What is the Real Definition of a Hero? “Timmy do you have a pencil? Timmy replies oh course here you go!” “Oh my gosh, you are my hero, thank you!” The word “hero” in today’s language has not been used correctly. A hero is not just someone who gives you a pencil or someone who just has some super powers. Some people today that come to mind when talking about a hero are, Marc Gold and Doc Hendley. A hero is someone who does courageous acts without being asked, risking their lives for the greater good, having lots of mental strength. The function of a hero is to help others, even if you weren't asked or paid to do. A hero is a person who, in the face of danger, combats catastrophe through actions of wisdom, bravery or strength, often sacrificing their own personal concerns for a greater good. The function of a hero could also be someone that somebody could idolize or look up to. …show more content…
Gold was traveling in India when she met a woman with a terrible ear infection. He paid for her medical expenses that were just $31. He realized it doesn’t take much for a huge change to happen. He asked over a hundred of his friends for donations and has raised over $600,000 which he uses to buy rice, sewing machines, mosquito nets and other necessities for the people in India.
Another example of a real life hero is a man named Jorge Munoz. He is a hero because he noticed that the people working where he lived, slept under bridges and knew he had to help them out. So he started to deliver the warm, homemade, cooked meals. He would deliver in rain, snow, thunder and lightning. He thinks that he has served food to more than 70,000 people since 2004. The whole operation is bought from the $600 he earns every week for driving a school bus and from donations. On August 4, 2010, Munoz was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by Barack
Heroes come in different shapes, sizes, and looks. Maybe someone you saw on the street one day was heroic for saving someone’s life in a car accident. A hero to me is someone who can be brave in situations that aren’t so safe, and take a risk to make sure everyone is okay, no matter who
What is a hero? A definition of a hero is somebody who risks their life for others. The way
“A hero to me is someone who saves people and who really deeply cares.” A quote from actor Debi Manzar. A hero is not just someone who receives praise. A hero is someone who truly helps another, even in a simplistic way. A leading cause for someone to be a hero can stay under the radar.
A Hero is someone who is greatly admired. A Hero could be someone as real as you and me or it could be a fictional character like Batman or Captain America. They could be a powerful being or an inspirational teacher that leads you to the path for the rest of your life. Everyone has their own hero for their own reason.
A hero is someone who helps people in need, even if it means putting themselves in harm’s way. They are brave, selfless, kind, and loyal people who come from all different backgrounds. We can see people who embody this definition of heroism in many different places. Heroes can be seen in TV shows, movies, books, and even in our everyday lives. Being a hero does not have to involve grand gestures, it can be as simple as giving someone a compliment.
A hero is someone who does something for other people. He does something that other men dont and cant do. He is different from other men. He is above other men. No matter who those other men are, the hero, no matter who he is, is above them.
A hero is someone that shows honor, bravery and provides an assist to those in need. In today’s world, society likes to follow celebrities and stars. People aspire to be them because society believe’s that these are our hero’s. People who have done little to nothing are seen as our Idols.
A hero is a brave and strong person, who is also very human. A hero
Hero’s today look and see the world differently than any ordinary person. They see the world as a place of concern or fear and know to always be there when anyone is in time of
A hero is an individual who is admired for his/her qualities or achievements. Something that defines a hero is a selfless act of bravery in order to help others in need. A hero is a person who does courageous actions. The youtuber known as Jacksepticeye is displaying acts of heroism by helping pioneer a new form of entertainment.
A hero is something that is really hard to explain.A hero is a lot of things, but most importantly a hero is a person.The most important thing about a hero is what she or he does. Heroes have to do certain actions, a “Hero” can’t burn down a building if they want to. They have to save the people from the building or stop the fire all together.A hero is a person who pushes through and inspires other, and isn’t one-minded.
There are many heroes in the world today extending from professional athletes to parents. A hero isn’t necessarily someone who can fly or do supernatural things. A Hero is defined as “someone who does the right thing at the right time because it is the right thing to do. Regardless of who is watching.” Being a hero means standing up for what one believes in and not letting other people’s opinions
Some people can be a hero by giving them something they need. It gives the meaning in the urban dictionary, it says the “definition of a “Hero” is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”. For instance if Someone passes away with cancer then they are a “hero” because they could donate a body part to someone that had the courage to go through chemotherapy and they could have give someone a part of their body for an example if someone need a pair of organs they can give them
The world needs heroes, but what really is a hero? A hero is someone who shows remarkable perseverance and courage. Perseverance means that you never give up and courage is when you are not afraid to do something. A hero should also be hard working which means they always do their best and does it diligently. Anyone who shows any of these qualities is a hero.
Have you ever considered what an everyday hero looks like? A hero can be a policeman, a firefighter, it can even be you and me, or it may even be our mom and dad, and also a hero can be anybody in the world that makes a difference. A hero is when somebody is when somebody needs help a hero helps them in any way necessary, even though the hero might have a few struggles along the way.