5.3.2 Markers of radiation-induced hepatic injury
Of the liver enzymes that showed elevations in their serum concentrations following irradiation in the current study, only the early increase in the AST level was significant (Fig. 9). ALT is also a marker of hepatic damage, and it is found exclusively in the cytoplasm of cells. In contrast, AST is present in the cytoplasm, which comprises 20% of its total activity, and in the mitochondria, which comprises 80% of its total activity (Rej 1989). While the recruited granulocytes and the gamma irradiation could damage some periportal hepatocytes, irradiation treatment may have a more damaging effect on the numerous large mitochondria that reside within the hepatocytes, which would lead to a greater
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10). Interestingly, these granulocytes were only detectable in the portal area between and around the Thy-1+ LMFs (Fig. 14), and they were not present along the sinusoids or around the central vein. The levels of ED1+ or ED2+ mononuclear phagocytes did not increase at any time after irradiation (Fig. 12).
In classical inflammation, macrophages follow the neutrophils to the site of the injury. The absence of mononuclear phagocytes at the site of the injury following irradiation in the present study could be associated with irradiation-induced structural modifications within these cells that could weaken the defence response. It is possible that mononuclear phagocytes lose their normal defence functions after irradiation and that they become unable to increase in number. Furthermore, the post-irradiation releases of the inflammatory mediators that recruit mononuclear phagocytes may not reach the threshold levels that are required to mobilise the macrophages, and inflammatory mediators regulate leukocyte production in the bone marrow. Irradiation may also alter the levels of gene expression associated with the inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules that are required for macrophage transmigration, thereby preventing its occurrence. A previous study that
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2003). However, endothelial cells may play a minor role in the transmigration of the inflammatory cells because irradiating these cells in vitro did not upregulate chemokine gene expression (Gaugler et al. 1998). This may also support the notion that the mesenchymal cells of the sinusoidal wall, that is, the hepatic stellate cells, differ from the Thy-1+ mesenchymal cells in the portal vessels and in the portal area (Dudas et al.
The AAP is a potential trigger of cytochrome P450 that induced the high reactive quinone-imine production. This matches with sulphahydryl groups in proteins and result in rapid depletion to intracellular glutathione(35). Generally, one parts of the potential intracellular antioxidant defensive system is glutathione that consumes the singlet oxygen, superoxide and hydroxyl radicals(36). Enhancing of intracellular flux of oxygen free radicals results from glutathione depletion leads to oxidative stress in hepatocytes(36). The increasing the serum levels of GOT, GPT and ALP have been attributed to the structural integrity hepatic damage(37). In liver tissue, GOT and GPT are located in cytosol and mitochondria. In following of liver damage, hepatocyte transport function disturbed
Radiation therapy is the ionization of atoms in tissues resulting in formation of highly reactive radicals in a well-defined, restricted volume (1). In other words, ionizing radiations are used to eradicate tumors and at the same time preserve structure and function of normal tissue. A limitation is prevented from being a problem. If bone marrow or neuronal cells are destroyed or injured, they do not regenerate. However, with radiation therapy, these cells are often saved from injury or destruction, unless the tumor is infecting bone marrow or neuronal cells. Today, radiation therapy is the most popular type of cancer therapy in use. It is used to treat one-half to two-thirds of all cancers, which translates to more than ten percent of the population
while going to the museum and looking into Ancient Egypt I have notice that one of the mummy had amulets all over. The amulets were in different size, shape, and colors. Ancient Egypt believe that amulets would protect the living and the dead. For example, Harwa an Dynasty 25 mummy adult in late period was full of Amulets. According to the display on the museum, amulets were used to wrap within the mummy’s bandages and had its own special function. For instance, the scarabs are a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. Scarabs is shape of a large dung beetle. Also, they gem cut the form of a scarab beetle or spread their wings and they would hieroglyphs on the flat underside. Furthermore, a scarab beetle would be portrayed as Ra also known as Khepri
Children are more susceptible to changes in their cells if given adult doses of radiation. Primary risks to
Radiotherapy was arranged with devoted registered tomography (CT) and three-dimensional arranging frameworks; conformal radiotherapy was conveyed with straight quickening agents with ostensible vitality of 6 MV or more, and quality affirmation was performed by method for individual case audits. 21 Attendant chemotherapy comprised of temozolomide (advertised as Temodal in Europe and Canada and Temodar in the United States; Schering- Furrow) at a measurement of 75 mg for each square meter per day, given 7 days for every week from the first day of radiotherapy until the most recent day of radiotherapy, however for no more than 49 days. Following a 4-week break, patients were then to get up to six cycles of adjuvant temozolomide as indicated by the standard 5-day calendar at regular intervals. The dosage was 150 mg for each square meter for the first cycle and was expanded to 200 mg for every square meter starting with the second cycle, inasmuch as there were no hematologic lethal
Acute radiation syndrome, or ARS, occurs in the whole human body when there are large doses of ionizing radiation strike for a short period. When an ionizing radiation occurs, it produces biologic damage inside the human body because the interaction within the cells causes molecular changes and inability to functions. It is a somatic effect that shows early symptoms of nausea, fatigue, and fever. Then months or years after radiation exposure, a person could potentially receive lung diseases, cataract, or cancer. These effects are examples of multiple epidemiologic cases involving human population that received high doses of ionizing radiation. This paper addresses one of the epidemiologic events that affected the Navajo miners handling a high
Every day patients are exposed to radiation with diagnostic x-rays, computed tomography, and radiation therapy. Exposure to radiation can cause biologic damage. Cellular damage can be produced by direct action or indirect action. Direct action occurs when the DNA is directly hit by a radiation photon, which can result in single-stranded breaks in DNA and two or more strand breaks. Indirect action occurs through the radiolysis of water leading to the production of free radicals. The hydroxyl radical and hydrogen radical are both unstable. The hydroxyl radical can result in the production of hydrogen peroxide, and the hydrogen radical in the presence of oxygen results in the production of the hydroperoxyl radical. Studies have been performed
The United States school districts have transitioned into a multicultural learning center supportive in the role of teaching students, families, and communities about the benefits of embracing diversity and the positive impact it stimulates in promoting equality. Schools share the responsibility to assist in preparing student development for life after school in a multicultural society. The involvement of schools to provide successful integration for students from all ethnic backgrounds will prove supportive as school’s diversities continue to increase further into the 21st century. In this paper, a discussion of my school’s affirmation for diversity will be included. The next section will include how affirming diversity impacts multicultural education. Third, I will include some of the ways in which teachers and schools can support students for whom English is not a native language. Fourth, I will include an explanation of why schools that serve economically disadvantaged and culturally marginalized students are more likely to have arts programs cuts, including what researchers say about this trend, and how it affects student achievement. Fifth, explain why the choices between assimilation and affirmation are somewhat different today than 100 years ago. Finally, include some of my ideas for affirming diversity in PK-12 settings.
According to Greaves, M. childhood leukemia relates to the pathology, the common symptoms being paleness (anemia), bleeding tendency, fatigue, aches and pains with unexplained fevers. Greaves, M. (2008). White blood personal journeys with childhood leukemia. (page 34) Singapore: World Scientific. There have been epidemiologic studies of acute leukemia risk factors that may cause leukemia in children such as environmental, genetics and infectious in order to determine the cause of the disease. According to Belson M., Kingsley B. and Holmes A. there has only been one environmental risk factor (ionizing radiation) has been linked to acute lymphocytic leukemia or myeloid leukemia. Belson, M., Kingsley, B., & Holmes, A. (2007). Risk factors for acute leukemia in children: A review. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(1), 138-45. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/222648934?accountid=8580. Ionizing radiation is radiation consisting of x-rays or gamma rays with ample energy to cause ionization, which is energy needed to remove the furthest electron from a neutral atom. The level of the risk of ionizing radiation varies on the dose of radiation, the extent of exposure and the age of the child during the time of exposer. A child who suffers from leukemia due to ionizing radiation was potentially effected during preconception, pregnancy or during the postnatal period. Speculations have risen on whether
Interleukin 6 is a type of protein that plays a role in immune system by its multifunctional acts of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory response. It is produced by T-cells and macrophages. Interleukin 6 is encoded by “IL-6” gene in humans. IL-6 is type of myokine that stimulates immune response during infection and after trauma. IL-6 works by binding to two cell surface receptors, IL-6Ra (low-affinity specific) and gp130 (high-affinity converter) respectively (Crystal Structure…). In late 1960s, T-cells essential role of being involved in antibody production was reported. Dr. Tadamitsu Kishimoto discovered the activity of IL-6 in early 1970s. The factors
In 1896, German physics professor Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength known as the x-ray. Within three years of his discovery, radiation became used to treat cancer after Henri Bacquerel discovered radium’s ability to kill skin cells due to its radioactivity. The first person to experiment with cancer cells was Henri Danlus, a French doctor. Pierre Curie simultaneously researched and experimented with cancerous cells, and both men came to the same conclusion: radiation not only kills skin cells, yet it kills cancer cells as well. However, contrary to skin cells, cancer cells do not have the ability to regrow. This form of treatment using radiation to exterminate cancer
With the advancement of technology, medical sciences have also reaped benefits out of the advanced and systematic techniques and methods for treatment. One such advancement comes in from radiation development and treatment for a number of diseases that were difficult to diagnose and present a treatment. Radiation therapy has been discovered to be the most effective treatment of cancers and is known to be the most viable and frequently used treatment method for cancerous cells in human body. There are three types of treatments used with radiation namely External beam radiation therapy, internal radiation therapy and Radioisotope therapy. Radioisotope therapy makes use of transmitting isotopes in the bloodstream to target the treating cells in human body. Internal radiation therapy or Brach therapy places the radiation directly to eliminate the cancerous tumors (Khan, 2010). The advantage in this type of therapy is that it is kept from other healthy cells as minimal as it could be. The external beam radiation uses X-ray images to help diagnose the symptoms and treat outwards through medications. The uses are not limited to treating cancerous cells but also the radiations are used to make diagnosis in human body by presenting clear images of internal organs and cellular systems. These are the long lasting benefits of radiation usage however; it implies number of health hazards, which are causing severe health problems on the
About 15% of the ionizing radiation exposure to the people comes from man-made sources and almost all of these exposures are due to medical radiation, which is vastly from diagnostic and therapeutic sources(9). Out of 3 mSv annual global per caput effective dose (2000), 2.4 mSv is from natural background and 0.4 mSv from diagnostic medical exams(5,9). and since then many new therapeutic and diagnostic methods have been implemented making the exposure dose due to medical radiation to go up. The problem with this increase is that elevated risk of radiation-related cancers such as of the thyroid, salivary gland, central nervous system, skin, and breast as well as leukemia.(1,6) because of these observed risks the use
When the word radiation is said most people automatically think cancer. There are many uses of radiation in medicine. There are several ways to detect forms of cancer in the body. One form of detection is having a positron emission tomography scan also knows as a PET scan. Radiation is also used as a therapy through the use of a treatment using chemotherapy. There is also a form of treatment called Radiation therapy that is used as a medical use. The journey from using radiation to detect if the body has cancer, to the treatment types of therapy using radiation evolve into the medical uses of radiation. We will explore these three subject areas and give you an insight to the uses and benefits of them PET scan, Chemotherapy treatment and Radiation therapy.
It has been known since the last century that living organisms can be damaged or killed by exposure to certain forms of radiation. The idea that radiation might be used to kill bacteria and other micro organisms in food was seriously proposed in the 1930s but the technology for producing radiation was too expensive and specialized for it to be used other than in experiments. The contamination problems mentioned above have led scientists to try to improve these techniques. The effects of irradiation on food vary much depending on the type of food and on the dosage