Conductivity is the ability to pass on electrical current within a solution, a metal or even a gas. It can be affected by other chemical related factors such as the concentration, temperature and also the mobility and valence of ions. Yet the most conductive form occurs within aqueous solutions as it contains both cations and anions; where the solvent stabilises the attracting ions through a process called solvation. Within the various levels of ionic strength from low to high electricity flow, electrolytes can either be strong or weak, according to the reaction. Strong electrolytes are substances that are fully ionised in solution due to the positive and negative ions that migrate under the influence of an electric field. Therefore the concentration …show more content…
Although weak electrolytes can conduct electricity, it is unable to perform as well as strong electrolytes due to the fact that it carries fewer ions. (Conductivity Theory And Practice 5-6) Based on part A of the experiment, the usage of the conductivity sensor was to measure and determine the current within the various brands of sports drink in order to record the different electrolyte levels. Additionally in part B, the technique of a pipette allowed the transport of an extra 10 additions of 1mL aliquots of the selected sport drink whilst the magnetic mixer consistently stirred the solution.The focus of this experiment, is to identify the conductivity of various brands consisting of isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic sports drinks. Based on logic, it is predicted that Maximus will consist of the highest level of conductivity, followed by Powerade and then Gatorade due to the fact that there is an excessive level of electrolytes due to salt ions. In terms of association to the experiment, the independent variable is adjusted by the variety of sport drinks, directly influencing the dependent variable. Whilst the dependant variable aims to measure the conductivity of each
This lab was conducted with the purpose of confirming the trait of homeostasis among goldfish. During the experiment, it was recorded that the fish would increase gill movement when placed in colder water two out of the three trials. However, the results showed no significant difference in gill movement in various temperatures of water. This has very little effect on the broad field of science since our only three trials were performed and may have included human error in the trials.
The purpose of this lab is to figure out the mass percentage of copper in a penny. Furthermore, by doing this lab we will practice using a spectrophotometer and review the names of equipment such as volumetric glassware, pipets, and volumetric flasks.
Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic? What does that mean and how do you know? (~3 sentences)
The concentration of sugars in two well-known sports drinks, Powerade and Gatorade, were determined by monitoring an enzyme-catalysed reaction sequence involving the appearance of NADPH. Sucrose and glucose concentrations were calculated from the concentration of NADPH formed by the reaction of glucose-6-phosphate and NADP+. Spectrophotometric absorbance readings were taken at 340nm, this is because NADPH absorbs strongly at this wavelength, whilst NADP+ does not (1015MSC, 2010). The concentration of glucose and sucrose in
In paragraph two, it states "Pure water contains very few ions, so it does not conduct electricity well. When table salt is dissolved in water, the solution conducts very well, because the solutions contain ions.". In paragraph four, it explains how laundry ammonia can conduct electricity. It states "When ammonia dissolves in water, it reacts with the water and forms a few ions.". In conclusion, paragraph five explains more about how ammonia can cause electricity when it is put into a solution with vinegar.
Throughout the story Heat by Mike Lupica many themes can be pulled from the text. This story is about a boy named Michael who has many things he needs to overcome. This creates some challenges for him but in the end makes him stronger. The theme that I pulled from the story is: Be strong enough to overcome the hardships keeping you away from your dreams. Overall, the author is telling us to fight for what we love, Michael has to find a way to be able to play baseball, and Michael has to balance the rest of his life for the sake of his dream.
4. What are the benefits of using a light bulb as an indication of conductivity? What are the disadvantages? The benefits are: it acts as a confident and direct way of determining whether a solution should be classified as strong, weak, or non-electrolyte. A strong light would indicate a strong electrolyte. A dim light indicates a weak electrolyte, and no light indicates a non-electrolyte. However, the disadvantages are the lack of accuracy in each reading, and conclusions that aren’t necessarily precise. Each reading displays a different level of light for each bulb. Therefore, conductivity
Conducting Solutions is important in life because it apart of science. If you want to be a scientist, then you would need to know what conducting solutions is. This article also talks about ions and electrical currents. Some demonstrations of this are ammonia vinegar mixed with molecules solutions and conduct electricity. Some water contains ions which conducts electricity really well Conducting Solutions is really important to know.
After testing the larvae in all four conditions, we pooled data across the entire class in order to get a larger sample size. We found the following averages, variances, and standard errors for the measurements of path length and distance traveled. The average path length traveled by rovers on food plates was 106.5 mm, by sitters on food plates was 116.3 mm, by rovers on no food plates was 95.8 mm, and by sitters on no food plates was 91.3 mm. The average distance traveled for rovers on food plates was 29.7 mm, by sitters on food plates was 25.6 mm, by rovers on no food plates was 25.6 mm, and by sitters on no food plates was 22.5 mm.
The first trial that contained 10 mL of NaOH and 10 mL of CH3COOH produced a ΔHrxn of -13.11 kJ/m. The second trial, which contained 15 mL of NaOH and 5 mL of CH3COOH resulted in a ΔHrxn of -7.864 kJ/m. Based on the literature value of NaOH CH3COOH, -57.5 kJ/m, we were off by 44.39 kJ/m in the first trial, and 49.64 kJ/m in the second trial.
In the day to day life people around the world are exposed to the amount of calories in many different food items. However, many of those same people don't know why the amount of calories are in the product theyŕe eating. With that being said, the experiment ¨The Heat Is On” directly focuses on how to discover the amount of calories in a product, by the exposure of heat. Therefore, the amount of energy in the food tested will also be found. The food items we decided to use in this experiment include a marshmallow, a cheeseball, and lastly potato shoestrings. Before the experiment, the hypothesis agreed upon was that cheese ball will contain the highest amount of energy. We intend to test our hypothesis through the experiment ¨The Heat is On” by finding the mass of the food product after it stops burning. All in all, the experiment ¨The Heat is On” the experiment my group went through to overall find the amount of energy in the food we tested.
For this experiment, an electric hot plate was used to heat up the substances CuSO4 *5H20, and CaSO4*XH2O to determine the amount of moles of H2O when given in grams; in addition to the amount of percent error. 2.012g of CuO*5H2O was started with, and then after a few minutes of heating it on the electric plate, once it had turned almost white, it was then removed and weighed and it demonstrated that the mass had gone down to 1.179g, meaning, .833g of H20 was lost. For the CuSO4*XH20, there was no exact time as to when the mass has stopped changing but 2.046g of CuSO4*XH20, was measured out and heated for 20 minutes. At the end of the 20 minutes, the mass had gone down to 1.607g, resulting with 0.439 of H2O lost during the heating process.
Sex steroids such as progesterone control reproductive function as well as influencing body temperature1. Production of progesterone is low prior to ovulation, with granulose cells producing small amounts. Corpus luteum produces large amounts of progesterone during the Luteal phase. Progesterone is known to stimulate strong negative feedback. Due to this reason, it is the main ingredient in contraceptive pills, as it elicits strong negative feedback throughout the menstrual cycle preventing LH surge, thus preventing ovulation. During the luteal phase females experience higher body temperature due to high levels of progesterone, and lower body temperature during low levels of progesterone2. Thus,cyclic variation may demonstrate different pattern in females taking the contraceptive pill.
Do ionic compounds conduct electricity as (3 points) Solids No Liquids Yes Aqueous solutions (when the ionic compounds are dissolved in water) Yes Do covalent compounds conduct electricity as (3 points) Solids no Liquids No Aqueous solutions (when the covalent compounds are dissolved in water) No Part I Lab Insert completed data tables for each part of the lab. Be sure that the data tables are organized and include units when necessary. Melting Point (4 points) Conductivity (4 points) Part II Conclusion Answer the following questions in your own words, using complete sentences. Based on your observations in the lab, categorize each unidentified compound as ionic or covalent. Explain in one or two sentences why you categorized the
Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between two substances at different temperatures. The flow of the energy is from the object of higher temperature to the object of lower temperature. The heat is measured in units of energy, usually calories or joules. Temperature on the other hand, is how cold or hot an object is. The temperature is the average kinetic energy per molecule of a substance. This is measured in degrees on the Celsius or Fahrenheit or in Kelvins.