
Herbert C. Hoover's New Day Presidency

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“Herbert C. Hoover’s New Day Presidency; Progressive Management for the Un-Foretold Future” Herbert C. Hoover’s “New Day” presidency began with a landslide win the 1928 presidential election when he became the 31st president of the United States; known best for his administration’s failures and the “Great Depression” of 1930. Americans did not realize at the time of his presidency that Hoover would set policies and practices that would one day benefit Americans in mortgage and finance, corporate and bank bailouts, and the “Great Recession of 2010”. Herbert C. Hoover (Hoover), attended Stanford and while he was a senior there he met his future lifelong research assistant, friend, mother of his children, and loving wife that …show more content…

This left Hoover and the American people, local, and state governments with no choice, but to stand together to balance unemployment through the use of public works, volunteerism, and a laissez-faire government. Although the depression was a devastating time, it also helped to shape Hoovers’ dream of “American Individualism” by allowing him to establish new agencies and his vision of a laissez-faire government. As the American Economy continued to collapse, the people looked to Hoover and the Seventy-Second Congress for help. Hoover had already established himself in his pre-presidency days as a man who “[m]ore than any single American, had encouraged organizations, principally trade association and farm organizations to introduce orderly, rational, and bureaucratic procedures to entire industries” (Fausold 113) and now was the time to put “American Individualism” to work with congress’s help, or so he thought. Hoovers’ first order of business was established new agencies so that American businesses could stimulate the economy. In Hoovers’ Presidency and political life, he was able to establish the Farm Board, Federal Drought Committee, President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), and Home …show more content…

Hoover claimed that voluntary cooperation was “self-government by the people outside of the Government.” (Myers-Lipton ,

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