
Hemp Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

You have probably heard that hemp, a variety of cannabis sativa (marijuana) that lacks the high-inducing compounds has a multitude of industrial uses ranging from paper, textile, plastics, and food… and that’s barely scratching the surface. To say that hemp is one of the most useful plants in existence is not an overstatement. I’m not going to give an A-Z list of all the uses for hemp but I would encourage you to read up on its many uses and take into consideration that hemp is easy to grow, it’s sustainable, and it’s very environmentally friendly. The downside to hemp is that it’s not being produced in America. And it’s really not a downside, it’s a travesty and an abomination. Hemp is legally grown all over the world. Spain, China, Japan, Korea, and Ireland all produce hemp and enjoy the economic and environmental benefits that are involved. Do you know which country produces the most hemp in the world? China. Do you know which country imports the most hemp in the world? The United States. Does anyone …show more content…

Hemp will not get you high, but because it looks like a plant that will, its management and oversight has been handed off to the bureaucratic dunce cap known as the Drug Enforcement Administration. This is stupid to a mind blowing degree because hemp is not a drug and has no narcotic value whatsoever.
The DEA is not interested in opening up new economies in America, it’s not interested in improving environmental issues, it’s not interested in progressive, make-sense legislation. The DEA is interested in obtaining and maintaining power. Hemp has so many uses and positive attributes that it could be considered a “super plant” the same way pomegranates are a “superfood”. But, rather than figure out a way (not hard) to implement production in America and generate organic growth, literally and figuratively, the push to legalize hemp production remains

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