
Heaven And Hell In C. S. Lewis The Great Divorce

Decent Essays

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis describes what Heaven and hell is like. It is fair to say that often people question what Heaven and hell will really be like. C.S. Lewis’s book describes many common thoughts and also some thoughts that do not line up quite as well. The narrator of The Great Divorce is dreaming of these two places and is taken through a series of events that allows him to see Heaven and Hell.
C.S. Lewis uses the narrator at the beginning to describe Hell. Through the narrator’s eyes, the streets of Hell were empty beside the long line of people waiting at the bus stop (Page 1). The narrator kept to the line of people. He noticed many people leaving the lines and the ruthless conversations people in the line had with each other. Many people left the line after words were exchanged with others. Hell was also described as rainy, gloomy, and gray. The people who reside there have a continual hope for morning, so that the darkness shall be …show more content…

I found it very interesting that Hell is described as something to be so small. When thinking of what Heaven and Hell are like I do not usually think about the size. It was also surprising to see that C.S. Lewis viewed Hell as small. Today is seems as though Christians are slowly decreasing in number, which means that many more people who do not believe will not be saved. When describing Hell as gloomy and dark, it makes me think that not only is it physically like that, but the people who reside there are as well. Hell seems to be like a place where people tend to just go with the motions. Only the people who truly want to leave will. In the book of Revelation, Hell is described as fiery lake of burning sulfur. This scripture lines up most with what I have been taught about Hell. I always pictured it as a place of fire and eternal suffering, a place of everlasting suffering, and a place lacking the presence of

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