Beowulf; a man whose greatness begun when he saved an entire kingdom from the clutches of the vile monster Grendel. Beowulf was known for countlessly putting his body and his life on the line to save his people. His courage and determination is what kept his legacy alive for all of these years. Not only that, but the respect he had for the people around him made him a remembered warrior as well. That’s what I think makes a hero. Being determined to get a job done, having the courage to step in and complete that job, and having enough respect for your people to still obey their wishes despite your apparent fame. The hero I will be writing about is the fictional Marvel Comics character known as the Black Panther (real name T’Challa). He and Beowulf …show more content…
Time and time again, the Black Panther must represent his nation in front of the entire globe. Because of this, everyone has knowledge of the Black Panther a.k.a T’Challa. Black Panther’s respect for his people is shown particularly when Wakanda was invited to a very important panel that would be aired in front of the world. This panel would include the likes of Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and many more “Big Name” heroes. Panther brought along two colleagues from Wakanda to sit with him on the panel – Okoye and Nareema. When the panel intensified, it was the Black Panther turn to offer up some resolutions. During this moment, Okoye and Nareema suggested some of their thoughts to T’Challa and the rest of the panel. Even though Stark and company tried to downplay their suggestions, their King stepped up for them, allowing their points to be heard worldwide. “No you may not Mr. Stark, my companions will be heard!” Because of T’Challa’s respect, he enabled Okoye and Nareema to cultivate a sensible solution, which was eventually used to help prevent an oncoming conflict. The Black Panther is such a great hero because he utilizes these three traits effectively. When he sees a problem he has the courage to confront it. And no matter how much the tides seem to be turning against him, he’s always determine to find a way to save his kingdom! But what really makes heroes like Beowulf and the Black Panther remembered, is the respect they have for those around them. Using these three traits, their legacies will never
The character of Beowulf demonstrates several characteristics that make a great epic hero. Throughout his lifetime he displayed several characteristics such as honor, bravery, physical superiority, leadership, and glory. These characteristics all formed how the Anglo-Saxons believed one should live their life. Along with the valorous deeds that Beowulf accomplished he is considered to be a prime example of an epic hero. Beowulf would have even been considered a model human to the Anglo-Saxons due to how he consistently demonstrated these qualities.
It is vital when approaching the question of whether or not Beowulf can be viewed as a hero to attempt to understand the concept of a hero'. Joseph Campbell, the American theorist, studied mythological characters and texts in great detail and developed the concept of the monomyth (or Hero's Journey) which he suggested all heroes undertook:
“He would sleep in the fire, soon. His soul, left his flesh, flew to glory.” This very quote from the epic Beowulf, sets the tone and very intense qualities of older epics. This specific epic, focuses on the hero and Beowulf, who is the only warrior capable of defeating the vicious villainous creature Grendel, and his mother. Beowulf shares the qualities of many other epic heroes such as showing the nature of being almost superhuman, being the deciding factor in the wellbeing of his people, and showing uncontested bravery no matter the obstacle they must face. In more modern times, the United States Delta Force can be considered an epic heroes based on the sheer values and courage held by its members.
Beowulf is an epic poem whose earliest surviving copy was written in 1000 A.D. The story consists of three thousand one hundred and eighty two lines that follow the life of the title character. The original author of the epic poem is unknown mainly because it started as a verbal tale passed down orally through the ages. Finally someone wrote it down in a document now called the Nowell Codex. The epic tale is centered on Beowulf and his actions in an adventure to repay a debt owed by his father to Hrothgar, a Danish king. A gargantuan monster that is terrorizing Hrothgar’s mead hall is Beowulf’s target and Beowulf sails across the sea to aid his father’s
How do people perceive a hero? A person who saves millions of lives or someone who saves a cat from a tree. From little to big anyone can be considered a hero, especially a character from a story or a book. One specific character, is Beowulf from the epic poem, “Beowulf”. Beowulf is a Geat who is summoned by the king of Danes, Hrothgar, whose great mead hall, Heorot, is plagued by the monster Grendel. The battle with Grendel resulted in Grendel’s defeat. As the poem goes on, Beowulf gets involved in a battle with Grendel’s mother which he also defeats. Later in his life, Beowulf becomes king of the Geats and fights his last battle with a dragon who terrorized Beowulf’s realm. This battle resulted in the dragon’s defeat, but Beowulf was utterly wounded and later cremated. Beowulf goes through great lengths to battle these creatures, and his heroic acts lead him to becoming an epic hero. Beowulf is a hero because he posses courage/ bravery, faith, and strength.
Beowulf is considered a hero in many ways because he goes through many problems and overcomes many of them. Beowulf puts his life on the line countless times to protect the lives of others and doesn’t really get a reward for it. He is what many believe any kind of warrior or great leader should strive to be. Beowulf should be considered a hero because he stood and faced all his odds head on, puts his life on the line to protect his people, and he displays selfless service for his people. Even though he boasts often he can back it up.
Heroes, from Beowulf to Superman our cultures have always created heroes. We may always have political, social, economic and religious differences, but at the end of the day we all have one thing in common, heroes. They help define who we are and what we want to be. They give us hope and inspire us to head in the right direction. They show us that good will always triumph over evil and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Heroes give us the inspiration we need to overcome problems in our own lives and that is why we create them. Beowulf perfectly embodies the idea of a hero. He defeats the evil Grendel and his mother, slays the dragon and saves his people. He is
What makes you who you are? Is it the clothes you wear or simply what you say. People can be identified in many ways but what makes anyone a hero? A hero is someone who does something out of selfness of themselves rather than for themselves. Simply by saving an old womens cat in the tree can signify you as a hero to her. But, how do you become a hero to the world? How about saving people from burning buildings or saving someone from a bad guy. Anyone can be classified as a hero but it is hard to be seen by the world as a hero. Look at the story of Beowulf. He was well known by everyone and very strong. He was shortly defeated by a dragon but, that doesn't mean he's doings die with him. He will be forever known for what he accomplished. All Beowulf wanted was to be seen by the world as a hero.
An epic hero is someone who is of great importance, they have supernatural abilities, have some form of connection with the Gods, and accomplish great deeds. In Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney, Beowulf is the epic hero in his tale and he is considered great by those who know of his life. There are two versions of his story which portrays him in a certain way. The video version does not do its best to portray him as an epic hero but instead show that he is a liar, a womanizer, and a coward. The written version does not portray him as such, it portrays him as someone who is strong, brave, and fearless. The written version best portrays Beowulf as an epic hero by showing his actions involving superhuman deeds in battle.
The Black Panther is a great leader of Wakanda, he serves his people very well, but he is also a great warrior. (C-C) His father, the former King of Wakanda was killed in a bombing a few months ago, so he has taken on a tough task. The person who set the bomb off is called the Winter Soldier. Because the Winter Soldier killed his dad, the Black Panther stopped at nothing to avenge his father's
Not everyone has the same definition of a hero - while some may see one person as a hero, others may not. In "Heroism", Ralph Waldo Emerson writes of qualities that he believes makes someone heroic. When comparing these qualities to Beowulf, it becomes evident that Emerson would see Beowulf as a hero.
Given that he was the first black superhero to appear in mainstream comics, T'Challa’s characterization as the Black Panther has required him to be a figure for readers to admire. The monarch and one of the leading scientists of the rich and fictitious African country of Wakanda, T'Challa has access to the resources available to create weapons and vehicles “far beyond the technological capabilities of anything the American government have heretofore been capable of producing” (Woodall 164). During
Black Panther was an opportunity for those who have the advantage of thinking that black identity doesn’t matter to recognize why and how it does. Black Panther was a time of liberation for African American because of negative representation of black males in cinema, or lack thereof. Black Panther shows a man full of understanding, strength, and most of all – power. Black Panther is in many ways a love letter to black culture. Africa has played unsophisticated role in American media, often portrayed as chaotic, impoverished, and powerless in media.
Christopher Reeve once said “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endures in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” In other words, a hero is a normal person who is able to be strong and persevere despite difficult obstacles preventing them. In the book, Beowulf, the the nephew of the king of the land of the geats, helps Hrothgar, another king, kill a series of monsters that threaten his kingdom. He helps Hrothgar kill Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and The Firedrake. Beowulf is a hero because he is just an ordinary person who finds the strength to persevere and endure despite the overwhelming obstacles preventing him from doing so. Beowulf embodies Christopher Reeve’s definition of a hero because he defeated the flesh-eating Grendel, who could not be stopped even by groups of elite soldiers. Beowulf also killed Grendel’s mother, a much eviler being who lived in a cave in an endless pool of blood that led to hell. Finally, he defeated The Firedrake, who swelled up and breathed fire when angry.
Black Panther has special abilities just like any superhero. “Black Panther’s knowledge is one of those powers that let the Panther draw the knowledge, strength, and experiences from every previous Black Panther” (CBS Interactive Inc. 2015, para 50). Black Panther also has superhuman agility, senses, strength, endurance, and durability. “All of these superhuman abilities come from a heart shaped herb” (CBS Interactive Inc. 2015). The herb also gives the Black Panther a healing factor that is naturally healing at its peak. Black Panther also has superhuman speed. The Panther can run and move faster than any normal human. Black Panther has a genius level intellect. “T’Challa also known as the Black Panther is a master of tactician, physicist, and engineer” (CBS Interactive Inc. 2015). T’Challa was taught by his father in