
Hero's Journey

Decent Essays

Nature is the playground for every human. It is essential that we include nature in our lives; it keeps us on our correct path. However, if we dismiss ourselves from nature, we begin to stray from our correct path. We become engulfed in the distractions from the modern world . The only approach to appropriate this quandary is to break our pervicacious ways and return to peaceful serenity known as nature. In the adventures of Buddha, my retreat to a lake house in Maine, and Cheryl`s 1000 mile journey through the Pacific Trail in Wild represent ways that nature can teach you something when you travel back to the wilderness.
In ancient times Buddha began as a young man who had everything and gave it all up to discover his true self. The Buddha …show more content…

Cheryl strayed has chosen to take the path of wilderness to become free and receive closure. In the novel ”Wild” by Cheryl Strayed , Cheryl loses everything: her mom dies of cancer, her family split apart and her marriage falls apart. She gets involved with heroin and a very bad crowd. She gets pregnant to a man named Joe. Shortly have she discovered that she was pregnant, she decided to have a abortion. Finally after all the sadness, she decides to hike the Pacific Trail and hike 1000 miles to the bridge, after she sees a travel guide in the store. Through this journey she met a lot of people, along the way she can relate to such as Lou. Lou had a 8 years old son who died after he got hit by a truck. He died at young age: just like mother who died at age 45. Another wonderful example is when Cheryl acknowledges the wild and describes her wonderful feeling while she's in the wilderness, “It had to do with how it felt to be in the wild. With what it was like to walk for miles with no reason other than to witness the accumulation of trees and meadows, mountains and deserts,streams and rocks , rivers and grasses, sunrise and sunsets. It seemed to me that it had always felt like this to be a human in the wild,and as long as the wild existed it would always feels this way(Wild .pg.207). In this quote, Cheryl explains the beautiful scenery to the wilderness and the experience that came along. Nature taught her how to be

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