
'Hero In Jim Carry's A Man'

Decent Essays

Random Acts Of Kindness What is a hero? What does a hero do? Can I be a hero? Find out all these questions and more in the following. Anyone could say they’re a hero and do something nice, but a hero does not do things for attention. Actions speak louder than words. A hero isn’t someone super grand or special, they're just random people doing random acts of kindness. It’s their choice to embrace it or not. A true hero never gives up, even in the hardest of times. A hero protect us and care for us, they are always kind and think of others like they would themselves. For example, in A Man, a man loses his arm and doesn’t lose hope. The man says, “There will be things I cannot do at all, applaud for example, at shows where everyone applauds” (In A Man page 56, line 10). A hero lost his arm and has to get used to having one, but he turns a negative thing into something positive. Equally important, in Jim Carrey The Joker Is Wild, he doesn't give up on living his dream. Jim remembers telling his story as a teenager, “They booed me off the stage, but my dream was still strong and definitely not over” ( In Jim Carrey The Joker Is Wild, page 21). Jim Carrey was told he could never live-out his dream, but he doesn't give up and keeps …show more content…

Just like in A Wrinkle In Time or in The Odyssey, two unlikely heroes who in the end not only did the right thing, but saved peoples lives. In this case, In A Wrinkle In Time, Meg screams, “ I love you Charles! I love you, Charles! I love you” (In A Wrinkle In Time, page 46, paragraph 48). Meg gives her love to “It” and not only saves the day, but saves her brother Charles. Another case, is in The Odyssey, Odysseus is clever and states, “My name is Nobody, Nobody, my father, mother, and friends call me ( From Odyssey, page 33, paragraph 15). Odysseus uses his cleverness and lies about his name, his cleverness saved him and everyone else later on. In the end a true hero always does the right

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