
Heather Rodriguez Occupational Profile

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Occupational Profile Katie Davis
1. Who is the person you interviewed?
Heather Rodriguez is a 30 year old female, married, with 1 daughter who is 9 years old. They moved to Chapel Hill NC from Illinois. Heather has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois in Sociology/Psychology.

2. Considering the education and work the person did before deciding to come back to school, why did they decide not to continue with clinical work?
Heather began her career life in high school working with children as teaching assistant. She was unsure of what field of work she wanted to pursue and knew that childcare was not her passion so she had the opportunity to enter into the Army. During her time in the Army Heather quickly realized this was not the career she would be interested in. Heather felt there was not enough flexibility and the Army was very demanding of her and she felt …show more content…

I mostly used the technique of asking for feedback and then summarizing heathers responses. Heather was very kind during her interview. There were times I had to ask her to elaborate further in some of her responses. The information she shared was to the point so I had to ask her further questions to deepen the conversation and get more information, and when I did this she seemed to be fine about it and was open to sharing with me. It was harder than I thought it would be. I found it difficult to write her responses and listen at the same time. My notes of her responses were evidence that I did struggle with this. Next time I might ask the person I’m interviewing if I could record our conversation so to make sure I don’t miss any information. Working with a client might be more challenging, there could be some sort of verbal hindrance that might make it hard to understand what’s being said or some sort of cognitive aliment, also the client might not want their personal life being shared and they could hold back important

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