“Herbert C. Hoover’s New Day Presidency; Progressive Management for the Un-Foretold Future” Herbert C. Hoover’s “New Day” presidency began with a landslide win the 1928 presidential election when he became the 31st president of the United States; known best for his administration’s failures and the “Great Depression” of 1930. Americans did not realize at the time of his presidency that Hoover would set policies and practices that would one day benefit Americans in mortgage and finance, corporate and bank bailouts, and the “Great Recession of 2010”. Herbert C. Hoover (Hoover), attended Stanford and while he was a senior there he met his future lifelong research assistant, friend, mother of his children, and loving wife that …show more content…
This left Hoover and the American people, local, and state governments with no choice, but to stand together to balance unemployment through the use of public works, volunteerism, and a laissez-faire government. Although the depression was a devastating time, it also helped to shape Hoovers’ dream of “American Individualism” by allowing him to establish new agencies and his vision of a laissez-faire government. As the American Economy continued to collapse, the people looked to Hoover and the Seventy-Second Congress for help. Hoover had already established himself in his pre-presidency days as a man who “[m]ore than any single American, had encouraged organizations, principally trade association and farm organizations to introduce orderly, rational, and bureaucratic procedures to entire industries” (Fausold 113) and now was the time to put “American Individualism” to work with congress’s help, or so he thought. Hoovers’ first order of business was established new agencies so that American businesses could stimulate the economy. In Hoovers’ Presidency and political life, he was able to establish the Farm Board, Federal Drought Committee, President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief, Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), and Home …show more content…
Hoover claimed that voluntary cooperation was “self-government by the people outside of the Government.” (Myers-Lipton ,
President Hoover believed that too much intervention by the government would destroy American individuality and self-reliance, which he thought were
Compare and contrast Hoover and Roosevelt’s actions in the aftermath of the Crash of 1929. How did both administrations attempt to deal with the economic stagnation, social hardship and psychological impact of the depression? What needed to be fixed and which approach proved more successful? In your essay you should address not only the underlying economic and social problems that both administrations had to deal with and the various corrective measures they adopted, but also the underlying philosophical approaches of Hoover and Roosevelt and their supporters.
Hoover was beginning to demonstrate conservative beliefs even before the onset of the Great Depression. Document A shows Hoover’s wish to avoid being thought of as a complete supporter of laissez-faire ideas. He appeared irresolute when it came to preserving the capitalistic society of the 1920s. During this time, society was managed by corrupt political bosses, such as Tweed. The American economy had flourished under the private interest policies of Harding and Coolidge, which forced Hoover to promise the American people that he would not abandon the laissez-faire economics, which had been so successful during past presidencies. Hoover was sure, however, that working class Americans would not be opposed to restricting unfair business practices. Documents B and C depict Hoover’s lack of support for private interest or public purpose policies. In these documents, Hoover stresses the significance of individual interests
In the year of 1929 the stock market crashed and hurt many of the people in America as it continued through the rest of the 1930s and into the early 1940s. This left America in a whirlpool of poverty and despair. When the stock market crashed it led to The Great Depression. It led to being where one out of every four workers became unemployed no matter if they were skilled or not. People became homeless and were struggling to survive. They had to make new homes out of cardboard or whatever they could find, these were called “hoovervilles.” Most people didn’t have enough money to buy food to feed themselves or even their families. President Herbert Hoover did not seem to be going out of his way to help the country in any way. He was against most forms of government relief and he believed that the depression would come to an end on its own. Americans were very tired and frustrated with Hoover’s ways and so they elected a new president. They elected Franklin D. Roosevelt who
This lack of complete dedication to private interest or public purpose is further displayed in Documents B and C where Hoover stresses the importance of the individual in ending the Depression while also assuring government support for job production if the situation required it. Hoover's speeches are remarkably similar to Roosevelt's speech in Document E. Here, even during the Depression, Roosevelt stressed the importance of balancing the budget unless unemployment required the government to spend money stimulating the economy. Instead of Hoover's desire to continue restricting government, Roosevelt wanted to balance the budget. The Depression created the need for government intervention and an unbalanced budget as shown in Document F. However, despite a few efforts by Hoover to create jobs, he still seemed much different than Roosevelt who insisted in 1936 that America must not go back to supporting Conservatives who protected private interest unjustly. (Document G)
(Murrin et al., 2012) Having spent years as Secretary of Commerce under Harding and Coolidge, Hoover used his influence to help shape industry into a more productive and cooperating force. He saw that the economy and businesses would thrive if they worked together, sharing information to strengthen not only individual companies, but the entire market. This leadership style shone throughout his presidency, highlighted by his participation in the nation’s first television broadcast.
Contrarily before the Depression, there were signs that pointed to President Herbert Hoover becoming more conservative. Document A suggests that Herbert Hoover didn't want' do be considered strictly laissez-faire. Document A proposes that Herbert Hoover wanted to liberalism to be found not " in striving to spread bureaucracy but striving to set its bounds, " but also wanted The United States to know that, " he doesn't want to be misinterpreted as believing that the Untied States ins a free for all, or system of laissez-faire." Hoover appeared as if he was less determined to preserve the capitalistic society of the 1920's seeing that he argued that capitalism also has social obligations. However, the success of the American economy under presidents Hading and Coolidge who believed in private interest beliefs required him to make sure that the lack of intervention in the economy would be maintained. Also Hoover began to sense of the public disapproval and transformation of the working masses and public views. The public mass began to start looking favorably on restriction of unfair business practices. This transformation of the public opinion gave president Hoover trouble since he wasn't completely dedicated to the private interest or public purpose.
"Give a man a fish, and he eats for one day, teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime." Hoover did not want Americans to become reliant on government aid and this optimism that Americans could overcome the greatest economic crisis is what later made him one of the most disliked presidents in history.
After the Hoover years, however, a man portrayed as a father figure became some of the nation’s citizens’ only hope, Franklin D. Roosevelt. The middle-class, sometimes seen as hit the hardest by the Depression, pleaded with the Roosevelt administration for any help, but remained very proud in doing so. Many begged to remain anonymous. Also, like many other classes, the members of the middle-class didn’t want charity or handouts; they just wanted employment, or possibly a loan (pp. 53-4). No one took pride in having to write these letters. Many had to swallow their pride just to get pen to paper. “It is very humiliating for me to have to write to you” one Depression victim wrote (pp. 62). Middle-class citizens, like the rural citizens, wanted nothing less than the blacks to take their employment (pp. 94). The rural citizens also turned to the Roosevelt administration as a beacon of hope. The cherished the values of independence and hard work, so they asked only for employment or a loan (pp. 69). Their ideal solution to this economic terror was employment, as a result. They weren’t satisfied with the outcome of the relief though. They believed the relief was just creating ‘loafers’ out of the unemployed who choose not to work (pp. 125). They felt that Roosevelt should “give work to the needy ones, and not to the ones that have everything” (pp. 138). The rural citizens felt slightly forgotten, but not as forgotten as some
The American History provides a predicament between the actions and different point of views of President Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR),in the new deal to save the American people during the Great Depression of the 1930s. In David M. Kennedy essay “FDR: Advocate for the American People” describes the difference between these two presidents, and also explains how the New Deal proposed by President Roosevelt help to deal with the chaos that whats’ happening at the time. The President FDR played an important role in bring reforms, and changing the way of life for many Americans. The New Deal stressed recovery through planning and cooperation with business, but also tried to aid the unemployment and reform the economic system.
During the time Herbert Hoover made a statement that it was the state and local governments responsibility to create jobs for the unemployed. Due to the little efforts of the federal government intervention to help the poor private and state organizations took it to themselves to provide aid. Private organizations such as the salvation army and faith based charities dominated the efforts to help the poor. Though their efforts were few in contrast to the many that need it.
Our president during this time, Hoover urges everyone to remain optimistic and wanted strong faith from volunteers. But these volunteers were also in the same state as the people. He asked businessmen to maintain wages and employment, and asked
The legacy that President Hoover passed to his successor was disastrous. The country experienced an unprecedented economic depression. However, in his speech during the presidential campaign in 1936, he expressed a deep concern that the New Deal is directed against the interests of ?poor Americans?[footnoteRef:2]. He also blamed the Roosevelt policy in violation of ?fundamental American ideals and liberties?[footnoteRef:3]. While Roosevelt was rebuilding America, Hoover attacked
The New Deal had a rather different approach to the social and economic issues as its primary objective was through empowering people with adequate employment capacity and addressing the decreasing value of the US currency. Importantly, the New Deal initiative was initiated during the Great Depression in the 1930s; therefore, unlike the progressivism, this initiative was inclined towards reforming the lives of US citizens both socially and economically. Therefore, the creation of employment through government recruitment in various posts including firefighting and military was a major initiative of alleviating the crisis. Additionally, restoring public confidence in the government system was one of the essential approaches that would facilitate increased trust in the government, which was influenced through the enactment of monetary policy initiatives (Billington and Jackson 2017). Further, this reformative endeavor was characterized by the use of agricultural statutes to ensure that farmers in the rural areas were adequately empowered. Increasing the rate of employment would be vital in ensuring that the recovery was undertaken from a holistic point of view. Notably, this approach had a unique way as it strived to enhance inclusivity through increased empowerment as opposed to the Progressivism that was more inclined towards dealing with specific economic and social issues.
Herbert Hoover, the president in office when the Great Depression hit the country, did very little to ameliorate the devastating situation. Hoover underestimated the seriousness of the crisis, misdiagnosed the causes of the problems, and clung to his beliefs in individual achievement and self-help. His corrective measures, aimed at inflation and the federal budget, were thus damaging themselves. Furthermore, he hesitated to mobilize government resources to aid Americans and instead appealed to private groups to lend a hand (Encarta). Thus Hoover’s administration did little to mitigate the impact of the Depression.