
Healthvault Case Study

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Microsoft started HealthVault in United States of America in 2007. They aim at storing and maintaining health and fitness information for each individual.
Each user logs into his account and maintains all his health records. A user can add and share information. Each user can see other user’s records after authorization. A parent can manage records of his or her children, or a child can have access to his or her parent's records to help the parent deal with medical issues.
The app includes personalization and notifications which increases the patient’s engagement with his or her doctors and hospitals. Activity feed shows summaries of the patient’s activities, enabling a new level of learning.

Information like lab results, medications, wearable data from devices like activity trackers, smart watches are available and help achieve fitness goals. …show more content…

HealthVault discovers trends and patterns in a patient’s health and inspire them to stay on track with their plans customized by doctors for

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