Purpose: Link public health data at state/county levels to the Healthy People 2020 Target rates. Describe the indicator, target data and whether progress has been made towards the goal.
The search results on the Healthy People 2020 tracker for “target not met” in Yuma County, revealed tuberculosis as a current health concern that has not been resolved within this region (Arizona Health Matters, 2016). Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial disease that affects the lungs and other parts of the body, which can be spread through the air by coughing, sneezing and prolonged exposure to an individual with active TB, thus indicating the importance of this communicable diseases prevention (Yuma County Health Department, 2016). Currently, “The Healthy People 2020 national health target is to reduce the
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By decreasing the rate of TB within the community, it can improve the health outcomes. The current incidence rate as of 2014 was 8.5 cases per 100,000 people versus the previous 10.5 cases per 100,000 people, thus showing a decline in the incidence of TB in Yuma County and signifying a narrowing in the gap between the current rates and the target rates (Arizona Health Matters, 2016).
Summarize the program you identified at either county or state level and identify the level of prevention; primary, secondary or tertiary. If you do not find any related health program, propose a primary or secondary intervention that would help to meet target rate or percent.
The Yuma County Health Department has a tuberculosis program that is funded on a federal, state, and local level (Yuma County Health Department, 2016). Yuma County has developed this program to combat the incidence of tuberculosis within the community. However, the program has some limitation regarding its availability. Lack of funding has resulted in skin test screening being restricted only potentially infected or high-risk clients (Yuma
The CDC website provides ample educational information regarding tuberculosis. It gives a detail description of what Tuberculosis is, the testing used and how it works. The website also addresses the risk factors of tuberculosis and warns that traveling to countries such as Africa, Asia and Central America puts them in a higher risk of contracting TB. In addition, it provides people with preventive measures to avoid being infected. They advise against close proximity with infected, and to be cautious around people working in health care facilities, prisons, shelter or an over populate area and advise to refrain from consuming unpasteurized milk products. In addition, the Website provides Data and Statistics, which can help support previous
Tuberculosis is a disease of an infectious nature caused by a bacterium known as mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease spreads through the air. People with the disease can spread it to susceptible people through coughing, sneezing, talking or spitting. It mainly affects the lungs and other parts such as the lymph nodes and kidneys can also be affected. The symptoms for TB are fatigue, coughing, night sweats, weight loss and fever. One third of the population of the world is affected with mycobacterium tuberculosis. The rate of infection is estimated to be one person per second. About 14 million people in the world are infected with active tuberculosis. Drug resistant TB has been recorded to be a serious public health hazard in many countries. Resistant strains have developed making it difficult to treat the disease. TB has caused millions of death mainly in people living with HIV/AIDS ADDIN EN.CITE Ginsberg19981447(Ginsberg, 1998)1447144717Ginsberg, Ann M.The Tuberculosis Epidemic: Scientific Challenges and OpportunitiesPublic Health Reports (1974-)Public Health Reports (1974-)128-13611321998Association of Schools of Public Health00333549http://www.jstor.org/stable/4598234( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Ginsberg, 1998 #1447" Ginsberg, 1998). The World Health Organization came up with the DOTS (Directly Observed, Therapy, Short course) strategy. The approach involves diagnosing cases and treating patients with drugs for about 6-8
Tuberculosis is a global problem that has affect the lives of many people. Though the rates very decreased immensely many third world countries still have very high rates of people infected with TB. Per the CDC: Rhode Island Health Profile, Rhode Island is 16th among the 50 states in the rates of TB (2015). Rhode Island has the 3rd high rate within the New England. Also, per the Health Department of Rhode Island, the highest rates reported in Rhode Island were in the states capital, Providence. The state of Rhode Island has a case rate of 2.8 per 100,00 people (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], Leveling of Tuberculosis Incidences, 2016). There were 30 cases reported in RI in 2015. According to the World Bank, the incidence rate
Health people 2020 is focused on promoting health, protecting health, and providing preventative services. The plan is to decrease health disparities by improving the health of certain groups in need of better health care. The Health People 2020 initiative wants to prevent chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, and heart disease.
During the evaluation of the objectives in the (LHI) and the analysis of the perceived health of the community, three key factors were identified as potential health problems including children exposure to a second hand smoke, obesity among adults, and limited access to dental care. The identification of the LHI perceived as problems was based on personal observation and perception from community members.
There is no proper definition of population health. However, population health is broadly described as the distribution of health outcomes within a population. The main focus of population health is to create health equity to promote health and wellness within a population. The components and attributes of population health are described in a figure 1-1 as the chronic care model (Nash et al., 2011). Population health is important to achieve a goal of improving the United States healthcare system to create an epidemic of health and wellness. The book describes in figure 1-2 as the main four pillars of populating health, including chronic care management, quality & safety, health policy, and public health to achieve common goal (Nash et
In 2010, Healthy People 2020 was started by the Department of Human Health Services. Health programs and research topics were instituted to help Americans live healthier and longer lives (CDC, 2014). The 42 topics presented are all very important in maintaining the goals set by Healthy People 2020. If these programs were to be cut or budget restraints imposed on them, the impact would be felt by all Americans. There would be more unhealthy people, preventable chronic diseases would be more prevalent, and education and health associated programs would be
Among many misconceptions, tuberculosis is not a disease of the past. Tuberculosis remains a public health issue. It is estimated that one-third of the total world population is infected by tuberculosis (TB). The American lung association (2013) states, in 2011 alone there were nearly 9,000,000 new diagnosed cases of tuberculosis around the world and an estimated 1.4 million deaths because of this disease. In the United States, TB is not as common (but still a problem). In 2011, only 10,500 people reported having TB (Trends in Tuberculosis Morbidity and
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that most commonly affects the lungs. The etiologic agent can be expelled from one infected person via a sneeze or a cough, and enter the air and then the body of another person, leading to another infected person (“Tuberculosis, 2012). According to “What is TB?” (n.d.), someone who has diagnosed tuberculosis but is not receiving any form of treatment can pass the disease to up to 15 people in on year. Treatment of TB is necessary, so if symptoms are ignored, an infected person could die. Prevalence of this disease is not as common in the United States as it is in other countries. In 2014, there were approximately 9,421 reported cases; trends show that TB prevalence continues to decreases each year. Of
Healthy people 2020 has twelve categories that are considered “leading health indicators” that will help to track the progress of improving health for the population, an example of some of the leading health indictors are “access to health
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease which is caused by airborne spread bacteria when someone coughs, sneezes or talks (Health Canada “Tuberculosis”, 2013). The disease usually targets and attacks the lungs, but can possibly affect other parts of the body as well, including the lymph nodes, kidneys, bones and urinary tract (Health Canada “Tuberculosis”, 2013). For most Canadians, the risk of
Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial infection that affects millions of people globally. It is a contagious disease that is spread through the air, and it usually affects the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person through droplets from the respiratory tract of those who are already infected with the disease. Some who are infected with the bacteria that causes TB often exhibit no symptoms, because their immune systems stop the bacteria from growing and multiplying. Those with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to developing the full blown disease which can cause symptoms that include coughing, spitting blood, chest pains, weakness, weight loss, and fever. Tuberculosis can be treated with a six to nine month course of a combination of antibiotics. If left untreated, TB will spread and can be fatal.
Tuberculosis(TB) is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects the lungs, although it can also be found in other body parts. The disorder is caused by a bacteria called myocardial tuberculosis, and is mostly spread through the air when an infected person coughs. Many years ago, tuberculosis accounted for nearly 30% of deaths in the US. In the 1940’s and 50’s, however, its fatality rate dropped significantly due to antibiotics and vaccinations. Since the outbreak of AIDS, tuberculosis has increasingly been an issue again since people with the disease cannot fight off TB (Bontrager & Lampignano 2005, Basic TB Facts 2012).
Tuberculosis is a degenerative disease that is experienced at a higher rate in Hispanic Americans only second to Asian American. Tuberculosis is a bacterium that affects the lungs and has been in the human populations for thousands of years. Left untreated, it causes death and is highly contagious, spread through the air. Even though statistically, Asians have a higher percentage of reported tuberculosis cases, it is believed the Hispanic population might have the highest incidence of latent TB, which shows no symptoms and left untreated can cause the most damaging effects. Since the Hispanic population is expected to double by 2050 to 50%, this will pose a problem to health care professionals in the future. People with compromised immune systems
Intro: Tuberculosis is a disease that affects many individuals throughout the world, and not always with the same prevalence.