Occupational Profile Katie Davis
1. Who is the person you interviewed?
Heather Rodriguez is a 30 year old female, married, with 1 daughter who is 9 years old. They moved to Chapel Hill NC from Illinois. Heather has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois in Sociology/Psychology.
2. Considering the education and work the person did before deciding to come back to school, why did they decide not to continue with clinical work?
Heather began her career life in high school working with children as teaching assistant. She was unsure of what field of work she wanted to pursue and knew that childcare was not her passion so she had the opportunity to enter into the Army. During her time in the Army Heather quickly realized this was not the career she would be interested in. Heather felt there was not enough flexibility and the Army was very demanding of her and she felt
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I mostly used the technique of asking for feedback and then summarizing heathers responses. Heather was very kind during her interview. There were times I had to ask her to elaborate further in some of her responses. The information she shared was to the point so I had to ask her further questions to deepen the conversation and get more information, and when I did this she seemed to be fine about it and was open to sharing with me. It was harder than I thought it would be. I found it difficult to write her responses and listen at the same time. My notes of her responses were evidence that I did struggle with this. Next time I might ask the person I’m interviewing if I could record our conversation so to make sure I don’t miss any information. Working with a client might be more challenging, there could be some sort of verbal hindrance that might make it hard to understand what’s being said or some sort of cognitive aliment, also the client might not want their personal life being shared and they could hold back important
However, afterwards, he began to understand it was for the best. After seeing that Wes would not change his ways and would not get his grades up, she knew something had to be done. She had very little patience because she was still grieving her husband’s death. The author illustrates this point when he states, “ After a series of unsatisfactory report cards, my mother begun to think what many teachers were telling her was correct : I might have a learning disability.” This is significant because it shows how Wes had a hard time learning and getting his grades up after his father’s death. Even his mother, Joy, took out all her anger on Wes because she was still having a hard time processing her husband’s death, wondering if she could have done something to prevent it. At first, Wes was in denial when his mom put him in military school. He did not want to be there, but all he knew is that he wanted to be successful and become a better person for himself and his
The reasoning behind her going into the career she chose was because her brother is schizophrenic and was curious as to why his brain cannot process information like her brain. Wanting a better understanding as to why the brain functions in a certain way due to the genetics and chemicals that the brain receives and how some people get reality and others get delusion. Many people decide to do what they love, whereas she decided to do something to help benefit families with this who are affected with this disorder. She chose to help others then to do something she loved and over the course of time fell in love with the path that she decided to
I was inspired by this essay in the combat zone in how she handles herself when she thought her life
Nursing is an emotionally, physically, and demanding profession. It truly takes a distinct individual to become a nurse, although, anyone could complete the course work and sit for the NCLEX exam to pass the licensure to become a nurse, with that being said, not everyone that completes the requirements to become a nurse will exhibit the quality nurses should. Nurses require empathy, compassion, knowledge of expertise, time management skills, superb communication and writing technique, and calmness amongst an emergency situation are beneficial attributes to possess. Sarah Cook, RN, BSN, OCN has been a nurse for over seven years, working inpatient oncology for four years and the last one and half years in oncology administration facilitating the building of Parkview Regional Medical Center’s Cancer Institute. Sarah attended college at Ivy Tech Community College where she attained her Associate in Science Nursing degree, continuing her education at Indiana Wesleyan obtaining her Bachelors of Science in Nursing and currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Nursing and Masters of Business Administration.
Before setting out, she gave herself a list of rules she had to follow so that her experience would be as real as it could be. Her first rule was when looking for a job she couldn 't mention the skills she had learned from her education. Second, she had to take the highest paying job that was being offered to her. Third, she had to live
As a group, come up with 5-10 questions to ask each person you intend to interview make sure that the questions are relatable and germane.
Connie is like most young women these days. She has an idea of what to do for career just has not yet put enough thought into it to feel good about a decision. Connie is a smart seventeen year old young woman. Her mother is struggling to provide for Connie as a single mother working two jobs and only wants the best for Connie. Her mother is often quoted as saying, “I don’t want Connie to make the mistakes I have.”
Meet Kayla Diaz-Jimenez, a 7th grade student at Frank Augustus Miller Middle School. Here are 4 interesting things everyone should know about her!
Having a father that with such a prestige occupation could have also influenced her career decision-making. As a result, Catherine probably did not put much thought or did not have the autonomy to choose a major of her interest as an undergraduate. Therefore, she is not happy with her current job. She has reached a crossroad in her career in which she will explore whether she wants to continue with her current job or transition into an entirely new career. The career counseling process can also alleviate any anxiety Catherine has about considering a career change. For example, it will be important to make sure that she does not feel like a failure for considering this change and inform her that the average person changes careers seven times in their lifetime. Additionally, inform her that age should not be used as an excuse to avoid from exploring other career
of growing up, and the affects war has on her life and love. As it is
Initially, I was worried about covering everything that was required in terms of client information in the interview. I thought that it would take too long, and that I wouldn’t be able to have a conversation with the client, and instead I would just be asking questions one by one. As the interview proceeded, and I focused on using open and closed questions, I realized that the session would go quite smoothly. Alex was really willing to discuss her medical and psychological background, and made it clear that why she was meeting with a case manager. I found it easy to initiate the session, and was able to ease into discussion about her concerns and objectives.
Looking back on my sophomore and junior years of high school, I had a very difference idea of how my life was going to turn out. I worked three days a week on my school’s radio station, WBMT, and played guitar during my free time. I was going to major in business and minor in communications and hopefully pursue some career in music production and management. From middle school until late high school, that was the way I was going to affect people, through music. While I had worked as a camp counselor, and had experience working with children, it just wasn’t a path that I thought I could turn into a career. As I grew up and had new experiences, I began to reevaluate my plans for myself.
When conducting an interview I carefully read the contact with other. I knew I was interviewing someone from a different culture so I had to understand the ethnic community she was from which was Hispanic. I also was very focused on the professional self-disclosure because we were talking about a lot of personal things. I tried to humanize our relationship before I asked tough questions, this helps to create a sense of bonding. I was also very careful of my communication style, I always wanted to ask her questions in a positive manner and I was always actively listening to her responses.
For the first time since I was a teenager, I was choosing what my career would be outside of the military. When I chose to separate from the military after serving for eight years, I started to consider what my next career move would be. I started to look at jobs that I would enjoy doing. Once I started to research what kind of jobs I wanted to do, I started to consider what the job requirements were. Most of the jobs required at least a degree and most of them required a Bachelors degree. I then began to realize that I only had my military experience and military leadership, as I did not take advantage of all my military education. I then began to realize that my only option was to go back to the job that I had prior to joining the military.
One more insight that I learned is to discuss the duration, purpose and confidentiality of the interview at the beginning