
Herakles And Athena Attic Analysis

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The piece of art that I selected was Herakles and Athena Attic Red Figure made during 490-470 BC, during the Greek Archaic Period which is from 800-479 BC. Therefore, the art arose during the Late Archaic Time Period and Greeks started to shift more to the Classical Period. During the Archaic Period, there was a vast change in Greek language, society, art, architecture, and politics due to trade. Dates vary by every historian and there is some flexibility with the time periods. Even though the pottery was made in the Late Archaic Period, the civilization began to change and because of that, many believe that the Greek mythology played an important role between both time periods. The Classical Period is more well-known due to “tragedies, comedies, histories, legal cases and more surviving in the form of literary and epigraphic sources.” …show more content…

They were scholars “who taught courses in various topics, including rhetoric, a useful skill in Athens.” (Violatti) Due to people being charged to go to a Sophists’ school, only high class citizens could attend. Due to the economical and political changes throughout this time, the Sophists represented a new political era because of their educational understandings. Another philosophical character, Socrates, who were among the Sophists, however, they did not charge. Philosophers usually focus on the physical world and the nature of it. Whereas, Socrates focused on moral and psychological questions. “His methodology sought to define key questions such as: what is virtue? what is patriotism? what do you mean by mortality?.” Basically, instead of focusing on the world around them, he started to focus on people and their understandings. Due to his questioning of life, he was put on trial several times and was offered an escape or a poison. He chose the poison and ended his life. Socrates left behind his philosophy with others who added onto the future philosophical

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