I spent the past week reviewing all the data I have collected to this point. The data and health needs reported in Healthy People 2020, as well as the epidemiological and community data I collected, convey consistent themes. The HP 2020 topics of injury and violence prevention, hearing and communication disorders, oral health and access to health services all appear to be topics of concern and are identified health needs of the community I am targeting. With epidemiological data showing the rates of autism climbing at steady levels, the need for an increase awareness and planned interventions involving these health topics will be essential to meet the objectives established by the federal government. The health
According to “Healthy People 2020”, n.d. exclusively breast feeding infants for at least 3- 6 months significantly impacts their health outcomes and has long terms health benefits. Ultimately, the goal is to encourage nursing mothers to breastfeed for 1 year (“Maternal Infant and Child,” n.d.). Despite this knowledge women continue to face challenges in regard to public or employer accommodation to assist nursing mothers.
This article gave us information on Healthy People 2020, which was launched on December 2, 2010 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The article states that Healthy People 2020 is a strategic approach by the federal government, states, communities, and many other public and private partners to improve the health of the US population. This plans states that improvement will be completed over a ten-year time span. The Healthy People strategy was designed to define and promote a common sense of purpose and goals. These goals include: attaining a longer high quality live free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death, achieving health equity, eliminating disparities, and improving the health of all groups,
The Healthy People 2020 initiative encompasses a holistic approach to promoting good health and preventing disease (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). However, when asked to reflect on myself as a role model of healthy behavior a mixed feeling of satisfaction and disappointment emerge. When evaluating my lifestyle choices throughout adulthood there is always a drastic misstep. For example, when I was in the best physical shape - I polluted my body with toxic cigarettes. I felt like a hypocrite every time I would educate my patients on the risk factors of smoking and the benefits of tobacco cessation. So, I quit smoking and then gained forty pounds. This is just one example of the barriers I face when attempting to achieve the
Healthy People 2020 (2015) states, health disparities are a health outcome of greater or lesser extent between populations, which includes populations by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, education, income, or geographic location. The purpose of the post is to discuss how disparities play a role in health, employment, and education for African Americans. I will also discuss two nursing interventions to decrease health disparities in this population, as well as challenges to implementing the nursing interventions.
The Objective for Healthy People 2020 is to significantly reduce the chances of the high risk population and the population who has the disease. The goal is try to implement a change in their lifestyle choices. Health People 2020 reports that “44.6 percent of adults aged 18 years and over who were at high risk for diabetes with prediabetes reported increasing their levels of physical activity in 2005-08.” The 2020 baseline objective in 2005-08 was at 44.6 percent and
Purpose: Link public health data at state/county levels to the Healthy People 2020 Target rates. Describe the indicator, target data and whether progress has been made towards the goal.
Healthy People 2020 recently added a new topic of preparedness to its list of topics and objectives. The objective that coincides with the health issue of disaster preparedness is the 13th objective. For this objective, Healthy People 2020 plans to increase the proportion of adults whose household has an emergency plan that includes instructions for household members about where to go in the event of a disaster. In 2011, 46.0% of adults aged 18 and over have a household emergency plan that includes instructs for household members about where to go and what to do in the event of a disaster (Preparedness., 2014). In addition, Healthy People 2020’s goal is to increase the percentage of adults who have an emergency plan to
According to Healthy People 2020, a small set of objectives and goals have been set to improve the health of Americans over a time period of 10 years. Of the 12 topics, Healthy People use to organize their are 26 Leading Health Indicators (LHIs). The key issue of HIV/AIDS meets at least 6 LHI’s topics. That is half of the Healthy People 2020 LHI’s topics: Access to Health Services, Clinical Preventive Services, Mental Health, Social Determinants, Reproductive and Sexual Health, and Substance Abuse (Healthy People 2020, 2016). However, Healthy People 2020 list any other topics that are not part of the LHI’s, but definitely tie into and play a big part of their listed LHI’s. HIV, Blood safety, Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Health, Educational
In consideration that I am an adopted child, I am unware of the familial health factors that could help identify my risk for maladies based on the family health portrait. Under this circumstance, my environmental, nutritional, as well as physical activity are major influences to my current lifestyle. According to Healthy People 2020, “fewer than one in three adults consume the recommended amount of vegetables each day.” This statistic can be associated to Americans’ body weight in consideration that one in three adults, and one in six children are considered obese (HealthyPeople, 2016). With this in mind, I pride myself on my plant-based diet along with moderate exercise since I hope to avoid any comorbidities.
Community wellness is very important. The wellness of others greatly affects the population as a whole. The community must work as a whole to promote a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, community nurses are the main operation for communities. The purpose of this assignment is to discuss an issue in my community, analyze it with Milo’s framework, compare it to the national goals, and provide short and long term goals.
One cause is genetics some people are prone to more illnesses and diseases than others. Lifestyle choices of whether to eat health, exercise, drink water, and see a doctor regularly can make some people healthier than others. A person’s income and access to health care can cause them to be health or unhealthy. Formal education has a positive effect on the health of an individual. A person with a strong support system can have better health due to the support and assistances they can provide. The physical environment can negatively affect a patient’s health if they are in an area without easy access to health care, or work with carcinogens.
Healthy People 2020 release objectives and goals such as MICH 1.9 to improve and bring awareness regarding health, disease, and disabilities. The target goal for the objective MICH 1.9 is to reduce the 0.98 infant deaths per 1000 live births to 0.84, showing a 10% improvement by 2020 (ODPHP, n.d.). An improvement would decrease the number of sudden unexplained infant deaths, but also increase the quality of life of the mother.
We all know someone who has suffered from heart disease. Whether it was from a heart attack, congestive heart failure, or stroke, some type of cardiovascular disease has taken the life of someone we loved way too soon. This epidemic of heart disease must be stopped through the collaboration of physicians, nurses, law makers, and concerned citizens. The purpose of this paper is to examine cardiovascular disease, the risks associated with heart disease and obesity per Milo’s framework, comparison of obesity and Healthy People 2020 national goals, and finally the long-term and short-term goals and interventions selected for this paper.
7. Injury and Violence Prevention- Injuries and violence are common occurrence; accidental injuries and those triggered by acts of violence are included in the top 15 fatalities for Americans of all ages. The Injury and Violence Prevention objectives for 2020 signify a wide range of concerns, which, if adequately targeted, will increase the health of this nation. Various factors can affect the risk of unintended injuries and violence, risky behaviors, bad choices made; such as drinking and drugs can increase these preventable injuries and deaths (Healthy People, n.d.).
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization). The differences in the health condition of individuals or groups are highly influenced by complex factors called determinants of health. The poem illustrates how the interconnected health determinants played a crucial role leading to Jason’s present status and could also predict his health condition later in life. The five key areas (determinants) formed by Healthy People 2020 can be identified in the poem about Jason and his family.