
Herman Melville's Billy Budd as Allegory of Good versus Evil

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Herman Melville's Billy Budd as Allegory of Good versus Evil

Herman Melville's Billy Budd relates an allegory of innocence versus evil by symbolizing Billy Budd, John Claggart, and Captain Vere as Jesus Christ, Lucifer, and God.

The protagonist in the novel is Billy Budd. The experiences that Billy undergoes throughout the novel parallel what Jesus Christ endured in his life. Melville characterizes Billy Budd as an innocent man physically and mentally. The first feature sailors would notice about Billy were his schoolboy features, with blond hair and blue eyes. His suave looks caused some people to refer to him as "the handsome sailor"(16). Most often sailors were scurvy men, quite often with diseases, who made no effort to …show more content…

Although Billy was stolen from another ship, he still follows whoever is the leader. Billy's innocence can be seen in one particular scene with Claggart. Billy accidentally spills his soup and Claggart exclaims with heavy sarcasm, "Handsomely done, my lad! And handsome is as handsome did it too!"(36). Billy fails to recognize the sarcastic remark, because he can't understand why a person would try to hurt him. His moral disposition allows him to keep sinful thoughts out of his head.

The similarities between Christ and Billy include their demises. Jesus Christ supposedly said that he was king of the Jews. Then he was tried and convicted of treason, although he was falsely accused in the first place. His punishment was crucifixion on a large wooden cross. Billy Budd suffers a similar demise. He was accused of being the leader of rebellious group planning a mutiny. Outraged by the outlandish charge he kills his accuser with a single blow. Billy is then found guilty of mutiny, and he protected the true mutineers. Billy is sentenced by a drumhead court to hang on the yardarm, which is similar to the cross that Christ was put on.

Claggart, symbolized as Lucifer, is the antagonist in Melville's story, and he draws on evil to prevent Billy from reaching glory. Claggart presents the ultimate mystery in the novel. It is imperative to

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