
Hepatitis B Essay

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A bloodmobile searched for gay volunteers for the experiments, 10,000 men gave blood samples and the experimenters found that ½ were positive for Hepatitis B. But only 1,000 were inoculated with a suspected contaminated batch.

The first cases of AIDS appeared shortly after the experiment began in Manhattan. In June 1981 the epidemic became official and quickly labeled the "gay ­related immune deficiency syndrome", later known as AIDS.

Before 1978 there was no stored blood anywhere in the U.S. that tested positive for HIV or the KS virus. There were no cases of AIDS and no cases of "gay cancer" in young men. The Hepatitis B vaccine experimentation began in new …show more content…

Green monkey kidney cells were used to grow and research viruses for vaccine. The first trials of OPV took place in the belgian congo which is now the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1957-1960.

“When interviewed by Curtis, Hilary Koprowski, the polio-vaccine pioneer who mounted that massive campaign, could not recall or find documentary evidence as to whether his group had used kidney cells from green monkeys or Asian macaques” 900,000 people received it, enough to start an epidemic.

Mass vaccination is the most likely cause of the epidemic. “A specific pool of Koprowski's vaccine was later shown to have been contaminated by an unknown virus.” This vaccine was given to over one million people from 1957-1960 and coincidentally there is no documented case of HIV or AIDS related infections before 1959.

Koprowski’s polio vaccine was given to many children less than one month old, before their immune systems were fully developed.” many of the children were given 15 times the recommended dosage to insure …show more content…

“some way must be found to permit the SIV to remain at high levels in people for long enough that such spontaneous mutations might take place. He suggests that the required mechanism is "serial passaging" of virus through unsterile needles. That is, a cut hunter might get an injection while he is still harboring large numbers of viral particles in his bloodstream; that same needle would then be used to infect another person, who might soon receive a second injection, and so forth. High viral population levels can thus be maintained in a series of different people getting shots. With each transfer via contaminated needle, the virus finds itself in a fresh host, with an opportunity to proliferate before the infected person can mount an immune response. Chance mutations can thus accumulate, and eventually the SIV adapts, becoming HIV.”

Due to the colonization and urbanization of Africa the disease began to spread quickly, inventions like the car and poor hygiene in hospitals allowed the space for the disease to become more widespread. This theory cannot be confirmed nor refuted due to the fact that SIV screenings for the polio vaccine were not available until 1985 more than 25 years after the beginning of the mass

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