SWOT Analysis: Henry Ford Health System Joan Baker Baker College HSC 315/03017 May 5, 2016 SWOT Analysis: Henry Ford Health System What is a SWOT Analysis? A SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. A SWOT model measures what an organization can or cannot do as well as the possible opportunities and threats. This is done by taking data from the organization’s environment, analyzing the information and separating it into the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats). When this is completed the analysis can create a plan for the organization to achieve its goals, and identify what difficulties must be overcome to attain …show more content…
Satisfaction scores are based on the percentage of participants scoring a question given with the highest possible response such as “definitely yes or always”. These scores are then used to make improvements to the services that the hospital provides. The marks are compared to other hospitals in the area with the same specialty service during the period of July 2016 until December of 2015. The Sterling Heights Medical Center location scored above average in the following areas: Overall satisfaction with the physician 88.2 % with the other Michigan hospitals scoring 87.0%. How well the patient’s pain was controlled was 84.7% with other local hospitals scoring 80.9%, and the nursing care satisfaction was 89.5% with other local hospitals scoring 88.2%. Henry Ford Hospital is located on W. Grand Blvd in downtown Detroit was one of the HFHS locations that scored below average as compared to other Southeast Michigan Hospitals. The results are as follows: Overall satisfaction with physician was 84.9% with local hospitals scoring 87.0%. How well the patient’s pain was controlled scored 75.5% as compared to 80.9%, and nursing care came in at 83.3% with the local average being 88.2% (Patient Satisfaction Survey, …show more content…
Readmissions is a basis for financial penalties to hospitals as a provision of the Affordable Care Act by reducing payments to hospitals with an” excess” 30-day readmissions. The data showed that patients living in high poverty neighborhoods were more likely to be readmitted, older and male patients were more likely to be readmitted as opposed to young and female patients. Lastly, patients with CHF, acute myocardial infarction, and those with certain diseases, such as diabetes, liver and kidney disease were at higher risk of being readmitted. The data also showed married patients were less likely to have a readmission because of more social support (Study Links Social, Community Factors with Hospital Readmissions,
SWOT Analysis: A tool for examining a company and its environment. Defines the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
The SWOT analysis is commonly known as a tool for business analysis. Its main use is for looking at strengths and weaknesses to do with the organisation, current or future opportunities and possible internal and external threats. These can then be dealt with to make them into a positive.
SWOT analysis provides a structure for analyzing either your own strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats you face, or in a work context for analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats a business or event faces. Ideally it is one step in a process which helps you to
It may seem inevitable that high readmission rate is one of the challenges that an acute care setting is currently facing. According to studies, 20 percent of Medicare patients alone, get readmitted within 30 days of discharge. (Alper, E., O’Malley, T., & Grrenwald, J. 2017). Avoiding or preventing hospital readmission within 30 days of discharge can help Medicare save around $17 billion dollars yearly. (Morse, S. 2016). Understanding and getting to the root of why high re-admission rates still occur is highly important. Not only it will be cost effective but will also create a better well-being on the patients.
Readmission is defined as “an admission to subsection hospital within 30 days of a discharge from the same or another subsection hospital” for the same diagnosis or for a complication related to the initial diagnosis (American College of Emergency Physicians, 2015). According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2014) report, the annual cost of hospital readmission in the nation is about $41 billion. More importantly, hospital readmission disrupts patient’s life and decreases the quality of life (Padhukasahasram, Reddy, Li, & Lanfear, 2015). Consequently, due to the human and economic burden of hospital readmission, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), in 2012 implemented penalty on hospitals that exhibit a high readmission for diagnoses of Heart Failure, Pneumonia and Septicemia. This action has resulted in the reduction of readmissions to hospitals specifically associated with
Swot analysis refers to the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats that a business faces. Every company has its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that it faces.
A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is a situational analysis in which internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization, and external opportunities and threats faced by it are closely examined to assist management with planning and course correction (BusinessDictionary.com). Managers can use the results SWOT analysis to determine how competitive the organization is in its industry and to develop an effective organizational strategy. Though commonly associated with for profit organizations, SWOT analysis also are carried out by public institutions such as, hospitals, government agencies, and schools. The County College
A SWOT analysis is an evaluation a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Armstrong, 2010, p.77). A SWOT analysis is a useful tool in comparing a business, or in this case a character’s, traits to the situation and to other characters.
3. The acronym SWOT stands for an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A SWOT analysis is strategic planning method that evaluates the internal and external performance of an organization to see if it’s favorable or unfavorable to achieve whatever objective you are set out to accomplish. Strengths and weaknesses usually arise from the internal aspect of an organization, whereas opportunities and threats evolve from external components. By performing a SWOT analysis it provides information to managers to help formulate a successful strategy to achieve goals.
SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a very effective way of identifying your Strengths and Weaknesses, and of examining the Opportunities and Threats you face. Carrying out an analysis using the SWOT framework helps to focus activities into areas where the business are strong and where the greatest opportunities lie. Strengths: * What advantages do you have?
Organizational strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is an integral part of the strategic plan that can help put into focus the potential needs and risks that could
SWOT analysis basically entails identifying and outlining the organization’s strong attributes that are helpful to achieving the objectives(strengths); weak attributes of the organization that are harmful to achieving its objectives (weaknesses); external opportune conditions that are helpful to achieving the organization’s objectives (Opportunities); external conditions that are harmful to achieving the organizations objectives(threats). Basically the organization identifies and strategizes on how to use each strength, stop each weakness, exploit each opportunity and defend itself against each threat in order to maximally achieve their objectives.
The process of SWOT analysis is a universal method widely approached in corporations to scan the internal and external environment so that companies can deploy relevant countermeasures to make improvements. It contains four elements, they are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Helms & Nixon, 2010).
A SWOT analysis is an evaluation of the business environment and organizational strategic capability to identify key issues that may impact strategy development (Ireland, R., Hoskisson & Hitt, 2008). Strengths and weaknesses define a firm’s internal environment whereas opportunities and threats constitute the external environment.
SWOT analysis is a useful tool for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organization. SWOT analysis can be classified into internal and external factors affecting a company. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the SWOT analysis represent the internal factors that influence the viability of the company. While the Opportunities and Threats, on the other hand, are the external factors that may affect the company's performances. A SWOT analysis provides more understanding of the organization in relation to its internal and external environment so that manager can formulate better strategy in pursuit of its mission.