
Heroin Buprenorphine Research Paper

Decent Essays

Opiates are derivatives of the Poppy plant or better known as Opium, but are sometimes chemically reproduced scientifically in labs as products that assume the same chemical make-up. Opium is made up of two main pain relieving drugs, Morphine and Codeine, which are used in the treatment of many stages of pain. There are many different forms of Opiates, or Opioids, such as Heroin, Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone.
Heroin is an opiate, and is a product that is extracted from the Poppy plant and synthesized from morphine. It is a white-to-dark brown powder or tar-like substance and is highly addictive because its qualities become lesser as use progresses, causing the receiver to need more of the drug to achieve the result of the pain relief. Heroin …show more content…

Buprenorphine comes in different forms such as Suboxone and Subutex, both of which are disbursed either sublingually (Dissolved under the tongue), in pill form, dissolving strips, or transdermal (Through the pores) patches. While pill form and strips are designed strictly for Opioid Addiction, Transdermal patches are also used for moderate pain relief and disbursed in a time-release …show more content…

I was offered a Suboxone pill and told to let it dissolve under my tongue. This, to me, was a MIRACLE drug. Immediately my withdrawal symptoms subsided and I felt normal again. I was able to function as a normal human being and even experienced an extreme burst of energy. I was hooked. I made an appointment with a Suboxone Clinic and was soon getting my own prescription of Suboxone. I continued to go to the clinic for about six months getting prescriptions of Suboxone from the doctor, however, soon enough, the prescriptions were not satisfying my need for more of the drug and I began buying extra Suboxone from dealers on the streets. My addiction of Suboxone became just as bad, if not worse than any addiction that I had ever had before staring

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