
Hero's Journey Analysis

Decent Essays

The Hero’s Journey Reflection
In this project, our group of four was tasked to create a story following the Hero’s Journey monomyth in the format of a comic. The project we were assigned had these following requirements: ten steps of the journey, four archetypes, a five minute presentation, and a digital format of the project. The comic itself had to be divided into two pages per person with four panels per page. The story took a sci-fi setting with the monomyth pattern and was focused around the big ideas and themes we discussed in class regarding the steps of the journey. My role in this project was helping create the whole story and doing pictures for two pages front and back. Our comic was made using Microsoft Publisher and the group members each drew the individual pictures for the comic. …show more content…

The setting is set in the future. The story begins with the introduction of the shadow, Tyrant Sombra (shadow in Spanish), on the satellite. George is a henchmen who works for Tyrant Sombra but betrays him upon knowing what horrible things they had actually been doing to the others. George then escapes to earth aboard a ship and crashes. He is then rescued by Hero’s parents but the government finds his parents and kills them. George brings with Hero an operating manual book from the ship. George then acts as the mentor and helps the hero follow his path to glory and saving all of the people harmed by the government. Once Hero is ready, they venture on the road of trials, attacking a communications base where they encounter an ally, Aliada. Together, the three work to go up to the satellite and confront and defeat the government, bringing peace and freedom to the people. Once they accomplish this, the hero can finally return to his home in

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