Describe several elements of the supply chain systems. Is it your conviction that the elements you chose do or do not improve efficiencies within the health care environment? Please state why or why not and support your response with two references.
In the article, “Study on Key Issues, and Critical Success Factors of e-Supply Chain Management in Health Care Services” by Dey and Nath (2013) states that the three key elements of a healthcare supply chain are the following:
1) “Supply side (e.g., the feeding processes of diverse segments of healthcare customers) and demand-side network (e.g., medical support services network)”.
2) “Process flows (e.g., information flows, product/services flow, and business processes flows)”.
3) “Multiple outcomes (e.g., cost, quality, delivery, and customer value). The healthcare issues have become forefront in policy debates, so the ailing healthcare
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In last week’s reading it states, “the primary goals of SCM are (1) to optimize service quality in terms of an organization’s internal information flow processes, while reducing costs and delivery time, and (2) to achieve increased efficiencies with regard to information flows and exchanges between the organization and its external parties, including all its vendors and suppliers” (Tann & Cobb, 2010, p. 72-73). Other elements of SCM is controlling redundancy, managing contracts, obtain products, maintain operational efficiency, order tracking, purchasing and inventory of supplies, and effectively communicating with suppliers and traders (Tann et al., 2010). There are many elements of a supply chain system, and
The main elements of a supply chain include purchasing, operations, distribution, and integration. The supply chain begins with purchasing. Purchasing managers or buyers are typically responsible for determining which products their company will sell, sourcing product suppliers and vendors, and procuring products from vendors at prices and terms that meets profitability goals.
Supplies are the vital factor to having successful operation and to be efficient with the business you are providing. In order to bring value to the organization, you must insure that customers are satisfied with the quality health care provide in each transports, so that they can continue use transport with future transports.
* It details all the steps that go into efficiently running a supply chain and how they are interrelated including: analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Review and summarize the organizational model and structure for your own employer/organization or that of an allied health organization in your chose field. What features of the model work well and contribute to overall performance of the organization? Which features do not work well, or do not work at all? If you had the authority to do so, what elements of your organizational model would you change, and why?
This article is about today’s healthcare marketplace have broad demand for greater value in healthcare face two obligations according to HFMA survey. Those obligations consist of reducing costs for existing services, optimizing the efficiency with which those services are delivered and develop the infrastructure and capabilities required to thrive in the emerging value-based payment and care delivery environment (HFMA 2015). HFMA research seeks to understand the challenge organizations face today is not simply to contain costs, but rather to reconfigure cost structure so that spending reductions in one area can free up resources needed for new investments in another (HFMA 2015). Dan Piro, president of MedAssets Advisory Solutions, notes:
The Matrix tells that the US health care delivery system that (The process that enables people to receive health care or the provision of health care services to patients) is complex and massive, and despite the uniqueness of the US health care delivery system, but it lacks the universal access (no national health care program); therefore, not all population has continuous and comprehensive health care. Its mission is to have universal access with better quality. Its components of the functional view (Financing, Insurance, Delivery, and Payment). The problem of rising health care costs was a major force driving the rise of the cost of managed care which is a subsystem of US health care delivery system.
Healthcare domain is going through a rapid transformation recently. The traditional healthcare service provider model is changing. Disruptive technology is shifting the industry focus towards efficient patient care using digital informatics. The new health economy has empowered the consumers. Healthcare providers, pharmaceuticals, life sciences companies, and supply chain management companies are collaborating to offer value care to the patients.
A value chain provides what customers want, and this includes pre- service, point of service, and after service. In the case of health care providers, patients want less waiting time, reasonable costs, clean and modern facilities which constitute pre-service. Additionally, during the point of service phase, patients expect a good “bedside manner.” In other words, patients expect a good doctor’s approach or attitude. Furthermore, after service patients expect from the health care providers a follow up to evaluate their health condition. Health care provider should identify all components such as organization culture, organization structure, organization strategic resources that could contribute to the production of goods or services which
Watching the video gives away a clearer picture of how the rules of the game is changing in health care. Example of the payer mix, volumes are declining, case mix is worse, and there are more patients at risk. These are some of the issues for competition for these high-margin service. Financial managers must control cost, implementing a long-range or strategic
In a traditional setting, supply chain management would integrate the totality of operations and processes which ensure that the product is created and delivered to the end consumer (Handfield, 2011). Within the setting of healthcare provision, the supply chain management would refer to the totality of the operations which ensure that the medical act is created and delivered to the patient; this medical act includes both the services of the medical teams, as well as the medical products required, such as medical equipments, beds, MRI machines, or medicines.
DIMCO may gain many advantages by implementing supply management chain. Implementing SCM can reduce problems within the company’s internal functions, external suppliers, and external distributors. Some advantages DIMCO can gain from implementing SCM are as follows; the supply chain would improve the quality of service to the end user; reduce channel cost; and create a competitive advantage. (Reid & Sanders, 2010) The implementations of SCM will strengthen DIMCO partnership with suppliers and distributors. Supply chain management can also prevent such challenges such as the bullwhip effect, caused by erratic replenishment of orders placed on different levels in the supply chain that have no apparent link to final product demand. (Reid & Sanders, 2010) An effective and efficient SCM will allow partners to share information concerning health, safety, government regulations and environmental issues. SCM will provide a common network for communications, suggestions, and feedback. This will assist DIMCO in meeting the need of customers quickly and in an efficient manner. Overall, SCM would assist in
Supply chain management (SCM) is a core part of organizational effectiveness in order to achieve goals characterizes efficiency. Globalization and international agreement led Toyota to develop it is SCM process to increase outsourcing supply raw materials from foreign market that are low cost and high quality.
In chapter 8, it introduces the health care costs and health outcomes. The value of health care is focused towards finding what is the best health plan for an individual. A key learning point of this chapter is understanding what resources we are able to use when improving the health outcomes of the society. It is important to know what we are investing our money into. Because of the health care resources that are increasing, the outcome also increases which leads to cost going up
Improvements in transportation process and technology enablement make available the most achievable way for most companies today to flush out supply chain costs and advance quality, reliability and customer satisfaction. Companies across nearly every industry sector are motivated to become supply chain management leaders. SCM leaders attain this rank in their markets by extensively dropping cycle times and operating expenses, increasing supply chain
Building relationships: Gaining the physician’s support should be of highest importance. In healthcare industry it is advisable for supply chain managers to closely work with physicians and nurses. In healthcare it is very critical to involve physicians and make them understand the supply chain process and this in turn helps them to give valuable feedback on delivery and receiving process. In healthcare supply chain management one of the biggest challenge is to take care of physician’s choices (says William Stitt, vice president, materials management, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, N.J).