
Herpes B Research Paper

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Herpes-B Virus and sources of transmission
Herpes viruses have a history of infecting different animals in the past. The herpes-b virus is carried by numerous species of macaque monkeys, which are believed to be a natural host for the virus. An increasing population of drifting monkeys in Florida takes a herpes virus that is deadly to people. The herpes-B infection is sporadic in individuals, but if it does happen, it could lead to serious brain injury or death when the individual is not treated immediately.
Signs and Symptoms
Genital herpes infections frequently don't have any symptoms or moderate symptoms which go unrecognized. Most of the infected men and women are unaware they have the disease. Typically, about 10-20 percent of individuals with HSV-2 infection report a previous identification of yeast.
This sort of virus is …show more content…

It looks like pretty necessary but useful information, particularly today that scientists have discovered that over a quarter of those cute, feral invaders take the deadly herpes B virus. These macaques can be witnessed wandering the area adjacent to the park. It can cause a severe disease in people that if untreated may be fatal in over 70% of the scenarios, inducing an encephalomyelitis.
Scientists are analyzing an increase of rhesus monkeys in Silver Springs State Park state. It is suspected that monkeys are carrying herpes virus which can cause severe health and security problems for the human health as well as the animals of the park. From a healthcare perspective, it is quite common that certain monkey species might be the career of herpes virus. The infected monkeys might transmit the virus through their saliva and other bodily fluids. Individual visitors to the park are likely to be vulnerable through contact with saliva in macaque bites and scrapes or by contact with viral drop through feces and

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