
Hero Definition Essay

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What is the Real Definition of a Hero? “Timmy do you have a pencil? Timmy replies oh course here you go!” “Oh my gosh, you are my hero, thank you!” The word “hero” in today’s language has not been used correctly. A hero is not just someone who gives you a pencil or someone who just has some super powers. Some people today that come to mind when talking about a hero are, Marc Gold and Doc Hendley. A hero is someone who does courageous acts without being asked, risking their lives for the greater good, having lots of mental strength. The function of a hero is to help others, even if you weren't asked or paid to do. A hero is a person who, in the face of danger, combats catastrophe through actions of wisdom, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good. The function of a hero could also be someone that somebody could idolize or look up to. …show more content…

Gold was traveling in India when she met a woman with a terrible ear infection. He paid for her medical expenses that were just $31. He realized it doesn’t take much for a huge change to happen. He asked over a hundred of his friends for donations and has raised over $600,000 which he uses to buy rice, sewing machines, mosquito nets and other necessities for the people in India.
Another example of a real life hero is a man named Jorge Munoz. He is a hero because he noticed that the people working where he lived, slept under bridges and knew he had to help them out. So he started to deliver the warm, homemade, cooked meals. He would deliver in rain, snow, thunder and lightning. He thinks that he has served food to more than 70,000 people since 2004. The whole operation is bought from the $600 he earns every week for driving a school bus and from donations. On August 4, 2010, Munoz was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by Barack

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