
Heritgae Museum Innovation

Decent Essays

The Impact of Innovation on Heritgae Museum’s identities
Sophia Borissenko, 126127973,
The purpose of this study is to define and examine the range design requirements for a variety of case studies on heritage museums with modern intervention, each of which has a different type: internal intervention, addition or integration. In doing so, an analysis of the impact of the case by case design requirements that the innovation has on the building’s idenity can be made. Furthermore, the literature review will highlight the fact that there are similarities and differences while finally considering the notion that comparisons and commendalities could be made and will be further explored.
Keywords: museums, case-by-case, addition, …show more content…

Heritage buildings act in the same way; the characters of built environments have changed and continue to change as architectural styles do throughout time. The architecture of today adds to and becomes but one of the layers in the urban fabric. New designs in an existing city set out to mimic, integrate, juxta-pose, harmonies, contrast, juxtapose or even com-pete with the existing status quo. Each situation re-quires a different approach with different design re-quirements assessed on a case-by-case basis (Or-basli, 2010). The proposed research will discuss the adaptation of the cultural heritage between tra-dition and innovation: how case-by-case design re-quirements impact on heritage building’s identity, looking at museums in …show more content…

The aim was to preserve the architectural integrity of the ex-isting building (Stott, 2014). The proposed design hides underground beneath the existing footprint of the museum, which acts as a landmark for the ar-chitecturally conservative city. Ashley Hahn says, “the expansion is by excavation, and removing ob-structions inserted into the museum’s original de-sign, which allow for major improvements to light, circulation, and exhibition space.” These are the main design requirements of which the project is based. In other areas, Gehry added simple sand-stone-clad stair enclosures to accommodate mod-ern safety regulations (Hahn, 2014). He began by studying the DNA of the building. He then looked at the significant assets that the original architects provided to create a strong entry sequence and cir-culation pattern. The aim of this is to connect the new to the old giving the impression that the mu-seum was of one harmonious design (Stott,

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