
Helpful Hardware for the Physically Challenged Essay

Decent Essays

Helpful Hardware for the Physically Challenged

A topic that may not be thought of very often is computer hardware that will assist a physically handicapped person use a computer. Though it may seem that a person with limited use of their body could not use a computer, but the truth is that there are many companies that offer a number of products to assist the physically handicap. These companies understand that people with physical challenges may need or want to use computer.

The two major topics that I would like to cover with this report are the devices that are offered for the blind, and those that cannot move, or have little to no control over muscle spasms. I will describe some of the devices that are offered to assist the …show more content…

These companies are also incorporating the use of headset, also referred to as Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) device, as a way of selecting options on the computer screen. This device uses a beam of light to reflect on the point of the screen that the person is focusing on. When the person moves their head, they move the beam of light. The person does not use a mouse to "Click" on their desired object, because most times they are unable to, but there are a number of different ways to selecting the object. One way is through the use of a sensor. This sensor will detect a signal that is in an area for an extended period of time. A second way of making the head set click on an object is by voice sensitivity. A third way is by moving a particular muscle in the face to make the headset to pick the object. A company called "Brainwaves" is a company that does extensive research in the area of physical disabilities. They currently offer a headset that clicks on object by the movement of a facial muscle. I found that their web site,, offered some very useful information on the subject of the (AAC) headset. "Brainwaves" is currently working on creating a headset that will be activated by the person’s brainwaves. The headset will be able detect the aptitude and frequency of the brain signal to use as input for the headset.

A second physical disability is blindness. One may think that not being able to see a computer

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