
Heart Key Quotes

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Quote: "'I don't blame you for being angry,' Christoph said. Then he showed them the catalog he used to order HeLa cells. There was a long list of the different HeLa clones anyone could buy for $167 a vial. 'You should get that,' Christoph said to Deborah and Zakariyya. 'Yeah, right,' Deborah said. 'What I'm gonna do with a vial of my mother cells?' She laughed. 'No, I mean you should get the money. At least some of it'" (Skloot, 266-267).
Response: I find Christoph believing the Lackses should receive a percentage of the money HeLa generated to be rather surprising because typically scientists tend to believe the opposite. Also, although I feel it was kind of him to tell Deborah and Zakariyya he's on their side, I don't think it was wise to get their hopes up because they probably won't ever receive monetary compensation since their mother's cells were …show more content…

Wouldn’t a normal person’s response be to retaliate? Did she grin because Rebecca’s reaction showed her she could finally trust her?
Quote: “The last time she knocked, she stormed past me into the bathroom and leaned over the sink, her face close to the mirror. ‘Am I broken out?’ she yelled. I walked into the bathroom, where she stood pointing to a quarter-sized welt on her forehead. It looked like a hive. She turned and pulled her shirt down so I could see her neck and back, which were covered in red welts” (Skloot, 284).
Response: Why did Deborah agree to go with Skloot to Crownsville to find out about what happened to Elsie during her stay there if she knew she might discover upsetting information? Did she want to know about her sister so much to the point where she didn’t care about the consequences? If I were her, I would’ve refused to talk to anyone regarding Henrietta and Elsie after what happened with Cofield because I wouldn’t want to cause myself to experience any more distress for my health’s sake.
Chapter 35: “Soul

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