
Heracles In Greek God Essay

Decent Essays

Hercules or Heracles (glorious gift of Hera) in Greek mythology was born because the great god Zeus lusted for a beautiful mortal woman, Alcmene . He was the last mortal son of Zeus and become a god upon his death. However, Alcmene was a faithful wife of Amphitryon . Zeus comes into a decision that he needs to disguises himself as her husband in order to have her. The outrageous was accompanied by the fact that Zeus himself was already married to one of his sister, Hera, the Queen of the Heaven.
The notion that the Gods are not always ethical and honest in Greek mythology reflects the social etiquette of the Greeks. They imagine as if the Gods were humans but stronger and more powerful immortal, they never have to take any consequences; whereas …show more content…

Yet, another characteristics of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. She turned her wrath on a child who was born from her husband’s infidelity. Generally, a hero was a man more than one normal strength. Who was somehow marked out for a life of achievement but also a life full of difficulties. Even in her infancy, Heracles was blessed with an extraordinary strength. Hera sent deathly serpents into his crib in order to kill him but Heracles strangles them both.
The vengeful Hera continues to trace him down for his entire life. Heracles was described by the Greeks as a handsome, well-built, vigorous young man who wore a lion skin over his shoulder. He was married to Megara and had three sons; Thersimachus, Creontidas and Deicoon . Hera sent a fit of madness to Heracles which resulted in Hercules’s uncontrollable rage and he unconsciously killed Megara and their children.
Upon seeing the horrible scene, he hurriedly seeks for the god Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto to terminate him. Apollo, the god of music, poetry and healing commanded the hero to fulfill the 10 heroic labors (soon increased and known as 12 Labor of Hercules) as punishments. Heracles hurried to the temple where Apollo gave such advice; the Oracle of Delphi . Deeply regretting on his crimes, Hercules repent and devote himself to kill other tyrants or

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