
Heart Of Darkness Power Quotes

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In the passage in Heart of Darkness on page 84, Marlow is describing his first encounter with the famous Mr. Kurtz. Unsurprisingly, Kurtz is sick and almost decaying. But even though he is practically a corpse, he still withholds a lot of power. In the passage, the Russian boy warns Marlow that Kurtz has the power to tell the natives to attack. Even though Kurtz can’t physically do anything to harm them himself, his voice holds enough power to determine whether they live or die. The natives are also scared of him. They fear him and adore him like a god. Marlow does not seem to take Kurtz seriously. In the passage, you can see the lack of respect Marlow has for Kurtz. In the book, it states, “I resented bitterly the absurd danger of our situation,

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