
Hesiod: The Human Purpose, Form And Fate

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The Human Purpose, Form and Fate: Firstly, the purpose of the human existence has been answered by both mythology and philosophy. Mythology quite honestly states that the earth was not created for man, instead Zeus only allows main to remain there. A reason given by Hesiod into why Zeus allows mortals to live on earth is so he and the other gods and goddesses can be worshipped, to be honored and have cults praising their superiority. Hesiod’s Work and Days clearly expresses Zeus as the abiding strength, power and knowledge that humanity must struggle to understand in order to receive good or else receive evil. Hesiod is adamant that without Zeus incomprehensible power, humans would live as beasts. Philosophy and science have conflicting views …show more content…

Hesiod wrote of Hecate, the goddess who had the power to give man their desires, influence their decisions and ultimately their lives. Hecate could make man a renowned poet of status or a lowly servant. In homage to Hecate, at points where roads converge, a sign is posted with three masks hanging as a call to aid the traveler in choosing the right path. Each of the masks represents Hecate’s ability to see the past, present and future. The Muses are another mythological force which can change man’s fate. The myth of the Muses is that Zeus lay with Mnemosyne (Memory) for nine nights thusly Calliope of epic poetry, Clio of history, Euterpe of music, Terpsichore of dance, Erato of love poetry, Melpomene of tragic tales, Thalia of comedy, Polyhymnia of sacred song and Urania of astronomy was born. The Muses inspire artists; Hesiod claims the Muses aided him in writing the Theogony. In philosophy, Zeno (334 BC) founded the Stoics school of thought and developed the theory of

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