities and inequities among patients in hospitals as well. I thought maybe I could help fix this if I became a physician. After my observations, I had an ambivalent feeling if I should still continue with what my heart was set on. I never really thought about exploring the vast array of other health-related professions. There were many fields of health professions I had really never thought about and this class as well as my observations had really helped open my eyes to the complexity of the health system to make it work.
My passion to help others and my interest in the healthcare arena have been evident since I was a child. I felt as though I had won the lottery every time I helped someone as a child. It was rewarding for me to see a smile on someone’s face from an action that I had completed. I carried out nice deeds without the agenda of receiving something in return, but with the mentality that it was a deed that needed to be done by someone. Whenever the famous, what do you want to be when you grow up game was played, I would faithfully name occupations that pertained to the healthcare field, such as a pediatrician, dentist, or a nurse.
My interest for public health stems from the need to aid numerous people in disease and injury prevention, health protection, and strategies for health promotion. I hope to earn a Master of Public Health with a focus in the area of health care management as well as hospital administration in relation to public health policy development and education. I aspire to develop enhanced intervention policies that can provide the population with direct access to primary health care due to public health preparedness education and strategic planning.
Coming from a developing country, I witnessed firsthand the urgent need for medical care. My grandmother was going blind from cataract covering her eyes, and the doctors at our community hospital could not do anything to help her because there wasn’t any physician specialized in eye surgery, nor did they have all the necessary equipment to undertake such a difficult task. It was a very scary time for us because my grandmother was the only person taking care of my sister and I. My uncle had heard about the Cuban physicians who came to the country to provide medical help, so he took my grandmother to one of their local clinics. Using laser cataract surgery, the Cuban doctors saved my grandmother from going blind.