
Heart Demonstration Lab Report

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Our demonstration’s final results is the exhibition of a heart model with its anatomy labeled and painted red tubes inserted showing the circulation of blood along with the research to achieve our purpose for this demonstration. The purpose is to explain info on the heart, how the heart functions, what vital role it plays in our body, and clear any misconceptions/answer common questions on the heart. In the demonstration, the first explanation will be to clarify info on the heart using the model. The research for that is the heart is a muscular organ located little to the left of the middle of the chest and it’s about the size of a normal hand fist. The heart has four chambers: the right atrium, right ventricle, the left atrium, and the left …show more content…

How it functions? The heart is divided into two pumps, which works together. Blood coming back from the organs and tissues of the body access the right side of the heart, which then pumps it to the lungs. The lungs remove the waste (carbon dioxide) from the blood and revitalizes it with oxygen. The oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs enters the left side of the heart, which then pumps it to all parts of the body through the arteries and veins, including the heart muscle itself. Lastly, to answer common questions and clear away misconceptions, there will be a series of questions and misconceptions which will be corrected and answered. An example will be how does the heart beat. The heart beats due to an electricity activity in the heart that making the heart beat which is when the heart contracts causing all of the chambers to be smaller and pushing blood back into the blood vessels. Then, when the heart relaxes, the blood will come back into the heart again. Following, an example of a misconception is that blood is already oxygenated in the heart which is incorrect since the blood needs to be carry to the lungs to recharge it with oxygen, so the heart can pump oxygen-rich blood to the

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