Contemporary music is one of the most popular genres in the world, encompassing genres such as jazz, pop, rock, R&B, folk and musical theatre. Performers in this genre are often less likely to have received formal vocal training or have knowledge of healthy vocal production methods. (Gilman et al, 2009). Given this, it is also less likely that contemporary singers (particularly younger performers) are less likely to seek medical advice should problems arise. (Gilman et al., 2009) The lack of knowledge about healthy vocal production, misuse and overuse can lead to vocal damage as seen in the media heavy cases of Adele, John Mayer and most recently, Sam Smith. If an artist wishes to sustain a career, their understanding healthy vocal production is critical to continued …show more content…
Just as with any professional athlete, vocal muscles require stretching and warming up before a performance in order to prevent potential injury or strain. (Behlau & Oliveria, 2009). A study done with classical singers found 25 minutes to be an adequate amount of time but some people can take up to 45 minutes to feel ‘warm’. (Moorcroft & Kenny, 2013) Vocal exercises should focus on areas such as breath support, pitch and resonance (eg finding the right nasal ‘ping’ for belting) (Murry & Rosen, 2000). Some performers also like to incorporate physical stretches into their warm up routines. Being in good general health is almost important for maintaining optimum vocal performance levels. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and maintain a consistent sleep schedule contribute to maintaining healthy vocal production. (Murry & Rosen, 2000) When sickness occurs, vocalists should take time off when possible to reduce the risk of further damage. Should time off not be possible, singers should limit all outside vocal use and remain hydrated. (Murry & Rosen, 2000) Some medications can have a drying effect and be used with
Describe the study’s procedure (a sentence each about IVs and DVs plus a paragraph or two about the design). (30 points)
Cypress Lake High School presented a night full of performances by vocal majors and vocal minors. Being the Fall Cabaret one can look forward to a year filled with talented voices filling the school auditorium.
The field of voicework is a manifold craft, comprised of such occupations as narrator, voice actor, and radio announcer. These occupations vary in their responsibilities and purposes, yet all share a common component that lies central to their accomplishment. Voice. In particular, a warm and confident voice. In the year of 2011 one such voice was found in a most unlikely place. It was in January of that year that a seemingly innocuous video was filmed and posted on the internet. The subject of that video was one Ted Williams who, at the time, was bereft of a home. Williams was possessed of a noticeably deep and striking voice which soon led to an explosion of popularity centered around the video itself. With this popularity came a recognition of talent, and soon enough he had found himself afloat in a proverbial sea of opportunity.
Born into slavery, rebel Nat Turner an abolitionist was born on October 2, 1800 on the Virginia plantation of Benjamin Turner. When he was a young child, his ambition combined with his intelligence led him to great purposes and to meet great people. Turner ran away in 1821 from his master soon returning because of spiritual voice. These visions Nat has shows that he is a rebel, leader, and also a slave thriving to succeed his goal. He led a group or four men who he trusted the most, Sam, Hark, Nelson, and Sam killing every white person they saw starting with the Travis household. Soon enough Turner’s force went from four to forty, riding horse back. He had led a rebellion to Jerusalem, the nearest town where they ran into federal and state troops. In the end one slave died while the rest escaped and at least fifty five white people were stabbed, clubbed, or shot to death. Nat Turner, a leader, assembled a rebellion allowing slaves to believes that God set Him to free the slaves. He acknowledged other slaves about his prophecy encouraging them to execute slaveholders leading to the murdering of fifty five white people.
In Earnest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, we gain a glimpse into the development of Jacob Barnes, an injured veteran of the First World War. This veteran does not seem to have lost any of his perseverance despite his laughable injury to his penis though, as a love-inspired Jake pursues a deeper relationship Brett throughout his time in Paris and Spain. Nonetheless, Jake never gains the relationship with Brett for which he searches, solely due to his injury. Although some may perceive the final lines of this exemplary novel, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”, as an allusion to Jake’s inability to give up on his pursuit of Brett as a lover and sexual partner, he has rather finally recognized that Brett is unobtainable to
Katherine Bergeron’s book, Voice Lessons: French Mélodie in the Belle Epoque, approaches French art song in a new and unique way, making it an invaluable resource for art song scholars and performers alike. Bergeron’s goals for this book are primarily abstract in nature; she aims to tell a story “about that French sound, both what it was and how it got that way” (viii). To achieve her vision, Bergeron examines the mélodie through a variety of different lenses, including musical, vocal, aural, linguistic, literary, scientific, philosophical, and cultural angles.
General health of the mind and body contributes to good vocal health, Elimination of irritants such as smoking and air pollution, and correct technique for both singing and speaking are important. Any program teaching good vocal hygiene must begin with ending behaviors of abuse and misuse. Obvious forms of abuse and misuse to erase include excessive hard
“I have a dream.” This phrase is a nationally known. Many people have heard and/or know about Martin Luther King Jr’s speech that he gave in Washington D.C. On August 28, 1963, King gave one of the best inspiring, literary speeches in history using assonance, metonymy, and ethos. Martin Luther King Jr’s father was a methodist pastor.
Having watched Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief only recently and subsequently watching Faults and Sound Of My Voice, I suppose one could say I am in the midst of an occult fixation of sorts. I may do reviews on the latter two, but the short and sweet of it for now's that Faults did a fine job despite its tonal issues and ended rather nicely while Sound Of My Voice opted to bog itself down with undeveloped scenes and lines of dialogue that existed for no reason than to raise questions despite having a lot going for it. The movie ends with one of those, and it doesn't work as well as they wanted it to because the intrigue behind the red herrings and suggested science fiction elements hadn't been properly developed. Neither were quite
From being diagnosed at a young age with dyslexia and apraxia of the speech, I am not sure where I would be without the help and encouragement of my speech pathologists. ‘Speech-language pathologists assess, diagnose, treat, and help to prevent communication and swallowing disorders in patients’ (Summary,, 2015). Along with helping their patients overcome or learn how to understand their disorders, speech pathologists must keep records.
The Voices is directed by Marjane Satrapi and written by Michael R. Perry released in 2015. The movie was focusing on the importance of mental illness, crime and even romance. It touches comedy to horror. There were mixed reviews in the public getting both good and bad reception.
Many people would like to make a difference, not only in their own life, but in others’ lives as well. Deepak Chopra once said, “Everyone has a purpose in life…a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” All of us, at one point in our lives, have to make the difficult decision of the goals we want to work towards. We all have certain goals, standards, and expectations of ourselves. Not everyone will figure out what they want to be right away, and some will know from the very beginning. My plan for my life is helping others through Speech Language
The United States does not follow a direct democracy—rather than voting on laws directly, the people vote their representative, including the president, the senate, and the house of representatives, into power and allow them to create and vote on laws. The people of the United States are not limited by this voting, however. Rather, this is only the beginning of their process.
As I lift my head up and open my mouth, my voice escalates with every tune that comes out. The soothing words bounce off of my tongue and release the tension held within. Even if the sounds aren’t perfect or correct, every little bit helps me get through the day. When stressed, nothing helps me more than singing. My passion for singing comes from deep within my soul, mind and heart. When I sing, I sing with all of me, putting everything I can into it. I have always had a great passion for singing, ever since I was young. Although I am shy and still get nervous and shaky in front of others, in my own time, singing is my cigarette, my alcoholic drink, my escape from all the anger and the pain.
I cannot tell you the number of times that I have had vocal teachers tell me that they cannot believe how high I can sing after hearing my speaking voice. Many vocal professionals tell me that I must be an alto and I have had many vocal issues. I have been told it is because teachers are pushing my voice to high and the opposite that it is because I speak too low. I blame it on being a very unhealthy human being. “Research has shown a correlation between the speaking and singing voices” (Phillips, 236). Poor speaking habits can lead to poor singing habits, which can lead to vocal problems. Many cases of vocal nodules have been reported in children as a result of poor speaking habits. Singing and speaking have similar physiology, which can make it difficult for students that have a poor speaking voice to then go onto having a good singing voice. The speaking voice is learned young in students and often times music teachers do not have any control over it. When the students reach our classrooms it is our job to almost reteach students how to speak so that they can sing properly. Otherwise, many of the students will develop problems that they will work on fixing for the rest of their lives. I am still working on posture and how not to bring muscle into my singing voice, since I use muscle in my speaking voice.