
Healthcliff's Control

Satisfactory Essays

In the story Wurthering Heights by Emily Bronte there are several reasons why Healthcliff would want Cathy under his control. One of the reasons is so he can force her to marry his son. Also, Edgar wants to keep his daughter, Cathy, away from Healthcliff because he knows how evil Healthcliff can become. Also, Healthcliff was the one that his wife was cheating on him with. In conclusion, they both justify how they think each other is right there reasons why. Healthcliff wants to keep Cathy because he wants to force her to marry his son. Another reason is that Healthcliff would want control of Cathy is so he would use her to get Edgars property once he had died. Also, the only thing that motivate Healthcliff is anger, jealousy,

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