
Hebrew Bible Vs New Testament

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According to the contents of the reading it is reveals that while the Bible is a bound together book, there are contrasts between the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. From numerous points of view, they are corresponding. The Hebrew Bible is foundational; the New Testament expands on that establishment with further divine revelation. The Hebrew Bible builds up rule that are seen to be illustrative of New Testament truths. The Hebrew Bible contains numerous prophecies that are satisfied in the New. The Hebrew Bible gives the historical backdrop of an individual; the New Testament center is on a Person. The Hebrew Bible demonstrates the rage of God against sin; the New Testament demonstrates the beauty of God toward delinquents (cf. 21:43; …show more content…

The book of Hebrews depicts how Jesus is the genuine High Priest and how His one penance replaces every single past penance, which were unimportant foreshadowing's. The Passover lamb of the Hebrew Bible (Romans) turns into the Lamb of God in the New Testament (Romans, 3-8). The Hebrew Bible gives the Law. The New Testament elucidates that the Law was intended to show men their need of salvation and was never planned to be the method for salvation (Romans 3:19). The Hebrew Bible saw heaven lost for Adam; the New Testament indicates how heaven is recovered during that time Adam (Christ). The Hebrew Bible announces that man was isolated from God through sin, and the New Testament proclaims that man can be restored in his relationship to God (Romans 3—6). The Hebrew Bible anticipated the Messiah's life. The Gospels record Jesus' life, and the Epistles decipher His life and how we are to react to all He has done (Matthew 5:17, 18). In synopsis, the Hebrew Bible establishes the framework for the happening to the Messiah who might yield Himself for the world's wrongdoings. The New Testament records the service of Jesus Christ and afterward thinks back on what He did and how we are to react. Both testaments uncover the same blessed, forgiving, and upright God who sentences sin yet yearnings to spare delinquents through a making amends penance. In both testaments, God uncovers Himself to us and demonstrates to us how we are to come to Him through

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