
Helping High Achieving Students

Satisfactory Essays
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These texts clearly show that the high achieving students will not be fine on their own. All the research indicates high achieving students from lower-income families decrease throughout their educational career. Helping students that are high achieving not only helps the students but would also contribute to closing the achievement gap between lower-income and high-income family students.

In the texts clear examples of high-achieving students from lower income families need for direction and guidance to help them stay on path is evident. One of the texts discusses the case of Omarina Cabrera. She clearly needed help while she was going through crisis in her life. Not only is it clear that she needed help but it also shows if she had not received the help she would have failed. This is seen through her twin brother who faces the same hardships but did not receive the attention he needed. Omarina says “It really was a difficult time for me. However, I think the only reason I got through it was because of support people bring to me, Ms. Miller and my guidance counselor. The fact that they told me, “You’re bright and you’re special,” and drove me and encouraged me, told me never to quit and never let your dreams end.” In her own words she show and demonstrates the importance of guidance and support. …show more content…

However in order to help the gap diminish and create achievement equality policies need to be made to help students grow and remain on track with their education. All the texts show us those student that are high achieving and from lower-income families are at a greater disadvantage, than those student that are high achieving and from an upper-income

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